
God, our Heavenly Father, bless us again with your presence we pray. Come with your almighty gentleness and lift from us the burden of everything that discourages, bewilders, or makes us anxious. Come with your grace and bring us your peace, strength and happiness. Stir up in us the want and the will to be the people you want us to be. To the praise of our Creator, Redeemer, and Lord. Amen

The Grace

Hymn 124: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”

Prayer of Approach and The Lord’s Prayer

Childrens Address

Hymn 340: “When Jesus saw the fishermen”

Scripture: Psalm 139: 1 - 6; 13 - 18; St. John 1: 43 – 51
Read by Colin Wilde

Hymn 188: “Thou hidden love of God”



Prayer of Dedication

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Hymn 465: “Be thou my Vision”



Welcome, everyone, to Kay Park Parish Church and an especially warm welcome to any visitors worshipping with us this morning.

After the service, there is tea/coffee/biscuit and chat downstairs, and we’d love to see you there.

For any Pastoral needs please contact our Locum the Rev. Eddie Simpson on 01563 522841.

The Commissioning Service for Fiona Kendall will take place this evening in Kay Park. Fiona is the new Missionary Partner for Irvine and Kilmarnock Presbytery. A warm invitation is extended to all and it is hoped that as many of you as possible will be present. There will be an opportunity to meet Fiona downstairs in the hall after the service over some refreshments.

The Guild commences on Tuesday, in the Church Hall, at 7.30p.m., joined by Frank Beattie and “Old Postcards of Kilmarnock”. Leader Ellen MacLeod will welcome everyone.

Next Sunday is Pulpit Exchange Sunday and the service will commence at 11.00am led by The Rev. Mary Jepp from Holy Trinity Church.

Kilmarnock Fellowship of Churches

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. A warm invitation is extended to attend a service in St Matthews’s Church at 4.00 pm on Sunday 21st January . Come and join us - and Christians around the world.

The Fellowship Planning Meeting will take place on Wednesday, 24 January, 2018, at 7.30 p.m. at St Andrew’s & St Marnock’s Church Hall. It is hoped that all churches will send representatives to this meeting.

Kay Park Strollers and Striderswill meet as usual on Monday 22ndJanuary for a walk at the Lanfine Estate, Darvel, a walk of 4.5-5.0 miles.

The Friendship Club meet in the Church Hall on Thursday 25th January, with “A Scottish Medley.” Leader Olive Caldwell will welcome everyone.

There are still some tickets left for the Burns’ Supper on the 2nd February. Please ask Fionna after the Service or phone on 521923. Menus and money should be in by the 16th January.

Booking forms are available for the 2018 Pilgrimage, to Belfast this year, on the 5th and 6th May. Jack Leishman and Eleanor Hamilton have the forms which you can have emailed to you by contacting . This has proved one of our most popular trips so get your booking in really quickly if you want to join us. Those wishing to book the Titanic Exhibition should pay for this separately and before the end of December to be sure of a place.

Sick List – the Minister has the following names. If you think this list should be altered/ added to, please let the Minister know.

Emma Bell, Charlie Deans, Betty Pollock, Nan Wells.


Pastoral Calls

Please let the Locum Minister know today of any member you feel would benefit from a visit – those in hospital, ill at home, needing some extra pastoral support for whatever reason.

Or tell of those who would like to talk to about any other matter.

And please write their details down here, tear this page off and give it to an office-bearer today. Thanks.


Address/Hospital and Ward No. …………………………………......

Brief description of the situation……………………………………......


(Registered Scottish Charity: SC008154)

14th January, 2018

Epiphany 2


Mr. Alex. Ferguson


Rev. Edward V. Simpson