November 28, 2007
Board Minutes
- Minutes Review and Approval
- At 7:30 p.m. on November 28, 2007 the DLA Board meeting opened with Don Aiello, Dan Reeves, Kurt Snipes, Rex Berry, and Jack Latow present.
- Dan Reeves presented the minutes from the previous board meeting, after the members reviewed the minutes; Don Aiello moved the adoption of those minutes. Rex Berry seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously.
- High School Boys’ Lacrosse Update
- Jack Latow provided the board a presentation on the DavisHigh School program highlighting recent developments. Mr. Latow announced head coaches had been hired for the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams, but still looking for an assistant coach for the Varsity team.
- Don Aiello mentioned that two UCD students contacted him requesting to interview to be coaches and felt they could be candidates for that assistant position.
- Jack Latow then stated that uniforms had been selected for the Varsity Boys’ team. They were described as high quality, durable uniforms. Mr. Latow also mentioned that new helmets were required, but that team members could use their personal gloves and pads, but if new ones were acquired they were to be black in color.
- Mr. Latow then estimated that 26 players would be on each of the two DHS teams.
- Jack Latow then discussed the DHS Varsity Lacrosse Team finances. He raised concerns that this year’s players would be required to shoulder the entire cost of uniforms that they would not own but would remain the property of DHS. Alternatively, future players would gain access to those uniforms for free. Mr. Latow then noted that since the uniform vendor was providing them at a significant discount for DHS, they were still a significant cost for starting the program.
- Jack Latow then moved that the Board modify its previous loan to the DHS Varsity Boys’ program by increasing $1,000 and permit the repayment be spread out over 4 years instead of 2 years. Don Aiello seconded that motion for a loan of $6,000 (instead of $5,000) to the DHS Varsity Boys’ program with a repayment period of four years instead of two years as was previously approved by the Board.
- According to Jack Latow that loan change would lower the estimated registration cost from $506 to $440. If fewer than expected players register the cost could easily go to $500 per player.
- Rex Berry then asked what the loan modification would do to DLA’s liquidity. Don Aiello stated that DLS has a $10,000 reserve and suggested a fundraiser in 2008 to help restore the reserve which is also will likely be encroached upon by the Spring season registration.
- Rex Berry then reminded the board that this is merely an interorganizationl loan and Kurt reminded the board of the equity issues at stake in this issue.
- At this point Dan Reeves asked what contingencieswe could anticipate further encroaching upon the remaining $4,000 reserve over the next 24 months. Don Aiello stated that the number of kids signed up for Spring were significantly lower than previously budgeted for which could further reduce the reserves but he did not anticipate a situation were the reserves could be ripped out entirely. According to Don Aiello, even worse-case scenario, we would not need more than $4,000 over the next 24 months.
- At this point Jack Latow moved for a vote on his motion which was to modify the previous loan to the DHS Boys’ Varsity program from $5,500 to $6,000 and extend the repayment period from 2 years to 4 years with an agreement that the DHS Varsity Boys program would hold a fundraiser in an effort to accelerate the repayment.
- The board then voted unanimously to approve the modified loan amount and repayment terms.
- Don Aiello then notified Jack Latow that some funds had already been transferred to the DHS Varsity Boys account by DLA. Kurt Snipes then mentioned to Jack that Judy need to go to the bank and sign documents to be authorized to write and sign checks out of that account.
- Jack Latow closed by saying the Varsity head coach is responsible for scheduling all games, and explained his duties to the Board.
- Fall Ball Review
- Don Aiello then gave a presentation on the Fall Ball program. He stated that the Boys program turned out very well.
- Don then went on to discuss the girls program. He expressed concerns that Katie the Head Coach wasn’t able to communicate with the parents in case of a practice cancellation. He also felt that the program was too long and the players lost enthusiasm before the end of the program.
- Dan Reeves, whose daughter participated in the program, said he felt the program was too long, and that affected not only the players but the coaches who also seemed to lose enthusiasm as the program went on. He suggested a shorter program with few practices every week next year.
- Don Aiello stated the program was a lot of work and that it’s unclear that the program would be continued in the future. He recognized its value, but that some other board member would have to take ownership of it to continue it in the future.
