Muncy School District
Board of Education
Regular Monthly Public Meeting
September 15, 2014
The Muncy School District Board of Directors held their regular monthly public meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Muncy Junior/Senior High School Library, 200 West Penn Street, Muncy, PA 17756
Present were: President Scott McLean, Vice-President Mary Bennardi, Treasurer Carla Auten, Scott Johnson, Rhondel Moyle, Lisa Sleboda, Sarah Woodward, and Robert Titman. Kimberly Spring-Winters was absent.
Members of the administration present were: Superintendent Dr. Portia Brandt, Business Administrator David Edkin, Elementary Principal Frank Jankowski, High School Principal Timothy Welliver, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Kimberly Hamilton, and Solicitor Chris Kenyon.
President McLean called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
There were no visitors present.
Mrs. Auten moved to approve the minutes of the August 18, 2014 regular Public Meeting of the Muncy School District Board of Directors. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Ms. Sleboda moved to approve the following August 2014 Financial Reports:
1. Treasurer’s Report
2. General Fund
3. Food Service Report
4. Student Activities Fund
Mr. Titman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Copied in Minute Book)
Dr. Bennardi moved to approve the following agreements/insurance coverage:
Vendor Services/Amount
P&J, Corp. 3-Yr. Elem. Chiller P.M. Contract/$5,480
Siemens Industry, Inc. 3-Yr. Fire Alarm Svc. Agree./$23,160
Mr. Johnson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Copied in Minute Book.)
Mrs. Auten moved to approve the following out-of-state field trip: (Copied in Minute Book)
Sixth Grade
Destination: Washington, DC
Dates of Trip: May 2015
Cost: Not to Exceed $1,000
Ms. Woodward seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Muncy School District
Board of School Directors
Regular Monthly Public Meeting
September 15, 2014
Page 2
The Board conducted an election of 2014 PSBA officers and at-large representatives. The vote was tallied and submitted by the board secretary to PSBA and the voting receipt is copied in the minute book. (Copied in Minute Book)
Ms. Sleboda moved to approve the following:
Jennifer Gotshall and Chris Vicars as co-advisors for after school Homework Club
instruction, Monday through Thursday, at the current CBA rate per school day, beginning
September 16, 2014.
Out-of-state Conference
Robin Peterman
Conference: History of Winter-Immersive Cryosphere Science
Location: Lake Placid, NY
Dates: February 15-21, 2015
Cost to District: $429.40
TITLE 1 STAFF 2014 - 2015
Position Name Salary/Wage
Teacher Rae Pitchford CBA Homebound Rate
Teacher Anne Johnson CBA Homebound Rate
Teacher Maura Sleboda CBA Homebound Rate
Teacher John Tewksbury CBA Homebound Rate
Teacher Heather Diehl CBA Homebound Rate
Peter Buckle
Position: Dean of Students
Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Rate of Pay: $2,625 (first half of year)
Michael Weber
Position: Hallway Monitor
Rate of Pay: Per half hour/day (CBA rate)
Effective: August 21, 2014 through the end of the 2014-15 school year
Brooke Walters
Position: Hallway Monitor
Rate of Pay: Per quarter hour/day (CBA rate)
Effective: August 21, 2014 through the end of the 2014-15 school year
Muncy School District
Board of School Directors
Regular Monthly Public Meeting
September 15, 2014
Page 3
Julie Jones, PK-4, Special Education PK-8
Kathryn Meyer, PK-4
Ronald Straub, Elementary
High School
Tanya Swink*, Biology
BLaST Guest Teacher
Michael Myers
Deborah Steinbacher
*Pending receipt of updated clearances
Ms. Moyle seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mrs. Auten moved to approve the following:
Merl Babb
Position: Maintenance Worker
Effective: October 31, 2014
Shirley Brown*, aide, cafeteria aide
*Pending receipt of updated clearances
Ms. Woodward seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mrs. Auten moved to approve the following:
Position Name Classification
Volunteer Stage Manager Nan Rusczyk --
Ms. Moyle seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Muncy School District
Board of School Directors
Regular Monthly Public Meeting
September 15, 2014
Page 4
Dr. Bennardi moved to approve the following:
1. Approval of the 2014-2015 to 2016-2017 PHAC officiating fees.
2. The Administration is recommending approval of the following
Position Name Effective Classification
Varsity Head Coach Chris Ebner Spring 2015 II
Varsity Head Coach Joseph Dunn* Spring 2015 II
Varsity Boys Head Coach Matt McCrone Spring 2015 II
Jr. High Girls Ass’t.Coach Tyler Marshall Winter 2014-15 V
Varsity Girls Ass’t Coach Kazzerina Sauers* Winter 2014-15 II
Game Workers
Game Worker Dave Brink* 2014-2015 TBD
Game Worker Diane Brink* 2014-2015 TBD
*Pending receipt of updated clearances
Ms. Moyle seconded the motion and there were six (6) “yes” votes, one (1) “no” vote and one (1) “abstention”. Ms. Auten voted “no” and Mr. Titman “abstained”. The motion passed with six (6) votes.
Committee Reports
Buildings and Grounds-Mrs.Auten thanked the staff for the facilities tour.
Negotiations – Mr. McLean reported on the status of the CBA.
The Board heard the following administrative reports:
Elementary Principal – Mr. Jankowski
Jr./Sr. High School Principal – Mr. Welliver
Director of Curriculum and Instruction – Dr. Hamilton
Business Administrator – Mr. Edkin
Athletic Department – Mr. Welliver
Superintendent – Dr. Brandt
· Enrollment – September 2014
Muncy School District
Board of School Directors
Regular Monthly Public Meeting
September 15, 2014
Page 5
The Board heard the following delegate reports:
- Lycoming Career and Technology Center – Mr. Titman
- PA School Boards Association – Mrs. Auten
Mr. McLean announced that the Superintendent Search Committee met for personnel reasons on 7/14/14, 8/6/14 and 8/21/14. The Board met for personnel reasons on 9/2/14 and 9/8/14 and it met for an informational conference on 9/15/14. Mr. McLean also announced that an executive session for personnel will take place after tonight’s meeting.
There being no further business, Ms. Woodward moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m.
Dr. Bennardi seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
David Edkin, Board Secretary