Procedures for Submitting Materials for Tenure and Promotion Consideration
Faculty applying for tenure and/or promotion and their Departments/Schoolswill submit the requiredmaterials to the College electronically in PDF format, by uploading the following information into separate folders, named as shown below, onto a secure SharePoint site:
- Cover letter to the Provost*
- Provost application form*
- College application form
- Curriculum Vitae
- Scholarly/creative works**
- Service Activities
In addition, Chairs/Directors also will ensure that the materials below are submitted either as part of the embeddedelectronic College applicationor as separate electronic files named as shown below:
- Summary of teaching evaluations
- External letters of support with waiver forms
- Assigned duties of candidate
- D/SFSC recommendation
- Annual letters of evaluation (for tenure only)
Note: Starting in 2015-16, the submission of separate teaching portfolios will no longer be required for tenure and promotion.
*The College also will require that the cover letter to the Provost and the Provost Application form be signed and delivered in hard form.
**Copies of largescholarly and/or creative works such as books, edited volumes, textbooks, pedagogical materials such as study guides, video’s CDs, and DVD’smaybe submitted non-electronicallyto the college. Provide a copy of the title page and any other page needed to show editors, year of publication, and publisher for any works in collections. Do not submit the entire issue of a journal or an entire edited book that you did not edit. List abstracts and conference presentations on the Tenure and Promotion Application; do not supply the entire printed program.
Chair/Directors must notifyVal Ilyukhina at on or before October 15, 4:30 pm with names of expected candidates so that a secure SharePoint sitecan becreated. A separate site will be set up for each candidate. The SharePoint site will be available for access to the candidate until November 2, 4:30 pm. Thereafter, only the Department/School Chairpersons/Directorsand members of the D/SFSCwill be granted accessand allowed to modify existing information and upload any additional information until December 15, 4:30 pm. The College highly encourages departments to coordinate their internal processes within this structure and alert the College with any concerns as soon as they arise.
College of Arts and Sciences
Tenure and Promotion Application
Academic Year 2015-2016
This form contains data required by the ISU ASPT Handbook. These data will be used by ISU personnel in the College of Arts and Sciences, including the dean, chairpersons, and ISU faculty involved in peer evaluation pertaining to recommendations for tenure and/or promotion. Therefore, it is in the best interest of each applicant to ensure that the data are complete, organized, and accurate. Please attach additional sheets, if necessary, to give complete information. Electronic signatures are required on this form, which will become part of the faculty member’s personnel file in the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Name: ______Date: ______
Department: ______
Initial Date of ISU Appointment: ______Initial Rank: ______
Present Rank (and eff. date): ______Years Completed in Rank at ISU: ______
Tenured: ____yes ____noEffective Date of Tenure: ______
Years of Credit Awarded Toward Tenure Upon Appointment (if applicable): ______
Contract Tenure Year as specified in Tenure Year Designation Form (if applicable): ______
Appointment: ____9 month____12 month
Check all that apply:
_____I am seeking Tenure only
_____I am seeking Tenure and Promotion to the rank of: ______
_____I am seeking Promotion only to the rank of: ______
_____This is a mid-probationary review.
This (is, is not) an application for Early Tenure
Candidate’s signature:______Date:______
II. GENERAL DATA: Please list all information in reverse chronological order.
InstitutionField of StudyDegree Date
Other Education (institutes, short courses, etc.):
Areas of Specialization:
(List current position first. All changes in position or title at a given institution should also be shown.)
PlacePosition/TitleTime Period
III. ASSIGNED DUTIES OF CANDIDATE (To be completed by the Dept. Chair or Designee)
Assigned duties normally consist of teaching, research/creative activity, and service. However, some applicants may have been assigned additional duties. All assigned duties during the tenure and/or promotion-earning period should be provided as indicated below. If the assignments reflect extraordinary or unusual circumstances, the Department Chair/School Director should append a brief explanatory narrative for benefit of the reviewers. Please complete the summary table using the excel table template. One form accommodates six years. Use as many forms as necessary to provide information for the periods covered. Place your annual assignment letters behind the summary tables in the same order as reported on the summary table.
