Name by which your cluster would like to be referred ______
Lead School Contact Details:
Cluster NameSchool Name
Type of School (e.g. Primary, SEN etc.)
Name of lead school
Email address of lead contact
Phone number
Local Authority of lead school:
Percentage of SEN at lead school:
Your Cluster – We want you to be working in partnership with 3 other schools, some you may have strong relationships with, others you may just be getting to know and this is a great opportunity to collaborate.
School 1 Details:
School NameType of School (e.g. Primary, SEN etc.)
Email address of lead contact
Phone number
Local Authority of lead school:
Percentage of SEN at lead school:
School 2 Details:
School NameType of School (eg. Primary, SEN etc)
Email address of lead contact
Phone number
Local Authority of lead school:
Percentage of SEN at lead school:
School 3 Details:
School NameType of School (e.g. Primary, SEN etc.)
Email address of lead contact
Phone number
Local Authority of lead school:
Percentage of SEN at lead school:
Leadership & Management – Planning for success
What support have the various schools leadership management teams demonstrated for this project? How will they be involved in Polli:Nation in the future to ensure its success?
Project Commitment
How does being part of a Polli:Nation school cluster fit with your current overall plans and your pupils needs? What commitment will you make towards the projects on-going success?
How do the schools engage with each other, the local community and conservation organisations (this could be parks/reserves etc.) in the area?
Environmental Need & Action
What provision for pollinators do the schools in your cluster already have (brief outline of your school grounds)? How does this fit with the wider environmental need(what are local nature reserves doing?) and local action for pollinators?
Managing Risk
Briefly outline any risks you see to this project not being successful and how you will mitigate them.
Your Ideas: Each cluster will have a member of our professional network to support their work as well as access to our extensive resources to support delivery within the curriculum.
We want to know your initial ideas on what developments you might create and thoughts on how you can involve students from across your schools.
Lead School
School 1
School 2
School 3
I can confirm that all schools in this cluster consent to the collection use and transfer of your information under the terms of the attached privacy policy.
If your application is successful, all schools in the cluster agree to receive free CPD membership of Learning through Landscapes for one of its staff during the life of the project.
I confirm that all schools in this cluster shall be able to undertake this project in accordance with the standard terms of our grant, and shall sign a commitment charter to achieve this.
If our application is successful we agree to our schools being named publicly by project partners to help promote best practise elsewhere.
I can confirm that the organisation named in this application has given me the authority to submit this application on its behalf.
Name of person submitting application:
Thank you for taking the time to complete this application form. We would really like to help you make the most of your school grounds and engage your students in the living world around them.
Please submit your application to .
Many thanks
The Polli:Nation Team
This is a partnership project with: Learning through Landscapes, Buglife, Butterfly Conservation, Field Studies Council, OPAL, University of Stirling, TCV and the Bumblebee Conservation Trust