- Spring Registration Status
- Don Aiello then provided the board with an overview of the Spring season registration and handed out to each board member a list of potential players. Mr. Aiello noted that there were likely not enough boys for Junior Varsity and Varsity teams.
- Don Aiello stated that the break down for registration was as follows: BOYS: J.V.: 2; Pee Wees:0; Juniors: 6; Pups: 7 --- GIRLS: Junior A: 29; Junior B: 9; Junior D: 6.
- Don suggested not signing up for NCJLA teams with fewer than 16 players and creating practices teams if fewer than 1 kids signed up which would have the benefit of significantly lower registration costs.
- Kurt Snipes raised a concern and doubts that kids would want to join a “practice team.” Jack Latow agreed with Kurt.
- Out of 90 kids that signed up for early Fall clinic only a fraction signed up for Spring season. Don Aiello stated he sent out e-mails to all those parents.
- Kurt Snipes then suggested that we register a junior team and work over the next two weeks to sign up additional players for the 7th and 8th grade boys’ team. Mr. Snipes expressed concern that the lack of a feeder team could sap all the momentum for the new DHS Boys program.
- Don Aiello then stated there could be a team if the pups played up. Kurt Snipes then volunteered to contact prospective parents to recruit additional players.
- Jack Latow suggested putting the registration notice in the junior high bulletins.
- Don Aiello then asked whether he should sign up 2 junior A teams or just one.
- Kurt raised the concern that many kids split time with Spring soccer therefore you need plenty of subs to completely field a team on any given game day. Kurt Snipes then asked what the consequences if they had to cancel a team? Don Aiello said there is an $800 fine and enormous scheduling problems for the other teams.
V.Boys’ Coaching Status
A.Kurt Snipes presented to the board an update on the search of coaches for the boys’ teams.
B. The board was told that a candidate by the name of Andy Marell and a friend of this had been located for the Varsity Assistant position or the pups.
- Girl Coaching Status
- Rex Berry then provided the board with an update on the search for coaches for the girls’ teams.
- For the girls Rex anticipated hiring Katie McMahon, Jessica Jue, and was talking with another potential candidate.
- Field Lining
- Rex had had no luck locating persons interesting in being paid to line the fields.
- Don Aiello stated that a few parents had signed up to serve as volunteers.
- Volunteer Position Status
- Don Aiello provided the board with an update on volunteer positions.
- Mr. Aiello stated that he had received a volunteer to act as NCJLA girls’ divisional representative for DLA.
- Don mentioned that he still is searching for volunteers for an array of jobs.
- NCJLA Update
- Don stated scheduling games started on December 10 on the boys’ side. They have 10 gems to schedule to qualify for playoffs.
- U-13 and U-15 boys travel teams go tournaments and Don described the recruitment process which he said we probably aren’t ready for at this point.
- Don then stated that on February 10 there would be a referee training for junior boys.
- Financial and Accounting Update
- Kurt Snipes then provided the board an update on the bookkeeping and accounting.
- Don Aiello is still doing the DLA bookkeeping; however, they had located an accountant to hire.
- Don Aiello had identified another candidate to serve as CPA for the DLA who would do both bookkeeping and accounting services. They would be paid $1,000 for bookkeeping and $350 for processing the taxes.
- Concussions and “Commotio Cordis”
- Rex Berry then provided the board presentation on brain safety.
- According to recent reports, helmet to helmet contact and helmet to chest contact can be under certain circumstances very dangerous.
- Mr. Berry walked the board through recent studies on the subject.
- Mr. Berry then suggested the board analyze requiring a preseason baseline cognitive test and potentially obtaining a deliberator to restart a heart.
- Jack Latow agreed that this was a topic worthy of further review and asked for more information on the cognitive baseline test and about variances for performance. Mr. Latow also expressed concern that such a test could provide invalid information minimizing their value.
- Mr. Berry felt that they would be a tool for parents and suggested that the discussion be tabled until the next board meeting at which point a more complete conversation could take place.
- Adjournment
- Kurt Snipes then moved to adjourn.
- Don Aiello seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously to adjourn until the next meeting in January, due to the holiday season a December board meeting would not take place.