St. Mary’s (Maffra); St. Ita’s (Newry); St. Joseph’s (Dargo)
St. Michael’s (Heyfield); St. Brigid’s (Cowwarr);
Administrator: Father Darren Howie
Phone Maffra 5147 1921 - Mobile 0407258697 - Fax 5147 1476
For Emergencies: St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, Phone 51444100
3rd Sunday of Easter: Year A – 4th May, 2014
Our Sunday Liturgy:
Look, Jesus is walking with you!
Defeated, down-cast Emmaus disciples were touched by the Lord Himself. Let us be open to the Lord at the Eucharist and every moment of our lives.
Entrance Antiphon (or Hymn):
Cry out with joy to God, all the earth; O sing to the glory of His name, O render Him glorious praise, Alleluia.
1st Reading:
A reading from the Acts of the Apostles: 2:14, 22-33
It was impossible for Him to be held by the power of Hades.
Responsorial Psalm:
Lord, you will show us the path of life.
2nd Reading:
A reading from the first letter of St Peter: 1:17-21
The ransom that was paid to free you was the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, Alleluia! Lord Jesus, make your word plain to us. Make our hearts burn with love when you speak. Alleluia!
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke: 24:13-35
They recognised him at the breaking of the bread.
Mystery of Faith:
Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.
Communion Antiphon:
The disciples recognised the Lord Jesus in the breaking of the bread, Alleluia.
Message to take home:
When our hearts are burning, it is the Lord trying to touch us.
Welcome to Father Darren Howie, may you have a joyful and fulfilling journey with us.
The path to happiness is filled with many unpredictable ways. Please Lord show us the right path to take.
Rosary before Mass:
MAFFRA: Sunday 9.00am
HEYFIELD: Saturday 6.00pm
COWWARR: 1st & 3rd Sunday 11.00am
NEWRY: 2nd & 4th Sunday 11.00am
DARGO: 5th Sunday 12 noon
WEEKDAY MASSES: Father Howie will announce the week day Masses on the Weekend.
5th May: Mon 7.30am
7th May: Wed
8th May: Thur.
9th May: Fri. 10.15am Stretton Park
10th May: Sat.
6th May: Tues.
Maffra: Saturday – For Half Hour after 9.30am Mass
(And any other time by request).
Heyfield: 5.20pm-5.45pm prior to Saturday evening Mass
Maffra: Mondays, Thursdays & Saturdays at 9.15am (Before Mass)
Heyfield: Tuesdays at 9.15am (Except on 2nd Tuesday - at Laurina Lodge 10am)
Newry: Thursday at 7.30pm
Cowwarr: Wednesday at 9.45am
MAFFRA: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Wednesdays 7pm
Mass & Adoration in Church till 8pm.
1st Friday of the month - 10.15 Mass (Healing and Anointing)
3rd & 4th Friday of the month – 10.15 to 11.15 am (Mass and Adoration)
HEYFIELD: 3rd Tues of the month – 9.30 to 10.30am (Mass and Adoration)
COWWARR: 1st Friday of the month – night
HOLY ROSARY: Before Sunday Masses at Maffra and Saturday Masses at Heyfield
Maffra: 1stThursday – 9am before Mass (for Mothers and unborn babies)
Newry: Every Thursday – 7.30pm
Anniversaries: Leo Dennis, Jim Kelly, Lex Cotterill, Sylvia Moran, Clarie Bravo, Aloizs Pusmucans, Francis Allman, Nell Kenevan, Joan Leyshan, Joan Head, Mary Allman, Anita Bruce, Mary Smith,
Susan Klien, Charlotte Fogarty, Laurie & Peg O’Brien, Michael Malin, Bryce Bennett, Lottie Naglis,
Arnold Schellen, Mary Hird, Rod Stoddard.
Frs. James Hegarty, James/ Joseph Martin.
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Elli Topliff, Anna Nikolajew, Rosa Pappas, Mary Harkin, Ged McKenna (Brother Of Cate Goodman), Jack Cullen, Jim Last, Lee Allman, Gerry Gray, Marie Morgan, Judith Shaw, Ann Martin, Bishop Coffey, Tao Pham (Seminarian), Father Frank, Helen Garrigan, Maree Welsh,
Mary Saunders, Laura Mowat, Xavier Mills, Helen Bokulic, Carolyn Williamson (Greenslade) and all those who seek our prayers.
A 2.2 hectare block of land will be auctioned at 3 P.M on Saturday 10th May to raise funds for the painting of the Dargo Catholic Church.
Details can be obtained by contacting Pat Weatherley at Gippsland Real Estate, Maffra.
