Bryan’s HOPE Meeting Minutes

November 7, 2013; 6pm Pontiac Lake Country Club

1)Meeting Opened 6:07 pm

2)Introduction – Jackie Judge

3)Jeannie - Moment of Silence

4)Guest Speaker - John Scott (Oakland County Commissioner)

  1. Appears heroin problem is rampant – wants to help
  2. Advised to contact NET through Oakland County Sheriff

Comment from Attendee #1 – “Waterford Police don’t do anything to help”

  1. NET would be better
  2. Gary Wall put Bryan’s HOPE on agenda at township meeting but special assessment for more police on street is not what we need.
  3. Will talk to Health Dept. to find out what they offer.

Comment from Attendee #1 – “PACE does nothing – only helps once per year”, “WPD told me heroin is easier to get than pot”, “If they’re under 18, it’s on you; over 18 it’s on them.”

  1. Where to drop off prescription pills
  2. How to safeguard your home – what you need to know
  3. Judges “Restore” program - $80,000 per year for drug courts

Comment from Attendee #2 – “I picked my sister up from drug houses. Can I turn those dealers in?

Jeannie answered – “Email or call to turn them in.”

Comment from Attendee #1 – I was kicking in dealer’s door where my daughter was and police wouldn’t do anything because daughter was 21 years old.”

Jeannie – “Google Narcotics Enforcement”

Comment from Attendee #3 – John Scott is our spokesperson, so contact him.

5)Jeannie – purple ribbons are for addiction.

6)Jeannie – Confidentiality

  1. People don’t want to risk identifying themselves
  2. But so many ways you can help

7)Jeannie – History

  1. Started webpage last Thursday – huge response
  2. Whitney Cadeaux
  3. Pam’s son Justin Hoffmaster lost as well
  4. We need to make noise
  5. Keep turning in dealers
  6. Take a political stance
  7. Need to change laws
  8. Friends won’t turn each other in
  9. Need Good Samaritan law for calling 911 when friend OD’s
  10. Contact state reps – power in numbers
  11. #1 Biggest problem is the shame to keep people from coming forward about themselves, family members, friends, etc.
  12. Happy to have this group together.

8)Jeannie – Ground Rules

  1. No swearing, yelling
  2. Raise hand to speak

9)Jeannie - Fundraising

  1. Need to organize
  2. Katy to put post on facebook.

10)Jeannie – Reviewed Handout - Heroin Fact Sheet

11)Comment from Attendee #4 that “a needle-pen that was passed out at Waterford Elementary School as a “treat” instead of candie. Looks like real needle.” Item was passed around group.

12)Jeannie – Fill out questionnaire and get bumper sticker

13)Jeannie – Facebook page – open or closed?

  1. Decided that Katy would post question on the fb page and get feedback.

14)Jeannie – Want to change name to group to Bryan’s HOPE.

15)Jeannie – Resources

  1. Listed on agenda
  2. Suggested places with links
  3. Message Jeannie on FB

16)Jeannie – requested statistics

  1. Waterford Police Department – FIOA request for how many heroin deaths
  2. Letter in handout from Janine Tremonti– asked for 10 day extension because of extent of info requested
  3. Officer LaLone was very helpful
  4. LaLone wants to know who dealers are
  5. Call 248-674-COPS (2677) – leave info relevant to dealers
  6. Police have been given evidence before to no avail

Comment from Attendee #1 – Told another story about police not responding

17)Jeannie – Guest Speakers & Resource added – not on agenda list – Chaplin Gail & Gary

  1. Speakers commended group for coming together
  2. 86% of interviewees in jail are there due to crimes related to drug/substance abuse
  3. Their group goes into homes and mentors families and addicts
  4. Different from AA/NA
  5. Teach families about codependency
  6. Free program

Comment from Attendee #5 – “What about the schools?” ; “No intervention law in MI”

  1. Chaplin Gail and Gary would stay after meeting to give contact info

18)Jeannie – Other Resources

  1. Waterford Coalition for Youth
  2. Judge Jodi –
  3. Invited Jeannie to O/C Open Forum
  4. RADIO Program
  5. Will “sprinkle” info onto our web page
  6. Will put our link on her web page.
  7. Waterford Youth Assistance Group
  8. Project DAWN – based in Ohio (we need law for Naloxone kits in MI)
  9. Waterford Township meeting, Nov 25th – on agenda per Gary Wall, Waterford Township supervisor – Katie to make FB event

Comment from Attendee #1 – need to put on Channel 22 to advertise our meetings

19)Jeannie – Focus Areas

  1. Got through on Fb

Attendee #6 suggested marching to get our point across

20)Jeannie introduced speaker – “Lisa” – therapist at L&L Recovery

  1. 28 yrs experience
  2. RCI Teens
  3. BioMed – methadone clinic – repped by county – enabling with methadone
  4. Addiction starts at home
  5. Will not take adolescent without parent on board

21)Jeannie - (Focus Areas continued)

  1. MDCH – Larry Scott
  2. Attorney Bill Schultee
  3. Fundraiser – Julie Jennings - Bowl-A-Thon, 2-3 months to pull together

22)Jeannie – Fundraising Committee

  1. Dedicate each fundraiser for a specific cause
  2. Need to figure out non profit rules for fundraisers

23)Jeannie – Thank yous for everyone that helped pull this meeting together

24)Mission Statement – “To provide HOPE and EDUCATION in the battle against HEROIN AND OPIATE ADDICTION”

25)Jeannie – Memory Book

  1. Pages handed out
  2. Due by Novemer 21st

26)Next meeting November 21st at 300 Bowl 6pm in the Banquet Hall

27)Topics for next meetings –

  1. What to Look For
  2. How to Change Laws
  3. Guest Speakers

28)Memory Board –please place sticker on memory board for people touched by heroin addiction.

29)Meeting closed 7:38 pm