Tagat 2 Units Winter 2007/8 / 1 / תג"ת 2 יחידות חורף 2007/8
PART 1 / ألفصل الأول / חלק 1
READING COMPREHENSION / فهم المقروء / הבנת הנקרא
A.1. Read the text and answer the questions in English. ( 20 points).
א.1. קראו את הקטע וענו על השאלות באנגלית. ( 20 נקודות)
أ. 1 إقرؤوا النص وأجيبوا على الأسئلة باللغة الإنجليزية (۲۰ درجة)
/ Restless Bears

Normally, bears sleep through the winter because it’s hard to find food in freezing weather. Before their winter sleep, bears have to put on extra body weight, up to 180 kg, so they spend the autumn months eating as much food as they can find. However, the bears’ behavior changed because of global warming.

"Restless bears are roaming the forests of southwestern Siberia, scaring local people", reported Tatiana Maslova, chief expert at an ecological agency. The same thing is happening in many other parts of the world. In the mountains of northern Spain, for example, more than 130 bears remained active throughout last winter.

Bears usually hide under the snow, but in dry places. The rainy weather during the last winters made it difficult to find a suitable "bedroom". Also, because of the warmer weather, bears can now find food in winter too. Scientists say that staying awake in winter will not cause the bears any problems.

Bear biologist, Mike Gappa, says that people have to act against wandering, restless bears who might become unexpected guests near their homes.

A.2. / Answer the questions in English according to the text (20 points)
ענו על השאלות באנגלית בהתאם לקטע. (20 נקודות) / א.2.
أ. 2. أجيبوا على الأسئلة باللغة الإنجليزية حسب النص(۲۰ درجة)
1. Why do bears generally sleep through the winter?
______/ (4 pts)
2. What must bears do in order to survive the long winter sleep?
______/ (4 pts)
3. What caused the change in bears’ behavior?
______/ (2 pts)
4. Name two places where bears stopped sleeping in winter:
a) ______
b) ______/ (2 pts)
5. What is Tatyana Maslova’s job?
______/ (2 pts)
6. What kind of place do bears use as their “bedroom”?
a) ______
b) ______/ (4 pts)
7. Why can bears now stay awake in winter without starving?
______/ (2 pts)
B.1. Read the dialogue and fill in the form. (15 points).
ב.1. קראו את הדו-שיח ומלאו את הטופס. ( 15 נקודות)
ب.1.إقرؤوا الحوار التالي وعبئوا النموذج (١٥ درجة)


Dahlia / Excuse me officer, I want to report a theft.
Police Officer / Yes Madam. Please tell me your name and address.
Dahlia / Dahlia Fein, and I live here, in Ashkelon, at 14 Yehuda Street.
Police Officer / Now, tell me who was robbed and where it happened.
Dahlia / Well, I was robbed while I was sitting in the Stardust Coffee Bar
on Gordon Avenue.
Police Officer / When did it happen?
Dahlia / About 20 minutes ago.
Police Officer / Okay, it happened today, Thursday 20th December, at 10:00 a.m. Did you, or anyone else, see the thief? I need a witness.
Dahlia / I didn't see him, but a waitress told me she saw a young man who walked by my table and then ran outside with my brown handbag.
Police Officer / Please tell me what was in your handbag.
Dahlia / My purse with about NIS 200 and my credit card. There were also photos of my grandchildren and a pair of sunglasses.
Police Officer / Okay, I will need to talk to the waitress. If she can describe the young man, the police will find him. Please give me your phone numbers.
Dahlia / 07-877549 or 054-6745526.
Police Officer / Thank you, Madam. I will call if we find your handbag.
B.2. Fill in the form according to the dialogue on page 3. (15 points).
ב.2. מלאו את הטופס לפי הדו-שיח בעמ' 3. ( 15 נקודות)
ب . 2 عبئوا النموذج حسب الحوار في صفحة ٣ (١٥ درجة)


First Name ______Last Name ______(2 pts)
Address ______(2 pts)
(number) (street) (city)
Telephone number ______(1 pt)
Cell phone number ______(1 pt)
Place of theft ______(1 pt)
Day and date ______ (2 pts)
Time of theft ______(1 pt)
Witness to the theft ___________ (1 pt)
Items stolen: 1.______(4 pts)
C.1. Read the advert.
ג.2. קראו את המודעה. ج. 2. إقرؤوا الإعلان


Take your winter break with a "Winter Holidays" super budget package deal.
The Snow Lodge Youth Hostel in ZAKOPANE, Poland, is waiting for you.

For just NIS 2,800 you’ll have:
§  An 8 day, 7 night holiday
§  Round trip flights: Tel Aviv – Warsaw
§  Round trip transfers: Warsaw – Zakopane
§  Basic, but warm and comfortable accommodation
§  Up to 10 students in a room
§  2 bathrooms available for each room
§  Half board: breakfast and dinner
Ski lifts to the skiing sites are not included in the price.
Skiing and snowboarding equipment can be rented cheaply from the hostel.
Don't miss this opportunity to visit Poland and have a great holiday with your friends.
Call "Winter Holidays" at 03-5572375 and book your holiday now!
C.2. Fill in suitable words according to the ad. (20 points)
ג.2. השלימו בעזרת המילים המתאימות לפי המודעה שלמעלה.( 20 נקודות)
ج.2 .أكملوا بواسطة الكلمات الملائمة حسب الإعلانات (۲۰ درجة)

1.  "Winter Holidays" offers a package ______for the winter break.

