
The13th Meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-13) / Document No.
12 – 15September 2012, Danang, Socialist Rep. of Vietnam /

15September 2012



The 13thMeeting of the APT Wireless Group was held at the Vinpearl Luxury Resort, Danang, Socialist Republic of Vietnamfrom 12to 15September 2012. The meeting was organized by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity and hosted by the Ministry of Information and Communication, Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The agenda and the program of the meeting are presented in Document AWG-13/ADM-01 and AWG-13/ADM-02(Rev.2).

The Meeting was attended by 254 participants representing Members, Affiliate Members, International/Regional Organizations and Observers. Document AWG-13/ADM-03 contains the list of participants of the meeting.


2.1 Welcome Address by Mr. Kraisorn Pornsutee, Deputy Secretary General, Asia Pacific Telecommunity

Mr. Kraisorn Pornsuteewelcome the delegates and thanked them for participating at the meeting inlarge number. Mr. Kraisorn thanked Mr. Doan Quang Hoan, Director General, Authority of Radio Frequency Management, MIC, Socialist Rep. of Vietnam for his kind attendance at the opening ceremony.

Mentioning the presence of the large number of delegates and number of input contributions at the AWG-13 meeting he said that AWG has attracted both government sector and industry sector. He mentioned that AWG meetings are considered to be one of the most recognized events of APT and developing a good number of quality outputs at every meeting.He further reminded that the outcomes of AWG has practical values and has been appreciated by the industry and international fora. He thanked the AWG office bearers for their excellent effort and expertise. He also thanked the Ministry of Information and Communications, Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the excellent arrangements. He also thanked the companies for providing the sponsorship.

Full text of Mr. Pornsutee’s speech is in document AWG-13/INP-01.

2.2 Opening Remarksby Mr. Sun Lixin, Chairman, APT Wireless Group

In his opening remarks Mr. Sun Lixin thanked all the delegates to participate at the meeting. He mentioned that AWG has already gained confidence from APT members due to itsworking in the area of wireless communication. Mentioning the outcomes of recently concluded World Radiocommunication Conference 2012 (WRC-12), he commented that some of the agenda items of WRC-15 are of particular interest to APT Members. He reminded AWG’s readiness to assist the APG2015 facilitating any relevant study to support the development of APT views and position regarding WRC-15 agenda items. He mentioned that the new structure of AWG is working effectively. He hoped that the APT Wireless Group will carry on the effort with the newly revised structure while considering modern wireless applications brought about by new technologies and the increasing interest in the Asia-Pacific region.

Full text of Mr. Lixin’s speech can be found in document AWG-13/INP-02.

2.3 Remarks by Dr. Alan Jamieson, Chairman, APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-15

He opened his remarks by conveying greetings from APG to the participants of the AWG.He noted the 1st Meeting of the APG had just concluded and that there is significant amount work to be done in preparation for the World Radiocommuniaction Conference 2015 for which APG would need the support and cooperation from the AWG that requires background studies to be made. In particular, he noted the WRC-15 agenda items 1.1 and 1.2 which relates to IMT and broadband mobile communications as issues of interest to AWG as well.

He commended on the work done by the AWG in the past especially noted the success of APT 700MHz Band Plan which has received acceptance and recognition by other regions as well.

In concluding he thanked AWG for the spirit of cooperation extend to APG.

2.4 Inaugural Address by Mr. Doan Quang Hoan, Director General, Authority of Radio Frequency Management, Ministry of Information and Communication, Socialist Republic of Vietnam

In his inaugural address Mr. Doan Quang Hoan, Director General, Authority of Radio Frequency Management, Ministry of Information and Communication, Socialist Republic of Vietnam expressed his warm welcome to all the delegates at the AWG-13 meeting. He mentioned that in radiocommunication area APT Region is one of the most dynamic and fastest growth area. He added Radiocommunication is very important in assisting the development of the nations and the requirements for mobility, bandwidth of new services and new means of communication are increasing quickly. Mentioning the wide working area of AWG, he said AWG as assisting the region to make the best possible use of the newly acquired knowledge in wireless technologies in telecommunications. He thanked AWG team for valuable achievement over the years. He reminded that AWG has done a lot of good work such as 700 MHz band plan, APT Frequency Information System, several Recommendations and Reports. He said that as APT Member Vietnam always utilize all opportunities to positively participate in the AWG activities. He hoped that the AWG-13 meeting will help Vietnam and other delegations to look further and share experience on future wireless communications area. He concluded wishing all the success for the meeting.

