Ender’s Game Study Guide Part 1

VOCABULARY, define the word in your own words; identify part of speech / SENTENCE that you create, in your own words / A VISUAL IMAGE that will help you remember the vocabulary word
Tousled (verb): Make (something, esp. a person's hair) untidy. / Ms. Sutherland tousled her hair, frantically trying to find her clicker! /
Unclenched (verb): To release from a grip / Ms. Sutherland unclenched her jaw and took a deep breath after a student punched another student. /

Vocabulary for Chapter 1 and 2

Ender’s Games

Creating a “Just Right” World

Directions: Use the following chart to help you create your “Just Right” World. You can use the bottom boxes for other categories with notes.

Our world is governed by… / School is… / Some of the best jobs are…
When we look outside, we see… / Daily life for kids includes… / For fun, we…
For dinner we eat… / The most important law is… / On vacation, we…
The best part of the day is… / People in this society most value… / Our hobbies are…

Anticipation Guide: Ender’s Game!

Agree or Disagree. Read through the following statements and decide whether you agree or disagree witheach statement. Take your time and write out thoughtful, detailed answers. Do not do group section yet!

Do you strongly agree (SA), agree (A), strongly disagree (SD) or disagree (D) with the statement? Why? / Statement / Group:
As a group, do you SA, A, SD or D with the statement? Why?
If I am threatened by someone, I should fight back as hard as I can, even if it means seriously hurting them
In the end, no one can help me but me.
If an opponent cheated in a game, it is ok for me to cheat too.
Any action is acceptable in war.
I should always watch what I say and do, I never know who is watching.
If by sacrificing one person I could save the whole world, I would destroy the one person.
Adults should always protect children from danger.

Chapter 1-2 (pg 1-15) Questions

  1. Who is talking at the beginning of each chapter? Why is the type in different print?
  1. Ender thinks, “Sometimes lies were more dependable than the truth.” Why does he think this?
  1. Ender returns to class and confuses Stilson with Peter. What does this reveal about Ender’s present state?
  1. Although he knows it’s forbidden to strike someone who’s already on the ground, Ender kicks Stilson. Why? What does this say about Ender’s character?
  1. Government observers want to see how Ender will react to his brother, not what his angry brother will do to him. Why?
  1. Does Ender believe Peter when he says the threat to kill him and Valentine was a joke?
  1. Twice Ender cries, after the fight with Stilson and after his brother apologizes to him. What do these tears say about Ender?
  1. Prediction: Do you think Peter will actually try to kill Ender?


1. Explain what it means for Ender to born a Third. Show whether this is a negative or positive fact to his parents, his brother, his sister, and his classmates.

2. The government in Ender ‘s world plays a definitive role in reproductive decisions, imposing financial penalties and social stigma on families who have more than two children, while exerting tremendous pressure on specific families, who show great genetic potential, to have a third like Ender. Is government ever justified in involving itself in family planning decisions?