Iwaszko Writing Skills Snapshot 9th Human Geography, Resource 01-3.4 Facility Location. 10 pts. Poss. (5 for on time completion and up to 5 more using the rubric below)Name______Period ___

6 +1 Writing Quick Holistic Rubric (5 Pt. Scale)

1 Experimenting / Ideas / -No Topic Evident, Limited Info., Vague Details
Organization / -No Lead, No Conclusion, No Sequencing Evident
Voice / -Lifeless, No Audience Awareness Nor Engagement
Word Choice / -Limited Simple Vocab., Incorrect Word Usage
Sentence Fluency / -Choppy, Rambling, Or Incomplete
Conventions / -Spelling, Punct., And Grammar, Errors Impede Readability
Presentation / -Unreadable Due to Handwriting Or Spacing Issues
2 Emerging / Ideas / -Hints At Topic, Glimmer Of A Main Point
Organization / -Ineffective Or Awkward Lead, Conclusion, Pacing and Seq.
Voice / -Occasionally Attempts to Engage the Reader
Word Choice / -Generally Correct Word Usage But Limited In Variety
Sentence Fluency / -Some Simple Sentences, Some Sentence Variation
Conventions / -Paragraphs Attempted, Still Many Spelling Errors
Presentation / -Readability Labored Due to Poor Handwriting Or Formatting
3 Developing / Ideas / -General Topic Defined, Details Present But Not Precise
Organization / -Routine Lead, Conclusion, Pacing, And Sequencing
Voice / -Occasionally Intriguing, Pleasing Yet Safe
Word Choice / -Some Varied Vocabulary, Some Figurative Language
Sentence Fluency / -Attempts Complex And Compound Sentences
Conventions / -Routinely Correct Basic Spelling, Grammar and Paragraphs
Presentation / -Largely Readable With Some Inconsistencies
4 Effective / Ideas / -Topic Narrowed Some, Credible Details
Organization / -Effective Lead, Conclusion, Pacing, And Sequencing
Voice / -Interesting, Informative, Purposeful
Word Choice / -Creative Vocabulary, Effective Figurative Language
Sentence Fluency / -Strong Varied Flowing Sentence Structure
Conventions / -Correct Complex Spelling, Grammar and Paragraphs
Presentation / -Readable and Consistent Format and Handwriting
5 Strong / Ideas / -Topic Narrowed Appropriately, Ideas Focused and Relevant
Organization / -Artful Inviting Lead, Conclusion, Pacing, And Sequencing
Voice / -Compelling And Engaging
Word Choice / -Powerful Engaging Writing w/o Fluff
Sentence Fluency / -Polished Creative Rhythm, Cadence, And Flow
Conventions / - Creative Correct Spelling, Grammar and Paragraphs
Presentation / -Clear Handwriting, Format Enhances Content

Write three paragraphs answering the following question. You will be graded using the quick writing rubric to the left.

Propose and explain an appropriate location for either a skate park or another type of shared public space activity within Forest Lake. Describe where it should be, what has to change in order for it to be placed there, and why the location chosen is a good one.

Benchmark(s) addressed or prepped for: / (#3)- Use geospatial technologies to make and justify decisions about the best location for facilities.
For example: Technologies—Geographic Information Systems (GIS), online atlases and databases, Google Earth or similar programs. Decision about location of facilities—determine the best location for an international airport in a given region. (#4)- Use geospatial technologies to develop plans for analyzing and solving local and regional problems that have spatial dimensions.
For example: Geospatial technology—Geographic Information Systems (GIS), online atlases and databases, Google Earth or similar programs. Regional problems that have spatial dimensions might relate to urban development, environmental concerns, transportation issues, flood control. (#5)- Make inferences and draw conclusions about the physical and human characteristics of places based on a comparison of maps and other geographic representations and geospatial technologies. For example: Physical characteristics—landforms (Rocky Mountains), ecosystems (forest), bodies of water (Mississippi River, Hudson Bay), vegetation, weather and climate. Human characteristics—bridges (Golden Gate Bridge), Erie Canal, cities, political boundaries, population distribution, settlement patterns, language, ethnicity, nationality, religious beliefs.
Essential Question or I can statement prepped for:
(The daily objective may just be a piece of this or a preparatory concept) / (1) I can make a decision about locations for future facilities by using geospatial technologies. (1) I can plan and solve spatial dimension problems using geospatial technologies. (1) I can identify and locate various physical characteristics of planet Earth by using a variety of geographic representations.
(2) I can identify and locate various human characteristics by using a variety of geographic representations.
(3) I can examine and analyze the relationships between humans and physical characteristics and their influence on one another.