Project Krotos

BalloonSat to the Edge of Space Mission

Team: SSCSC- Team 8

Balloon: Krotos

Team Members:

Kier Fortier

Adam Russell

Nick Brennan

Tom Johnson

Dylan Stewart

Shannon Martin

Proposal Due No Later Than:

Date: 9/16/10

Time: 7:00 AM

Table of Contents

Overview and Mission Statement 3 – 4

Mission Statement, Purpose, and Expected results

Technical Overview 4- 8

Design and procedure, testing, data retrieval, safety

Management and Overview 8- 15

Cost budget, mass budget, schedule, requirements, diagrams, functional block diagram, team organization, team SSCSC

Overview and Mission Statement:

Mission Statement:

Team SSCSC’s design concept will utilize the surroundings presented when we send our BalloonSat, Krotos, soaring up to a height of about thirty kilometers. At this altitude, there are many atmospheric conditions that have an effect on sound waves. Krotos will measure the sound level of a five set frequencies as a function altitude and its varying oxygen levels. This experiment is designed to detect the presence of the ozone layer in the stratosphere by analyzing sound amplitude.

Purpose for Proposal (WHY):

As Krotos rises up to an altitude of thirty kilometers, oxygen levels change drastically. At 30 km, there is only one percent of the oxygen available at sea level. Our goal is to measure and compare the amplitude of a sound wave with the level of oxygen during the increasing altitude. Group O2n Cloud Nine is measuring oxygen levels and will share data with us for our analysis.

Using this data we will be able to determine if there is a direct correlation between sound amplitude and oxygen levels. As the BalloonSat enters the ozone layer, we expect to see some sort of correlation between the two data sets because sound waves will interact differently with the different molecules. If this found, then sound waves could be a relatively easy way of locating the exact range of the ozone layer. If there is no relationship found, then it may be concluded that sound waves are not an effective way of locating the ozone layer.

The reason for this experiment is to be able to locate the ozone layer. Its region has been classified at various altitudes but “no one can measure the altitude of the ozone layer as a whole, because no one knows where it begins or ends” (Khodorskiy, The Physics Factbook. In reference to the discrepancy of ozone layer altitude). In today’s world, there is much focus on the “hole in the ozone” and the ozone’s depletion due to human use of chlorofluorocarbons in industry. These molecules are released into the stratosphere and break down its molecules. This test, if successful, could be implemented to ascertain the thickness of the ozone region. Data measured in different global locations or seasons could be compared with future data. If this data had dramatic changes, it could show the impact of human activity on the ozone layer.

Another motive for this experiment is to broaden and obtain understanding of the effects of volume and its application to modern technology. These applications could include, but are not limited to, communication between aircrafts and near space sonar. If we are able to ascertain an optimal altitude for sound communication, for instance, this could be enlisted into many different technology and communications applications. Our experiment implements the use of several different frequencies, so it may also be determined if a certain frequency is better communicated in near space.

What We Expect to Discover:

This experiment is designed to detect the difference in audibility in various frequencies depending on oxygen. We will quantify this difference and thus be able to analyze the results. This will hopefully help us learn how oxygen at various altitudes affects sound waves. The experiment will use five different frequencies ranging from 1600 to 8000 Hz, each lasting six seconds. The cycle will therefore repeat every thirty seconds.

The altitude of the ozone layer is found to range from approximately 12 km to 20 km. The ozone layer has the presence of O3 molecules, also known as trioxide. We plan to be able to analyze the sound level throughout the flight side by side with the oxygen level.

We hope our results of frequency and volume will also yield applications to improve communications and other near space applications. The control of our experiment is to take data on the ground level. Here we will be able to describe “normal” circumstances and how sound acts under those circumstances. When the data from the BalloonSat comes in, we will then be able to compare and contrast data points for different frequencies.

Technical Overview (HOW):

Design and Procedure:

One piece of foam core will be cut and formed into the shape of a cube that is 25.4 cm for all three dimensions to form the structure of our BalloonSat Krotos. We chose the structure of a cube because it is stable and maximizes the interior volume per weight. Hot glue and aluminum tape will also be used to secure Krotos to withstand the harsh conditions in near space as well as the intense descent from 30 kilometers. Also, an American flag will be attached on the outside of the BalloonSat. This is important so that anyone who may find it does not think it to be a UFO or spy satellite.

We will fold the structure as such so a side panel will open to make our inner devices easily accessible. We chose to have a side panel open instead of the top so it will not interfere with the flight tube running vertical through the satellite. We also will chose to make the open panel in such a way that both partitions can be accessible. Closing and sealing this open compartment will be one of our last steps before flight. A special feature of our BalloonSat is an internal partition inside of the structure. Running from one corner to the opposite (through the diagonal), the partition will divide the cube in order to create two triangular prisms (see figure 1). This special feature has an important role in the results of our experiment. This partition will help control the environment in our experiment.

Prism 1 will house most of the hardware. This prism will be insulated with ½ inch thick insulation to keep the internal temperature above -10o C. The first piece of hardware in this prism is the Canon A570IS digital camera. It will be mounted with glue to the right side wall of the cube with a Plexiglas window in front of the lens so that a clear picture can be taken. We will coat the Plexiglas with an anti- fog coating to help combat humidity. It will be inlaid into the foam core and secured with hot glue and aluminum tape. Also present in the first prism will be desiccant for water absorption.