Full text of Mr. Doan’s speech can be found in document AWG-13/INP-03.


3.1 Approval of Agenda and Program of the Meeting (Document No. AWG-13/ADM-01, ADM-02Rev.2):

Mr. Sun Lixin presented the provisional agenda and tentative program of the AWG-13meeting which are in documents ADM-01 and ADM-02Rev. He informed that AWG-12 meeting approved the holding of IMT workshop for half day during AWG-13 meeting. He further informed that the workshop on IMT would take place for the two sessions after lunch. He also sought approval for the agenda of the first plenary meeting which is in document ADM-05.There were no comments from floor. Meetingapproved the documents.

Decision no. 1 (AWG-13)
Plenary approved the agenda and program of the AWG-13 meeting. Meeting also approved the agenda of the first plenary session.

3.2Approval of the Report of 12th Meeting of AWG (Document No. AWG-13/INP-04):

The Chairman informed the meeting that the report of the 12th Meeting of AWG has been finalized by APT Secretariat and has been submitted to the AWG-13 meeting for approval. He asked for comments from the floor. Meeting approved the report.

Decision no. 2 (AWG-13)
Plenary approved the report of the 12th AWG Meeting

Mr. John Lewis, chairman of WG Spectrum Aspects reminded the meeting that at AWG-12 meeting the Secretariat reported in Document: AWG-12/INP-11 that the proposedrevision of APT Recommendation on "Guidelines for the Frequency Coordination for the Terrestrial Services at the Border Areas between Administrations (APT/AWF/REC-02)” which was adopted by the AWG-11 meeting did not get sufficient number of endorsements. As a result it was needed to be recirculated. However, proposed course of action was not decided at the AWG-12 meeting. He therefore requested the plenary to take appropriate action for the recirculation of the proposed modification to the Recommendation.

Chairman asked any further comment on the issue from floor. It was decided that after the AWG-13 meeting the proposed revision will be re-circulated to get sufficient number of endorsements from APT Member Administrations. He concluded that APT Secretariat will take necessary actions to recirculate the document for endorsements.

Decision no. 3 (AWG-13)
Plenary decided to re-circulate the proposedrevision of APT Recommendation on "Guidelines for the Frequency Coordination for the Terrestrial Services at the Border Areas between Administrations (APT/AWF/REC-02)” for getting the required number of endorsements.
Action no. 1 (AWG-13)
Secretariat to re-circulate the proposedrevision of APT Recommendation on "Guidelines for the Frequency Coordination for the Terrestrial Services at the Border Areas between Administrations (APT/AWF/REC-02)” to Members for endorsements.

3.3 Objective and Expected Outputs of the Meeting:

Chairmaninformed that the objective and expected outputs of the AWG-13 meeting can be found in documents INP-124, INP-125 and INP-126. He requested the WG Chairs to present their meeting objectives and expected outputs during the AWG-13 meeting.

3.3.1 WG Spectrum Aspects(Document No. AWG-13/INP-125):

Mr. John Lewis, Chairman of the WG Spectrum Aspects introduced document AWG-13/INP-125 which contains the objectives of the WG during the AWG-13 meeting. He informed the meeting that two sub working groups and four task groups are working under the Working Group Spectrum Aspects. Details on the activities of the sub working groups and task groups can be found in the document. He also listed the expected outputs from his WG.

Plenary noted the objectives and expected outputs of the WG Spectrum Aspects which is in the document.

3.3.2 WG Technology Aspects(Document No. AWG-13/INP-124):

Ms. Juyeon Song, Chairman of WG Technology Aspects introduced document AWG-13/INP-124 which contains the objectives of the WG during the AWG-13 meeting. She informed the meeting that five task groups are working under the Working Group Technology Aspects. She informed that new Task Group on Wireless Power Transmission (TG-WPT) was formed at the AWG-12 meeting and TG-WPT would begin it’s activities in AWG-13 meeting. She further informed that Republic of Korea provided Mr. Chan Hyung Chung as the Chairman of TG-WPT.

