Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, Inc.

CHRIS Kids, Creative Community Services Inc., Devereux, Elks Aidmore Children Center, Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc., Hillside, Inc., The Methodist Home for Children and Youth, and Twin Cedars Youth and Family Services, Inc

MAAC Application

1. Youth’s Name:______Date of Application: ______

2. SS# ______3.Date of Birth: ______Age: ______4.Medicaid#: ______


5. Referring Agency type: □DFCS □DJJ □DBHDD □Other______

6. Referring Agency Name: ______

Case Worker Name: ______New Worker: ______

Address: ______Address: ______

City/Zip: ______City/Zip: ______

Phone: ______Phone: ______

Cell: ______Cell: ______

Email: ______Email: ______

Fax: ______Fax: ______

Supervisor Name: ______New Supervisor: ______

Phone: ______Phone: ______

Cell: ______Cell: ______

Email: ______Email: ______

Fax: ______Fax: ______

7. What date did the youth come into care? ______← MANDATORY

month / day / year

8. Gender: □Female □Male

9. Ethnicity: □White □Black/African American □American Indian/Alaskan □Asian or Pacific Islander □Hispanic □Multi-racial (Specify ______) □Other (Specify ______) □Unable to determine

10. Sexual Orientation: □Lesbian □Bisexual □Gay □Transgendered □Questioning □Heterosexual □Unknown

11. Religion: □Protestant □Catholic □Jewish □Muslim □No Affiliation □Other:______

12. Legal Custodian (relationship to child) Mark only one:

□Parents □DJJ □DFCS □Guardianship □Emancipated Minor □Adult □Other □Unknown

Name(s): ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______

13. Is youth in joint custody of DFCS/DJJ? □Yes □No Date of Commitment: ______← MANDATORY

Current Permanency Plan:

□Adoption □Guardianship □ Long Term Foster Care

□Reunification □Living w/ Other Relative □Emancipation

14. Current Placement (Please Circle Applicable Placement)

Rev. 4/2/13 1

Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, Inc.

CHRIS Kids, Creative Community Services Inc., Devereux, Elks Aidmore Children Center, Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc., Hillside, Inc., The Methodist Home for Children and Youth, and Twin Cedars Youth and Family Services, Inc

01 Biological Home

02 Adoptive Home

03 Home of Relative

04 Home of Family Friend

05 Independent Living (Friend)

06 Independent Living (Self)

07 Homeless

08 Emergency Shelter (Group)

09 Emergency Shelter (Home)

10 Medical Hospital (Inpatient Physical Health)

11 Residential Job Corps Center

12 Foster Care (Therapeutic/Treatment)

13 Foster Care (Regular/Basic)

14 Foster Care (Specialized DD/Medically Fragile)

15 Group Home (AWO, BWO)

16 Supervised Independent Living (ILP/TLP)

17 Intensive Treatment Unit

18 Outdoor Therapeutic Program (OTP/OCCP)

19 Residential Treatment Center (MWO)

20 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF)

21 Crisis Stabilization (CSP/CSU)

22 Youth Detention Center (YDC)

23 Jail

24 Drug/Alcohol Rehab Center

25 Runaway/Placement Unknown

26 Respite (Long-Term)

27 Other______

Rev. 4/2/13 1

Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, Inc.

CHRIS Kids, Creative Community Services Inc., Devereux, Elks Aidmore Children Center, Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc., Hillside, Inc., The Methodist Home for Children and Youth, and Twin Cedars Youth and Family Services, Inc

Placement / Treatment History: Use the codes above to list the most recent out-of-home placements, AND Attach a Historical Placement Summary.

Code / Placement Name / Beginning Date / Ending Date / Why Youth Left / Youth’s Next Placement

15. Has the youth had the following services?

In-Patient Hospital / YES NO
Crisis Placement / YES NO
ER Involvements / YES NO
S/A Detox Attempts / YES NO
Wrap Services CBAY / YES NO / Which Care Management Entity:
Wrap Services Non-Waiver / YES NO / Which Care Management Entity:

16. List all visiting resources and relationship to client

Name(s) ______Primary Resource? Yes ___ No___

Address ______Relationship to Client ______

Phone #______

Name(s) ______Primary Resource? Yes ___ No___

Address ______Relationship to Client ______

Phone #______

Name(s) ______Primary Resource? Yes ___ No___

Address ______Relationship to Client ______

Phone #______

17. Biological Mother’s rights terminated 18. Biological Father’s rights terminated

or relinquished? or relinquished?

