Local Missional Leader – A Ministry Profile

All Local Missional Leaders (LMLs) candidates are invited to produce a Ministry Profile. This, together with the reference (see more details below), will prepare the ground for a proper, prayerful discernment process.

Ministry Profile

The Ministry Profile can be produced in whatever format you would like. Most people will write something, but if it fits your style to present it diagrammatically that is fine.

The Profile should represent the context in which you are presently serving, but may also reflect something of your wider Christian journey. It comes in three parts:

Part 1 – Personal Details

This should include full name, address, phone number, e-mail, date of birth, and date and place of baptism and confirmation (approximate are fine).

Part 2 – Your context and your calling

The profile needs to cover the following four areas, with maybe 100 - 250 words (or equivalent in diagram or picture) for each section:

a)Describe what goes on in your church – what are the main priorities and what is done well?

b)Describe your present ministry – how are you involved and what do you see as your particular gifts?

c)What spiritual challenges or opportunities are you aware of – in your own church, your community, a broader network or further afield?

d)On the basis of your answers in A-C, what do you think God might be saying to you? Is there a spiritual insight, maybe from a bible passage or verse, which has influenced you in a particular way?

Part 3 – Support and Accountability

Involvement in starting or leading a worshipping community is always challenging. So, there is a network of LMLs, which will operate as Missional Community. You will be part of a team which will meet regularly both for mutual support and to ensure some accountability.

In this final part of your Ministry Profile we request that you describe what support you already have at the moment. It should also include details of to whom you are accountable, and how that relationship currently works – how often you meet, what sort of things are discussed etc.


The final part of what we need in order to discern whether God is calling you to this ministry is:

  1. a reference from a church leader who knows you well. For most people this will be their vicar, or it may be someone else in leadership.
  2. someone else who know you well.

There is a Reference Form on the diocesan website which your chosen referee needs to complete. They will need to see a copy of your Ministry Profile before they complete their reference.

Please indicate on your Ministry Profile who it is you have asked to be your Referee/s.

If you are unsure please contact the relevant diocesan staff member (see details below).

Once your Ministry Profile is complete please send it or give it to:

Warren Hartley

Appointments Secretary

St James’ House

20 St James Road

Liverpool L1 7BY

0151 705 2178