2.  The holiday is in ______.

3.  The students will stay in the ______youth hostel.

4.  The price of the holiday is ______.

5.  The length of the holiday is ______and seven nights.

6.  The airplane will take you from Tel Aviv to ______.

7.  There are two ______for every room.

8.  Students will have to pay for ski lifts to the ______.

9.  Students can rent skiing and ______equipment from the hostel.

10. This package deal gives students a chance to enjoy a great ______with their friends.

D.1. Read the following text.
ד.1. קראו את הקטע הבא. د.1. إقرؤوا النص التالي
/ "Rainbow"
Kids' Furniture Store /


Welcome to "Rainbow" Furniture Store!

We sell one of the most needed types of furniture.

If you want to buy furniture suitable for your child's bedroom, think about the age of your child, and the size and shape of the room. An infant turns rapidly into a school-age child and then to a teenager. So, when choosing the furniture, think about whether it can be adapted to the needs of your fast-growing child.

We have a wonderful selection of

·  Baby cribs

·  Toddlers’ beds

·  Toy boxes

·  Changing tables and dressers

·  Desks and chairs for a study-room

·  Bookcases and entertainment centers

Have a question? Please contact one of our sales representatives and let us know how we can better serve you.

To place an order, call 09-467-584 and ask for the Sales Department.

Address: "Rainbow" Kids' Furniture Store, Netanya, 10, Ha-Giborim St.

Internet catalog: www.rainbowfurn.com.

D.2. Fill in the blank spaces in the sentences, according to what you read. Use the words in the box. (20 points)
ד.3. השלימו את החסר בעזרת חלק מהמילים שברשימה . (02 נקודות)
د. 3. أكملوا الفراغ بواسطة بعض الكلمات التي توجد في القائمة. (۲۰ درجة)
study / selection / entertainment / choose / adapted
teenager / shape / infant / cribs / bedrooms
toddlers / size / order / contact / catalog
toy / store / representatives / furniture / changing

"Rainbow" - Kids' Furniture Store

“Rainbow” ______sells furniture for kids. Your ______will rapidly become a teenager, so you have to ______furniture that can be adapted in a few years. Your choice also depends on the ______and shape of the room.

The store has a wide ______of things suitable for children’s bedrooms: different kinds of baby cribs and beds for ______. They also sell toy boxes and all sorts of ______tables and dressers. They have a variety of desks, bookcases, entertainment centers and chairs for a ______-room.

If you have any questions, you can contact their sales ______who will help you to buy the furniture you need.

You are welcome to come to "Rainbow" Furniture store in Netanya or choose from their Internet catalog and ______either by phone or by email.

PART 2 / ألفصل الثاني: / חלק 2
LANGUAGE AND VOCABULARY / تمارين في اللغة والكلمات / תרגילים בלשון
ואוצר מילים
E. Circle the correct answer. (15 points)
ה. הקיפו בעגול את התשובה הנכונה. ( 15 נקודות)
هـ. ضعوا دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح (١٥ درجة)
The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo /

If you go along Aharon Shulov Rd., you will ( get / getting / got ) to the Biblical Zoo. This zoo has a collection ( in / of / on ) birds, animals and reptiles mentioned in the Bible.

The zoo collection ( includes / include / including ) both rare animals and animals written about in the Bible. Most of ( they / them / their ) do not live in the Land of Israel any more.

The zoo ( is / were / are ) surrounded by the stony hills of Jerusalem; it lies on a hill slope. ( They / Those / That ) is why the view is so exciting.

The monkeys in the zoo are maybe the ( funnier / funny / funniest ) among all Israeli zoos. There are beautiful
( tropical / tropics / tropically ) birds, mainly parrots. You can also find Chinese geese here.

In order to relax, you ( can / want / try ) play with the rabbits or other small animals. (There is / There are / There) also a computer workstation with a model of Noah's Ark in the southern part of the zoo.

F. Complete the dialogue. Copy the question words from the box below. Choose 5 out of the 9 possibilities given. (10 points )
ו. השלימו את השיחה. העתיקו את מילת השאלה המתאימה מהמסגרת שלמטה.(10 נקודות)
و. أكملوا الحوار. إنسخوا حرف الاستفهام الملائم من الإطار أدناه .(١۰ درجات)
Alan / Hi Sam! ______are you going?
Sam / I'm going to the gym.
Alan / ______do you do there?
Sam / I do weight lifting.
Alan / ______you go every day?
Sam / No, just 3 days a week, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Alan / That sounds good. ______it possible for me to join the gym?
Sam / Of course! It will be nice for us to go together.
Alan / ______does it cost?
Sam / Well, you can do a trial week for free, and then, if you want to join, you pay NIS 180 a month.
Alan / That seems okay to me. I'll try it.
Sam / Great! We'll go together next week.
w  How much / w  Are
w  How often / w  Can
w  What / w  Do
w  Where / w  Is
w  When / w  Who

Good Luck!