Minutes of meeting 3rd May, 2017.

Present. Cllr K. Westwood (Chair in the chair), Cllr M Huddlestone, Cllr S. Gill,

Cllr D. Amerigo, and the Clerk.

Election of Chair and other Officers.
17/05/602 / Councillor Westwood proposed as Chair, Councillor Huddlestone and Councillor Amerigo as joint Vice Chairs.
All in agreement.
Acceptance of Office completed and signed.
Apologies and Declarations.
17/05/603 / Apologies Cllr Chambers, Cllr Mackman.
No Declarations
Public Matters.
17/05/604 / Council Accounts.
Annual governance statement completed and signed
Minutes of Previous Meeting.
Financial updates and payments
17/05/607 / RESOLVED
Minutes of meeting in April taken as read agreed and signed.
Circulated to Cllrs.
E mail received from Area 7, regarding putting yellow lines onto Marsh Lane. – Clerk to write letter to mail shot all properties and businesses affected and ask for their opinion.
E mail from Alkane Energy – will be coming to next meeting to update following meeting on 7th December.
Letter of thanks from Kellington and Whitley PCC for donation towards upkeep of graveyard.
E mail received requesting an allotment – all full at present but request being put onto list.
E mail from Community Payback team – out of office from 23/11/2016 to 24/11/2017. Clerk to look into.
E mail for dog signs – these are what we want – clerk to arrange.
Clerk wrote to Manor Farm re tractors in village – they have spoken to staff but request more information eg photo/day/time or registration number if it happens again.
Clerk wrote to EuroAuctions and Poskitts re HGVs in Village. Poskitts would like us to identify any hauliers if possible – no reply from EuroAuctions.
Play inspection company will be doing repairs shortly.
Common Land Beal Marsh – controls on development would not allow us to put a solid surface onto common land – send details to residents.
E mail from YLCA – legal briefing – the code of recommended practice on local authority publicity.
Prince of Wales newsletter
E mail – community house – 10 years celebrations.
RSN circulars.
Invoices from Adams, Clerks Salary, RAY Subs, Danvm Drainage , Board, Clerk for Bullguard Internet Security. Invoice for Bedford Mowing due. Invoice received from BT – due to be paid by DD.
Cheques made out and signed – Bedford mowing to be kept until invoice arrives.
Approval of Council Accounts
17/05/608 / Accounts inspected.
That the Council accounts be accepted – return signed.
Grass Cutting
17/05/609 / Complaints received regarding grass cutting – cut twice in 3 days in Kellingley, badly at first. Ask Bedford Mowing for a schedule of grass cutting.
Planning Applications
17/05/610 /
  1. Manor Farm - retention of existing cabin for agricultural worker – No objections.
  2. Kellingley Colliery – Consultation re Southmoor Energy – Clerk to contact Planning Office and state that our original comments on the application still stand but we are aware that another company wants to extract the methane gas.
  3. 9 Glebelands – build new property in existing garden – No objections.

17/05/611 / Ongoing
External Groups reports
17/05/612 / Chair and Clerk attended a planning session at SDC. All in attendance think there is no consistency to the planning system and that Parish Councils are ignored. SDC said that they have not got the required 5 year supply of land for building.
Minor Items
17/05/613 / None
Next Meeting
17/05/614 / 7th June

Meeting opened at 7.15pm closed 8.30pm