STAND & SERVE Super-Hero

A STAND & SERVE SUPER-HERO is born with a calling to create a world where safety, equality and respect are norms. This is a world free from child abuse, sexual, family and relationship violence, oppression, depression, suicide & more!


1)Trace an outline of a person on a piece of butcher paper. You will make the outline into a STAND & SERVESuper Hero —Make sure outline is able to reflect any gender identity.

2)The STAND & SERVE Super Hero must have:

  1. A Name
  2. Super Hero Costume/Outfit- hat, belt, gloves, shoes, top, hat, pants, cape, dress, boots, jewels, whatever you want
  3. Super Hero Powers-Tools of Peace – what they use to spread peace-respect/safety/equality as norms in the world. Assign Super Hero Powers to each outfit item. Super Hero Super Powers may include: Identity Respect, Honesty, Empathy, Validation, Caring, Compassion, Kindness, Helping others, Community Service, Intuition, Speaking Up When Safe-Safe Bystander Responsibility, Modeling Goodness, Peace, Love & more.
  4. Anything Else to make good happen in the world – must be positive

3)Choose one thing your STAND & SERVESuper Hero can teach the group to cultivate safety, equality and respect as norms on their in their community. Write this on your paper.

4)You will then explain #2 & #3 to the large group

90% of behavior is learned through modeling. (V. LaCerva) Silence, Denial, Violence Perceived as Normal and Inequality including an imbalance of power in relationships and unhealthy gender role socialization are the main reasons sexual violence exists. ( We must model and teach the positive.

We must all work together to prevent these underlying conditions before they occur by cultivating Safety, Equality and Respect as norms on a societal, community, relationship and individual level. We are all Peers, We are all the Solution.

STAND & SERVE Community Coalition Initiative

PO Box 24148, Phx, AZ 85074

Jennifer Rauhouse



STAND & SERVE Community Coalition Initiative - SSCCI

Coalition History and Mission:
The STAND & SERVE Community Coalition Initiative’s (SSCCI) mission is to cultivate safe, healthy and respectful communities. SSCCI was formed in September of 2008 by school, family and community members from across Metropolitan Phoenix.We develop and adopt strategies that cultivate positive social norms to prevent the underlying conditions of harm before they begin. We work together to preventchild abuse, sexual, family, relationship, school, gang and gun violence,substance abuse,suicide, depression, oppression, homelessness, poor school performance and more. We believe that Ben Franklin was right when he said “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and that it takes everyone. We are all Peers, We are all the Solution.
Coalition Membership:
TheSTAND & SERVE Community Coalition Initiativecreates a framework to generate an exciting and unique grouprepresenting the communities we serve including all ages, prevention and service providers, multiple cities, businesses and families. SSCCI was spearheaded byPeer Solutions, the Arizona Governor’s Office, the Arizona Department of Economic Security, METRO light rail and STAND & SERVE representing 12 elementary through post-secondary schools. Since the SSCCI’s creation over 40 other partners have joined the team including SSCCI Co-Chairs Ramiro Calderon a Junior at North High School and Randy Mettler representing Duck and Decanter, the AZ Departments of Transportation and Health, Kaity’s Way, Living Well with a Disability Coalition, A New Leaf and the Phoenix Library. Meetings are held the last Thursday of the month at the Phoenix Burton Barr Library from 4:00-5:30PM in the Story Room, Ground Floor. Everyone is welcome. / Coalition Outcomes and Successes:
THE GUTS TO BE GOOD. SSCCI is designing a primary prevention campaign to cultivate “5 Things” we can do to foster safety, equality and respect as norms.Our target audience is 14-17 year olds with the understanding they are role models for young and old. “Today’s children are tomorrow’s parents.” We named the campaign The Guts To Be Goodand have defined the following 5 action steps: 1)The Guts To Be Respectful. Respect self, others and the planet. Practice equality as the norm. 2)The Guts to Be Honest.Model Honesty, Trust & Integrity. 3) The Guts toSPEAK UP. Take a STAND against oppression, practice safe bystander responsibility. 4)The Guts To Be Courteous. Do something nice every day. &5)The Guts to Lend a Hand. Volunteer, help others in need especially those with physical/mental health or other challenges.
SSCCI is in the process of developing primary prevention policies and practices for alcohol serving establishments on or around the Metro light rail. Safe drinking tips and preventing sexual and relationship violence and underage drinking will be addressed.
SSCCI developed and implemented a “HELP HAITI”project which included a Phoenix First Friday event, a benefit concert at Green Vegetarian Restaurant with the help of Acme Screen Prints, Duck & Decanter hostinga Super Bowl Sunday event and obtaining individual donations. The BHHS Legacy Foundation doubled the funds. We raised $5,720.00. 100% of dollars went to medical supplies for the Albert Schweitzer Hospital.