□Yes □No □Yes □No

19. Has child experienced a failed/dissolved adoption? □Yes □No

20. Any birth family contact? □Yes □No

Name(s) ______Phone #______

Address ______Relationship to Client ______

Type of Contact/Frequency: Phone ______Day Visits ______Overnight ______

Name(s) ______Phone #______

Address ______Relationship to Client ______

Type of Contact/Frequency: Phone ______Day Visits ______Overnight ______

Name(s) ______Phone #______

Address ______Relationship to Client ______

Type of Contact/Frequency: Phone ______Day Visits ______Overnight ______

21. Any surrogate family contact? □Yes □No

Name(s) ______Phone #______

Address ______Relationship to Client ______

Type of Contact/Frequency: Phone ______Day Visits ______Overnight ______

Name(s) ______Phone #______

Address ______Relationship to Client ______

Type of Contact/Frequency: Phone ______Day Visits ______Overnight ______

Name(s) ______Phone #______

Address ______Relationship to Client ______

Type of Contact/Frequency: Phone ______Day Visits ______Overnight ______

22. Agency(ies) currently serving youth (mark all that apply)

□DFCS □Substance Abuse □Community Mental Health □DBHDD- BH

□DJJ □Independent Juvenile Court □Private Mental Health □DBHDD- DD

□CME: ______□Other ______

County ______Address ______


23. History of involvement with Juvenile Justice: Yes□ No□ Current involvement? Yes□ No□

24. Current Juvenile Justice Disposition (mark all that apply):

□Pending □ Informal Adjustment □Probation □Commitment (In Community)

□Commitment (Out of Community) □MH Court □Drug Court

25. Any Arrests in the past 30 days? Yes□ No□ If yes, specify charges______


26. History of Maltreatment (mark all that apply): □Neglect □Emotional abuse □Physical abuse

□Sexual abuse □Suspected abuse/neglect □Other (specify) ______

27. Parental/Caregiver Issues: □Criminality □Current incarceration □Mental illness/Mental retardation

□Family Violence □Suicide attempts □Death by suicide or homicide


28. Type of Current School Placement (Please check one)

□Public school □Private school □Home school □Tech/Vocational School

□GED Program □2-year College □4-year College □Home School

□HS Graduate □GED Graduate □College Graduate (Specify: AA,BA)______

□Not enrolled (Reason, if other than graduate) ______

29a. Enrollment Location (Please check one)

□GNET □Alternative □On-Site □General/Mainstream

29b. Enrollment Type (Please check one)

□Regular Education □Regular Education w/ SST/504 Plan □Special Education*

*Does the student have an IEP? □ Yes □ No Date last updated ______

29c. Special Education Eligibility (if applicable)

□Emotional Behavioral Disorder/SED □Autism □Learning Disability

□Mild Intellectual Disability □Mod. Intellectual Disability □Severe Intellectual Disability □Traumatic Brain Injury □Hearing impairment/Deaf □Visual Impairment/Blind □Significant Developmental Delay □Orthopedic Impairment □Speech-Language Impairment

□Other health impairment Specify:______

29d. Class Type (Please check all that apply)

□GED Classes □Gifted Classes □Resource/Other Special Ed. Placement

□Regular Classes □Self-Contained Classroom □Regular Classes w/ Support

30. Speech and Language: Problem identified Yes□ No□ Evaluation completed Yes□ No□

31. School Name: ______Address: ______

Grade Level ______Last grade completed ______Number days missed in the past 30 days: ______

32. Employment: Is the child available for work? Yes□ No□ If not, why not? ______


33. IQ Score 35. Adaptive Behavior Scale

(1) Stanford Binet □ (1) Vineland □

(2) Kaufmann Brief Intelligence Test (K-Bit) □ (2) American Association of Mental Retardation □

(3) Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) □ (3) Other:______

(4) Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) □ Test#:______

(5) Other: ______Date completed:______

Date of Test______

Full Scale Score: ______36. Achievement Test Score

Verbal Score: ______ (1) Woodcock Johnson (WJR) □

Performance Score: ______ (2) Weschsler (WIAT) □

(3) Peabody (PIAT) □

34. Most current diagnoses: (use “other diagnosis” (4) Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) □

or “rule out diagnosis” as needed. Use Code.) (5) Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Test

Axis I: ______ (KTEA) □

Axis II______(6) Other:______

Axis III______Test#:______

Axis IV______Test#:______

GAF ______

Date of Most Recent Diagnosis: ______Reading:

Grade Level:______

Standard Score:______


Grade Level:______

Standard Score:______

37. Child Strengths (Interests or Abilities):

_____Artistic _____Humor _____Friendly

_____Personable _____Forms emotional connections _____Affectionate

_____Family Support _____Academics _____Motivated

_____Music/Instruments _____”Street Smart” _____Athletic


Other strengths:______


38. Describe situations when child has been most successful: ______


39. Identified Family Participating in Treatment (include relatives, mentor, coach, former foster family, adoptive family, birth family and any others participating in treatment): ______


40. Who does child identify as family of choice (please include contact info)? ______


41. IF APPLICABLE, what is the birth family’s income? ______

42. Describe any cultural or religious considerations/affiliations in treatment: ______


43. Please check all services received within last 6 months:

_____Individual Therapy _____Specialized Treatment Services _____Mentoring/Tutoring

_____Community Support _____Crisis Stabilization _____Hospitalization

_____Medication Monitoring _____Specialized Adaptive Devices _____Behavior Aide

_____Special Ed Services _____Advocacy _____Day Treatment

_____Wraparound _____Transportation _____Family Education

_____Respite Services _____Family Intervention/Therapy _____None


44. Please check all successful interventions:

Rev. 4/2/13 1

Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, Inc.