LITURGY: Sun : 11th May Pauline Hall
COUNTING TEAM: : Sun. (tonight) 4th Chris Durrant & Val Johnstone
Recorder: Barbara Gray
Sun: 11th May Charles & Chas Bagguley
Recorder: Mary McLaverty
LECTOR: Sun. 11th May Judy Bennett
COMMENTATOR: Sun 11th May Leonie Forsyth
COMPUTER OPERATER: Sun 11th May Mary Hartwig
OFFERTORY: Sun 11th May Michael, Liz & Ben Dillon
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Sun. 11th May Marianne Bagguley, Trevor Fogarty, Sylvia Neaves
COLLECTORS: Sun 11th May Kevin Kierce, Jack & Helper
COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Sun. 11th May Trevor Fogarty
VISITING TEAM: Sun. 11th May Frances & Jack Dwyer
FLOWERS: Sun. 11th May Debbie Kardinaal & Sue Kewming
HOLY VESSELS: (15th April to 14th May) Marj Canny (only every 2nd & 4th week)
COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Sat. 10th May George Bogusz
READER: Sat. 10th May Phillip Taylor
OFFERTORY PROCESSION: Sat. 10th May Anne Kurec & Helper
FLOWERS: Sat. 10th May Christine Donohue
LINEN: Month of May Lorna Higgins
READER: Sun. 11th May Sue Gray
PLANNED GIVING: Maffra: Envelopes $ 318 Presbytery $ 429
Heyfield: Envelopes $ 498 Presbytery $ 264
YOUTH GROUP ACTIVITIES: OASIS – I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me. In the world you have trouble, but be brace: I have conquered the world. John: 16:33
Oasis is now for the age group of All High School Students.
First event:- Traralgon Footy and Pie night:- Dress in your favourite team colours – any code! Join us for lots of footy activities and games. Pies for supper! 6.30 -8.30pm. Cost - $3 (includes pie & drink). Please contact Aimee Hanratty if you wish to attend on 0400902834.
Friday 9th May:- 7pm. St Mary’s Hall/ Theme/ You can’t pick ‘em.
Friday 16th May:- 7pm. St Mary’s Hall/ Theme/ Get Social
Friday 23rd May:- 5.45pm. St Mary’s Hall/ Traralgon/ Movie Mania
Friday 30th May:- 7pm. St. Mary’s Hall/ Theme/ Different but Equal.
Join us as we learn more about our God, our faith and how we as young people can serve Him in our families and community.
Why not join us on Facebook- Oasis Youth Group Heart Region.
CUPPA AFTER MASS AT MAFFRA: could someone please take over organizing the cuppa for Maffra this month which is on the Sunday the 11th May, as the cenacle group are unable to be available this time round. Sorry for the inconvenience, but would be very much appreciated.
"Today, there are those who say that marriage is out of fashion... They say that it is not worth making a life-long commitment, making a definitive decision, ‘for ever’, because we do not know what tomorrow will bring. I ask you, instead, to be revolutionaries, I ask you to swim against the tide ….. that sees everything as temporary & that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility, that believes you are incapable of true love….I have confidence in you & I pray for you.” Pope Francis World You Day 2013.
From the Pastor’s Pen:
Dear Friends,
Do not doubt, even for a moment: we can meet Jesus (personally or collectively), anywhere, anytime, for we too must say, “let us not seek among the dead for the living.” Let us seek the living Christ, where He waits for us. We must be silent, at peace inside, prayerful and flaming desire to meet Him – He will come to us in person in Scriptures, in Sacraments, in prayer, in others, in creation, in situations, etc, etc.
Our greatest joy is to meet Him here on earth, before......
Have a grace-filled week with the Lord!
Fr Hilarion OSB
Sun 4th May – Cuppa after Mass – Cowwarr 11am. Come meet Fr. Darren Howie.
Mon 5th May – Parish Tea – Macalister Hotel – 6pm
Frid 9th May – Oasis Youth Group – St Mary’s Hall – 7pm
Mass: Sunday: Heyfield: 10am
Mass & Adoration: Wednesday: Cowwarr: 10am
Mass: 2nd Saturday of the month: 11am
Rosebrooke Priory:
12 Galvins Road,
Mirboo North.
Evensong & Benediction: 4th Sunday of the month: Heyfield: 4pm
------CUPPA AFTER MASS: Please bring a plate to share. Please come and welcome Fr. Darren Howie.
Sun – 4th May - Cowwarr – after 11am Mass
Sun – 11th May – Maffra – after 9am Mass
Sat – 17th May – Heyfield – after 6pm Mass
Sun – 25th May – Newry – after 11am Mass
THANK YOU: Neil Bradbury would like to thank all who sent him birthday cards and warm good wishes. It was very much appreciated.
A BIG THANK YOU FROM FATHER HILARION: You were so generous, kind, caring, understanding and loving. Do I deserve all this for just 21 months? I do not think so. I just did my duty. Only thing I can do for you, is to offer you my humble prayers. That too, is not mine; but God’s. I will not forget you. You are just SO good. Good God will reward you. Thanks!
Fr. Dom Hilarion Fernando OSB
Catholic Presbytery
1 Station Street,
Koo Wee Rup. Vic. 3981
Ph: 59 97 1510
M: 0478909541
DID YOU KNOW: in 1892 Omeo established as a Parish with St. Joseph’s Dargo an out-lying centre. Priests road on horseback along the mountain bridle tracks from Omeo to Dargo. In 1897 The Omeo Standard of 31st December, 1897 reports the results of examinations held at the Dargo Catholic School on 20th December, 1897. One of the great pioneering Priests of the Omeo-Dargo area was the Parish Priest, Father Hoyne. He established the Catholic School in Dargo which flourished for a few years. In fact it was so successful that the State School closed its doors for a few years. When Father Hayes was Parish Priest of Stratford the Parish served the districts of Stratford, Bairnsdale, Sale, Grant and Dargo Flats.