enter project code & name>

Post-Implementation Survey

Purpose of This Document

The Post-Implementation Survey is used to collect feedback from all project stakeholders regarding the outcome of the project. The results of this survey will be compiled into the Post-Implementation Report and distributed to the stakeholders for review.

Instructions for Use

This document will guide the assessment of project activity to be conducted as part of the project closeout. It can also be used effectively as part of a phase-end review on larger projects. It can be used in a number of ways:

  • You can distribute the document to individual team members or client and internal team groups, have them complete the survey, and then tally the results on the Post-Implementation Report.
  • You can complete the survey as part of a team meeting, with discussion on each topic and record discussion points. This group could consist of either only the project team or a combination of project team and client team members.
  • You could have both the client and internal team complete separate surveys and then tally their results.

After the survey and the report (if appropriate) have been completed, they should be filed in the Lessons Learned repository so that the results are available to future project teams.

Rating Key

There are three choices for ratings:

1Not at all or poor

2Adequately or satisfactory

3To a great extent or excellent

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/ <enter sponsor dept or bureau name>
Post-Implermentation Survey

General Information

Project Name: / Date:
Your Name: / Your Performing Organization:
Your Role on the Project: / Dates of Your Involvement:


Questions / Rating (1-3) / Comments
(What worked well? What could have been done better? What recommendations do you have for future projects?)
1.0 - Product Effectiveness
  1. How well does the project’s product or service meet the stated needs of the Performing Organization?

  1. How well does the project’sproduct or service meet your needs?

  1. When initially implemented, how well did the project’sproduct or service meet the stated needs of the Performing Organization?

  1. To what extent were the objectives and goals outlined in the Project Charter met?

  1. What is your overall assessment of the outcome of this project?

2.0 - Cost/Scope/Schedule/Quality Management
  1. How well did the project’sscope match what was defined in the Project Charter?

  1. How satisfied are you with your involvement in the development and/or review of the Project Charterduring the Project Initiation and Planning Phase?

  1. Was the Change Control process properly invoked to manage changes to cost, scope, schedule, or quality?

  1. Were changes to cost, scope, schedule, or quality, effectively managed?

  1. Was the approved budget adequate?

  1. How closely does the planned schedule compare with the actual schedule?

  1. How did the estimated Project Budget compare with the total actual expenditure?

  1. How effectively was the Quality Assurance Plan applied during the Project Execution Phase?

  1. How effective was the Quality Assurance process?

  1. How effective was the Project Quality Assurance Plan in producing a quality product or service?

  1. How effective was the utilization of Best Practices from prior projects in the Performing Organization?

3.0 - Risk Management
  1. How comprehensive was the Risk Management Log? That is, did events occur that were notinitially identified?

  1. How accurate were the estimates of risk probabilities on the Risk Management Log?

  1. How well were risks communicated and escalated for resolution?

  1. How well were team members involved in the risk identification and mitigation planning process?

4.0 - Communications Management
  1. How satisfied were you with the kick-off meetings you participated in?

  1. How effective were project team meetings conducted?

  1. How effective and timely were Status Reports provided (by team members to the Project Manager and from the Project Manager back to the team members)?

  1. How effective were stakeholders involved in the project?

  1. Was communication with stakeholders adequate?

  1. How well were your expectations met regarding the frequency and content of information conveyed to you by the Project Manager?

  1. How well was project status communicated throughout your involvement in the project?

  1. How well were project issues communicated throughout your involvement in the project?

  1. How well did the Project Manager respond to your questions or comments related to the project?

  1. How useful were the format and content of Status Reports to you?

  1. How useful and complete was the project repository?

5.0 - Acceptance Management
  1. How effective was the Deliverable Approval process?

  1. How well defined was the acceptance criteria as expressed in the Project Charterfor project deliverables?

  1. Was sufficient time allocated to review project deliverables?

  1. How closely did deliverables match what was defined within the Project Scope in the Project Charter?

  1. How complete / effective were the materials you were provided in order to make a decision to proceed from one project lifecycle phase to the next. If materials were lacking, please elaborate.

6.0 - Organizational Change Management
  1. How effectively and timely werechanges in business process and user roles communicated to stakeholders?

  1. How pro-active was the Project Communication Plan?

  1. Was sufficient advance training conducted / information provided to enable those affected by the changes to adjust to and accommodate them?

  1. Overall, how effective were the efforts to prepare you and your organization for the impact of the product or service of the project?

  1. How effective were the techniques used to prepare you and your organization for the impact of the changes brought about by the product or service of the project?

7.0 - Issues Management
  1. How effectively were issues managed on the project?

  1. How effectively were issues resolved before escalation was necessary?

  1. If issue escalation was required, how effectively were issues resolved?

  1. How effectively were issues able to be resolved without impacting the schedule or allocated budget?

8.0 - Product or ServiceImplementation & Support
  1. How well documented were the implementation and support requirements for the product or service?

  1. How effective was your training?

  1. How useful was the content of the training you received in preparation for the use of the product/service?

  1. How timely was the training you received in preparation for the use of the product/service?

  1. How effective was the support you received during implementation of the product/service?

9.0 - Performance of the Performing Organization
  1. How effectively and consistently was sponsorship for the project conveyed?

  1. How smooth was the transition of support from the project team to the Performing Organization?

  1. Was there a qualitative difference in the level of support provided by the project team during implementation and by the Performing Organization after transition?

  1. Did the project team adequately plan for and prepare the Performing Organization for its ongoing responsibilities for the product or service of the project?

10.0 - Performance of the Project Team
  1. Overall, how effective was the performance of the Project Manager?

  1. How well did the project team understand the expectations of their specific roles and responsibilities?

  1. How well were your expectations met regarding the extent of your involvement in the project (e.g., effort, time, commitments, etc.)?

  1. How effective was each project team member in fulfilling his/her role?

  1. How effective was team member training?

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