
07h00-07h45 Registration and Tea/Coffee

07h45-08h00 Welcome

Keynote presentation:

08h00-08h40 – Managing the burden of musculoskeletal infection in South Africa (Dr. Paul Rollinson)

1. TOPIC: Acute Haematogenous Osteomyelitis

Moderators: Dr. S Dix-Peek and Dr D Thompson

08h40-09h00Basic science and Pathogenesis(Dr. K Troisi)

09h00-09h20Diagnosis and Prognosis(Dr. J du Toit)

09h20-09h40Management of AHO(Prof A. Robertson)

09h40-10h00 Outcomes and Complications (Dr. A Horn)

10h00-10h20 Tea Break.

10h20 – 10h40 Osteomyelitis in Inaccessible sites: Pelvis and Foot (Dr. S. Billa)

10h40-11h00 Antibiotics in pyogenic Osteoarticular infection (Dr. A Horn)

11h00-11h30 Discussion

2. TOPIC: Subacute and atypical musculoskeletal infection

Moderators: Dr. K Smit and Dr. David Thompson

11h30-11h50 – Subacute osteomyelitis (Dr. MN Rasool)

11h50-12h10 – Atypical infections (Syphilis, Brucella and Salmonella, Hydatid disease) (Dr. A Naidoo)

12h10 -12h30 Clinical Case Discussion

12h30 - 13h30 Lunch Break.

3. TOPIC: Musculoskeletal TB

Moderators: Dr. J du Toit and Dr. A Naidoo

13h30-13h50 – Basic Sciences, Pathogenesis and diagnosis of musculoskeletal TB (Dr. E Joubert)

13h50-14h10 – Articular TB (Dr. S Dix-Peek)

14h10-14h30 - Osseus TB: Diagnosis and management (Dr. MN Rasool)

14h30-14h50 – Medical treatment of TB (Dr. M Archary)

14h50 – 15h20 Clinical cases and discussion

End of Day 1

15h30 – 16h30 SAPOS Meeting:

Agenda items:

  1. Availability of Botox for use in Paediatric Orthopaedics in State sector
  2. Coding for private cases - bundling and SAPOS statement on which codes to use - subcommittee to be set up.


07h00-08h00 Registration.

4. TOPIC: Septic Arthritis

Moderators: Dr. J du Toit and Dr. MN Rasool

08h00-08h20 – Diagnosis of Septic Arthritis (Dr. Y Ramguthy)

08h20-08h50 – Management of Acute Septic Arthritis (Dr R Du Plessis)

08h50-09h10 – Management of the sequelae of septic arthritis (Greg Firth)

09h10 – 09h30 – Clinical Cases Discussion

5. TOPIC: Spinal Infections

Moderators: Prof. A Robertson and Dr. G Firth

09h30-09h50 – Spondylodiscitis: Presentation and Differential diagnosis (Prof. R Dunn)

09h50-10h10 – Spondylodiscitis: Management and Surgical indications (Prof. R Dunn)

10h10-10h30 Clinical cases and discussion

10h30-11h00 Tea Break.

6. TOPIC: HIV Infection

Moderators: Dr. K Smit and Dr. P Maré

11h00-12h00 – Paediatric aspects of HIV infection – (Dr. A Pillay)

12h30-13h00 – Musculoskeletal manifestations of HIV infection in Children (Greg Firth)

13h00-14h00 Lunch

7. TOPIC: Chronic Osteomyelitis

Moderators: Dr. L Marais and Dr. Y Ramguthy

14h00 – 14h20 Diagnosis and Classification (Dr. K Smit)

14h20 – 14h40 Management of Chronic osteomyelitis (including the management of bone defects) (Dr. P Maré)

14h40 – 15h00 Clinical Case Discussion

8. Closing Remarks:

15h00-15h15 Close and end of course