The second piece of hardware is the active heater system. This will be mounted with glue to the inside base of the cube. The 3 9V batteries will be attached to the base as well in order to supply power to the active heater system.

The third piece of hardware in prism 1 is the HOBO H08-004-02 data logger. This shall be mounted with glue to the base of the cube. The eternal temperature cable will take the closest route to exit the BalloonSat so that outside temperature can be measured. We will set up the HOBO to start recording data at a certain point in time. This way, no switch will be necessary to begin operation of the HOBO data logger device.

The final piece of hardware in prism 1 is an Extech 407760 USB Sound Level Datalogger. It can be programmed, similar to the HOBO, to begin recording data at a certain point in time. We will set the sound level data logger to record at 10-second intervals. This is the approach we will enlist with the Extech Sound Level Datalogger so that no switch is needed.

The other side, prism 2, will hold the audio- sound module, connected to its power and speaker. The hardware in this prism is a SOMO 14D embedded audio sound module. Its key- mode operation provides a standalone operation similar to an mp3 player. By storing audio tones on a SD card, we can run the five frequencies ranging from 1600 Hz to 8000 Hz through this module. It will run on a 3V coin battery and be interfaced with a 0.5W 8Ohm speaker. A second heating system will be located in this prism in order to keep the audio sound module operational.

The space in between the two prisms will still be a part of the structure. This means that there will be walls surrounding it, however they will not be insulated. A small window will be installed onto the side of this section to allow cold air to enter the chamber. More oxygen and trioxide molecules will therefore be able to interact with the sound waves being transmitted.

Our design incorporates the usage of 6 9V batteries (3 for each heater). The camera operates on 2 AA batteries. The Audio module will use one 3V coin battery.


Before flight, all systems must be extensively tested to our satisfaction. If any part of the BalloonSat fails, the mission could be jeopardized and therefore everything must function without any problems.

Hardware Testing

Camera Test:

To ensure our computer programming accuracy, we will test taking pictures with our camera. First we will place the camera in the satellite where it is planned to be during flight. During flight a switch will trigger the camera’s functions. To test the switch’s functionality we will start the camera testing process via switch, just as we will for flight. During the rest of the test camera will be allowed to take pictures for 2 hours. The camera will then be plugged into the computer to make sure it took pictures every 20 seconds as it was programmed to do and that it was able to take pictures for the whole time that our BalloonSat is expected to be in flight. Also this tests that the place where our camera is will take good pictures at the angle we desire and the Plexiglas window will not hurt our pictures.

HOBO Test:

In order to make sure that our HOBO and all its sensors are working accurately we will make turn the HOBO on so it will begin collecting data. We will then perform a series of actions on the HOBO to gather information to prove it is functioning properly. These actions include, putting our hands around the external thermometer, breathing on the humidity sensor, and opening the HOBO and putting our hands on the internal temperature. We will then connect the HOBO back to the computer and input all the data. We will study the graphs and see if the external temperature, humidity, and internal temperature changed during this test. They should data should show a peak of higher temperature or higher humidity depending on the sensor.

Heater Test:

The heater will be tested individually right after its assembly. It will be turned on and let run for 1 minute in a closed box. The HOBO will be plugged into the computer after this to check the internal temperature reading to find if the heater heated up the box at all. Then the heater will be thoroughly tested in the cooler test and also incorporated in the microphone and speaker test, which are explained in detail below. These tests will show if the heater will be enough to heat our BalloonSat to keep all the electronics working fine and also to see if the heater can adequately provide heat for the expected duration of the flight.

Microphone and Sound Module/Speaker Test:

To test the microphone the microphone will be placed in our assembled satellite. The satellite will be placed in a quiet environment. The microphone and sound module inside the satellite will be turned on. We will let this run for 10 minutes. The sound module will then be taken out and connected to the computer where the collected data will be uploaded. The data will be analyzed to make sure that the speaker and sound module are outputting the correct sound and the microphone is measuring this accurately. The satellite will then be placed in the wind tunnel and the above steps will be repeated. This data will be analyzed in comparison to the quiet environment. Therefore, we may see how the wind effects the data recorded by the microphone and make sure we will be able to analyze our data even with the interference from the wind. Lastly the microphone and speaker

Cooler Test:

During both tests our cube is to be placed in a cooler with dry ice. The cooler is to maintain a temperature of -80 degrees C for 120 minutes, while the inside should never reach temperate below -10 degrees C. A metal thermometer placed in cooler filled with dry ice will measure the external temperature. Dry ice can be purchased at a local grocery store. For the first cooler test, just our HOBO and heaters will be in the satellite recording temperature data. We will need to place the HOBO in the larger compartment, called prism 1 (see figure 1 above) and run the external temperature thermometer into the other compartment (prism 2) that also must be kept warm. One heater will be placed in prism 1 and the other in prism 2. After 90 minutes, we will analyze the temperature readings retrieved from the HOBO. The internal temperature readings from the HOBO will tell the temperature of prism 1. The external temperature will tell the temperature for prism 2. This makes sure the satellite will be warm enough for us to test the satellite with the rest of our electronics. This makes sure we do not damage any of our electronics prior to launch. After the test is successful at staying above -10 degrees C in each compartment, we may then perform a second cooler test.