Details on the task groups’ activities can be found in the document. She also listed the expected outputs from her WG.

Plenary noted the objectives and expected outputs of the WG Technology Aspects which is in document AWG-13/INP-124.

3.3.3 WG Service and Applications(Document No. AWG-13/INP-126):

Dr. Andri Qiantori, the Chairman of WG Service and Applications introduced document AWG-13/INP-126 which contains the objectives of the WG during the AWG-13 meeting. He informed the meeting that four task groups are working under the Working Group Service and Applications. Details on the task groups’ activities can be found in the document. He also listed the expected outputs from his WG.

Plenary noted the objectives and expected outputs of the WG Service and Applications which is in document AWG-13/INP-126.

3.4List of the Documents and Document Attribution (Document No. AWG-13/ADM-04Rev.2):

The Chairmanpresented document AWG-13/ADM-04Rev.2 which contained the list of documents and document attribution. He asked the floor to comment on document allocation. The list of documents and document attributions were noted by the meeting.

3.5 Consideration of the Documents Assigned to the Plenary

3.5.1 Reply to the Liaison Statement from APG ((Document No. AWG-13/INP-134)

Dr. Alan Jamieson, Chairman of APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-15 introduced the document. He mentioned that at its 1st Meeting for the preparation of WRC-15, APG received the liaison statement from AWG and this document contains the reply to that liaison statement. He mentioned that APG is responsible forcontributingspectrumallocationmatters directly to the responsible groups of ITU-Rfor those agenda items and the AWG may undertake technical studies that assist the APG in its consideration of WRC Agenda Items. He also added that it was decided at the APG15-1 meeting that the AWG couldstudy regional spectrum requirements in relation to WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1 and submit those study results at the next meeting of APG.

The Chairman thanked Dr. Jamieson and commented that the liaison reply from APG gives clear guidance to the AWG in relation to its interest for studying the issues in relation to WRC-15 agenda items. He hoped AWG would be able to provide necessary study results to APG for its preparation for WRC-15.

Decision no. 4 (AWG-13)
Plenary noted the liaison statement’s from APG and decided to provide necessary study results to APG for its preparation on WRC-15 Agenda Items.

3.5.2 Liaison Statements from ASTAP (Document No. AWG-13/INP-08)

The Chairman informed the meeting that AWG-13 had received a liaison statement from the APT Standardization Program (ASTAP) in document AWG-13/INP-08.Dr. Hiroyo Ogawa of ARIB, Japan, presented the statement on behalf of ASTAP. The Chairman thanked Dr. Ogawa for the liaison statement.He asked for comments from the floor. He suggested to allocate the liaison statement to Working Group Technology Aspects. WG Technology Aspects would review the liaison statement and the attachments and develop an appropriate reply.

Decision no. 5 (AWG-13)
Plenary noted the liaison statement’s from ASTAP and assigned it to Working Group Technology Aspects for further consideration and develop necessary reply.

3.5.3 Liaison Statements from External Organizations (Document No. AWG-13/INP-05Rev.2)

Mr. Forhadul Parvez from the APT Secretariat informed the meeting that after the AWG-12 meeting the APT Secretariat had received eight liaison statements of which five were from ITU-R WP5A, two from 3GPP and another one from ITU-R WP5D. The liaison statements are embedded in document AWG-13/INP-05Rev.2.

The Chairman thanked Secretariat to inform about those liaison statement received by the Secretariat. Mr. John Lewis, Chairman of WorkingGroup Spectrum Aspects (WG Spec) informed the meeting that the liaison statements are in relation to the work of WG Spec. Chairman thanked Mr. Lewis and assigned the documents to WG Spec for further review and necessary actions.

Decision no. 6 (AWG-13)
Plenary noted the liaison statement’s from external organizations and assigned those to Working Group Spectrum Aspects for further review and necessary actions.


4.1 Approval of Agenda (Document No. AWG-13/ADM-12Rev.1)

The Chairman asked for comments on the agenda for the final plenary meeting as given in document ADM-12Rev.1. The Agenda was approved by the meeting.

