5 Steps for a Balanced Math Program
Math Review and Mental MathDaily Review:
- 5 Teacher-generated questions
- Every Day Counts
- Lonestar Learning Target Practice (KISD allows only this one to replace Every Day Counts)
- Mental Math in the Primary Classroom
- Mental Math in the Middle Grades
- enVision
- Mentoring Minds Mental Math Loops
- These Marcy Cook books and others:
- (Grades K & 1) 30 Chart: Covering, Coloring & Numbering
- (Grades K-2) Picture I Have
- (Grades K-2) Primarily Speaking…Who Has?
- (Grades 1-3) Color It on the Hundred Chart, Book 1
- (Grades 3-6) Color It on the Hundred Chart, Book 2
- (Grades 4-6) 100 Cooperative Chart Explorations
- (Grades 3-8) Mental Math with Tiles & the Hundred Chart
- Write to Know Series – Nonfiction Writing Prompts for Math, Lower Elementary
- Write to Know Series – Nonfiction Writing Prompts for Math, Upper Elementary
- Exemplars
- Read It, Draw It, Solve It
- Problem Solving Experiences
- Ms. Fritzie
- enVision
- Manipulatives
- Klein Problem Solving Boards
Conceptual Understanding:
- Investigations
- enVision
- Hands On Standards by ETA
- EDC Partner Games
- Super Source
- Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Teaching Developmentally by John Van De Walle
- Developing Number Concepts series by Kathy Richardson
- Center Stage
- CompassLearning Odyssey
- Manipulatives
- Kamico Developmental activities and games
- (PK-2) Teaching Number by Robert Wright
- (PK-2) Teaching Number in the Classroom with 4-8 Year Olds by Robert Wright
- First in Math
- Triangle math flash cards
- Center Stage
- Math Songs by Kay Smitherman or comparable math songs
- Many websites
- District provides 10-question common assessments every 3 weeks, except for each 9 week period when it provides 20-question benchmarks
- Resources to add questions:
- ExamView
- Acess
- Pearson SuccessNet (choose carefully, these aren’t always aligned with the TEKS)
- Kamico Developmental
- See district list of approved-not approved resources