CHRIS Kids, Creative Community Services Inc., Devereux, Elks Aidmore Children Center, Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc., Hillside, Inc., The Methodist Home for Children and Youth, and Twin Cedars Youth and Family Services, Inc


_____Time out

_____Loss of Privileges

_____Therapeutic Hold

_____Humor/ Distraction

_____Behavior Plan

_____Reward/ Incentives


Rev. 4/2/13 1

Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, Inc.

CHRIS Kids, Creative Community Services Inc., Devereux, Elks Aidmore Children Center, Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc., Hillside, Inc., The Methodist Home for Children and Youth, and Twin Cedars Youth and Family Services, Inc

Other Successful Interventions: ______


45. Child/Family’s feeling about transition/treatment: ______


46. Does child require assistance with personal care chores? □Yes □No Check all that apply

_____Toileting _____Bathing _____Grooming _____Dressing

Describe other Assistance Needed: ______



47. Please indicate the child’s history of behaviors:

Behaviors / Check if Yes / Dates of Occurrence / Briefly Describe
Difficulty concentrating, restless, impulsive
Underactive, lack energy.
Act disobediently at home.
Acts disobediently at school.
Associates with children who get into trouble.
Doesn’t get along well with other children
Is bullying or mean/gets into fights
Lies and/or cheats.
Feels no guilt after misbehaving
Runs away
Has volatile temper tantrums
Indiscriminately goes with or to unfamiliar adults
Exhibits multiple fears, obsessions and worries
Exhibits insatiable neediness (i.e. clinging behavior.)
Appears cooperative and submissive but usually does not follow through on actions or requests.
Child acts older than chronological age. Attempts to parent other children.
Mood and Anxiety Behaviors
Appears sad, unhappy
Has trouble sleeping
Stares blankly
Expresses feeling worthless or inferior
Withdraws, does not get involved with others
Worries excessively, preoccupied with minor annoyances
Complaint of psychosomatic ailments
Sudden mood changes
Has stopped speaking
Elimination Behaviors
Wets self during day
Wets bed at night
Has bowel movements other than in toilet
Smears or plays with bowel movements or urine
Detached from Reality
Disorganized or incoherent
Has delusions
Eating Disorders
Compulsive Overeating
Anorexia-child refuses to maintain a minimally normal body weight
Bulimia-child maintains normal body weight through binging and purging
Behaviors / Check if Yes / Dates of Occurrence / Briefly Describe
Sexual Behavior Problems
Sexually Promiscuous
Sexually provocative
Exhibits self in public
Sexually peeks at others
Masturbates in public
Sexual play with peers
Other sexual problems
Sexual Offending Behaviors
Coerces other children into sexual acts
Sexually molests other children
Has exhibited sexual aggressiveness
Danger to Self
Verbal or physical suicidal threats
Suicidal gestures
Talks about suicide
Serious self-abusive behavior
Places self in dangerous situations
Danger to Others
Exhibits life threatening aggression
Physically aggressive behavior toward a child that results in injury or potential injury
Physically aggressive behavior toward an adult that results in injury or potential injury
Verbally threatens others
Damages or destroys property
Is cruel to animals
Carries Weapons
Sets fires
Gang involvement

48. Substance Abuse/Dependence/Use? ______ Type(s): □ Alcohol □Drugs □Both

Name of Substance Used / Route of Administration / Frequency of Use / Age at First Use

49. How many treatment episodes has the client received in any drug or alcohol program? ______

50. Please List All Current Medications

Medication / Dosage / Reason

51. Allergies/Physical/Medical Conditions: ______


52. General Health: □ Good □ Poor Explain:______


53. Treating Physician Name: ______ Phone Number: ______

Address: ______

54. Has the child been in a medical facility? □Yes □No

Name of facility: ______Discharge date: ______

Condition(s) treated: ______Aftercare needed:______

55. If you are looking for Therapeutic Foster Care, please complete the below questions:

Please check all that apply:

Cross-Cultural placement is appropriate ______OR Race-specific placement is required ______

Can reside with single parent ______OR Two-parent home is required ______

Can reside with other children ______OR Needs home with no other children ______

Can reside with younger children ______

Can reside with older children ______

56. Any other special requirements regarding type of home: ______


57. In your opinion, what would be the “ideal” family that would most appropriately meet this child’s needs? ______


58. How does the child feel about going into a Therapeutic Foster Care Family? (please specify)


59. What is the plan for visitation and/or reunification once the child is placed? ______

60. Would it be necessary for the child to be placed in close proximity to his/her family? □Yes □No

If so, where? ______

61. Plan for Stepdown from Current Services

What type of placement are you interested in?

□TLP/ILP □TFC/SFC □Group Home □Residential Treatment □PRTF □Other ______

Please Submit the Following Documents with this Application:

Date Received

Current Psychological ______

Current Psychosexual (if applicable) ______

Current IEP (if applicable) ______

Rev. 4/2/13 1