Decision no. 7 (AWG-13)
Plenary approved the agenda of the final plenary meeting.

4.2 Report of the Working Groups

4.2.1 Report of the Working GroupSpectrum Aspects(Document No. AWG-13/OUT-23)

Mr. John Lewis, Chairman of the Working Group Spectrum Aspects presented his report to the plenary meeting and noted that substantial progress has been made on a number of tasks at this meeting. He thanked all participants, as well as the chairs of the sub working groups and task groups, for their enthusiasm and excellent contributions to the work. He indicated that there werethirteenoutput documents that need to be considered and approved by the Plenary.

The plenary noted and adopted the report of the WG Spectrum Aspects.

Decision no. 8 (AWG-13)
Plenary approved the report of the Working Group Spectrum Aspects.

4.2.2 Report of the Working Group Technology Aspects (Document No. AWG-13/OUT-12)

Ms. Juyeon Song, Chairman of the Working Group Technology Aspects presented her report for approval of the plenary. She thanked all participants and chairs of different task groups for their active participation at the working group activities during AWG-13 meeting.She informed the meeting that WG hadfiveoutputs documents (AWG-13/OUT-07, OUT-08, OUT-09, OUT-10, OUT-11) which needed the approval of the plenary. She further mentioned that WG Tech formed a Correspondence Group (CG) on estimation of spectrum bandwidth requirements related to WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1. However, the terms of reference of the CG was not discussed in the WG Tech. It has been submitted to plenary for consideration in document AWG-13/TMP-67(Rev.1). She requested the approval of the plenary for the terms of reference of the CG.

The plenary noted and adopt the report of the Working Group Technology Aspects.

Decision no. 9 (AWG-13)
Plenary adopted the report of Working Group Technology Aspects.

4.2.3 Report of the Working Group Services and Applications(Document No.AWG-13/OUT-03)

Dr. Andri Qiantori,Chairman of the Working Group Services and Applications presented his report. He thanked all the delegates and the chairs of different task groupswho participated in the activities of the WG. He mentioned that Working Group had developed twooutput documents(AWG-13/OUT-01 and OUT-02)which needed the approval of the plenary.

The plenary noted and adopted the report of Working Group Services and Applications.

Decision no. 10 (AWG-13)
Plenary adopted the report of the Working Group Services and Applications.

4. 3 Approval of Output documents

4.3.1 Working Group Spectrum Aspects no. AWG-13/OUT-04: Workplan for APT Frequency Information System

Mr. John Lewis, Chairman of the Working Group Spectrum Aspects, introduced the document and sought approval from the plenary. He mentioned that the implementation of AFIS is at the final stage and the purpose of the workplan is to collect data from Member Administrations. He requested all APT Member Administrations to cooperate in the work according to the work plan. Chairman thanked Mr. Lewis and asked for comments. There was no comment. It was approved by the plenary.

Decision no.11 (AWG-13)
Plenary approved the workplan for APT Frequency Information System (AFIS).
Action no. 2 (AWG-13)
Secretariat to take necessary actions to implement the AFIS as provided in the workplan. Document no. AWG-13/OUT-05: Text for Circular Letter on Study of Suitable Frequency Ranges in Relation to WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1 in AWG

Mr. Lewis introduced the document.He informed the meeting that APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-15 (APG-15) has given clear guidance to AWG to conduct regional study on suitable frequency ranges in relation to WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1. The objective of this circular letter to seek inputs from APT Member Administration in this regard at the AWG-14 meeting. He sought approval of the text for the circular letter.

Decision no. 12 (AWG-13)
Plenary approved text of the circular letter on Study of Suitable Frequency Rangesin relation to WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1. Document no.AWG-13/OUT-06:Liaison Statement to ITU-R WP5D

Mr. Lewis introduced the document. He informed the meeting that the purpose of the liaison statement to inform ITU-R WP5D regarding AWG’s planned study on suitable frequency ranges in relation to WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1. He mentioned that in order to avoid duplication of work and to assist APG this liaison statement it will be copied to APG-15 as well. He sought approval of the plenary.