Tenure applicants: include all your tenure-earning years at ISU.
Promotion applicants: include all since your original ISU appointment, or since your last promotion at ISU, whichever is the more recent.
Excel Table:can be filled out in Excel, printed, and inserted into application or submitted as a separate file; formulas provide mean assignments for Fall and Spring of each academic year reported.
A. SUMMARY OF TEACHING PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS (Briefly summarize your goals and accomplishments in teaching. PLEASE DO NOT EXCEED TWO PAGES.)
B. COURSES TAUGHT (List & include course number and title. For variable topics courses add the topic for each offering.) In order to provide reviewers with an overview of the variety of courses you have taught, please list all courses you have taught while at ISU, but list each only one time. Please provide sample syllabi, one per course, for courses taught in the past five years or since last promotion/tenure award, whichever is the more recent, and specify typical enrollment.
C. TEACHING ACTIVITIES, AWARDS, AND DISTINCTIONS (List all awards, distinctions, etc. and year received; Please list all information in reverse chronological order.)
- New Courses Developed(i.e., courses proposed and approved through the university curriculum process)
- New Programs Developed (i.e., programs proposed and approved through the university
curriculum process)
3. Collaborative Efforts with Colleagues to Improve Teaching
4. Scholarly Papers Published on Teaching in Your Field
5. Textbooks Published
6. Creative Activities related to Teaching
7. Teaching Awards and Other Recognition
8. Other Teaching Activities
(Include names of students; dates of service; indicate if Dissertation Director/Chair; where possible, give information regarding the subsequent professional careers of these students and whether the dissertation led to publication. Please list all information in reverse chronological order.)
(Include names of students; dates of service; if Thesis Director/Chair; where possible, give information regarding the subsequent professional careers of these students. Please list all information in reverse chronological order.)
(Include names of students; dates of service; if Director/Chair; where possible, give information regarding the subsequent professional careers of these students. Please list all information in reverse chronological order.)
(Include names of students; dates of service; where possible, give information regarding the subsequent professional careers of these students. Please list all information in reverse chronological order.)
Please provide a narrative describing the student evaluations of courses taught by the candidate, including both quantitative data where available and a short summary that captures the essence of the student comments. This narrative should include contextualizing information in terms of departmental norms and a description of the evaluation instrument (e.g., items, response scales). The summary can include a statistical presentation, but should not be limited to statistics.
A suggested template for the reporting of statistical data is provided on the following page. Applicants may compile the report of statistical data, in which case the signature of the Chair or DFSC/SFSC member certifies that the data are reported accurately. If the candidate or the department wants to attach the comments in their entirety, include them in the supplemental materials.
For Tenure applications, the summary should address student evaluations for all of the tenure earning years.
For Promotion applications, the summary should address student evaluations for the past five years or since the last promotion/tenure award, whichever is the more recent.
Name of Individual Completing This Section: ______
Suggested Template for Reporting Quantitative Data from Student Evaluations
This template is designed for reporting quantitative data from student evaluations of teaching effectiveness. The template provides space for identifying and describing each course taught, as well as for reporting relevant information about student responses to overall summary evaluation item(s) on a departmental instrument for student evaluations. (An overall summary evaluation item is one that asks the student to provide a global assessment of the instructor or the course.) If the applicant (or DFSC/SFSC) wishes to include additional items, use the same format and clearly identify the items.
Course Number: / Course Name: / Course Type: / Semester/Year:Summary of Quantitative Responses
Item / Number of
Responses / Course
Mean (SD) / Dept.
Mean (SD)
For Level / Course
Median / Dept.
For Level / Course
Min - Max
Briefly reproduce overall evaluation item
/ / Med / Med / X – YBriefly reproduce additional summary Items as needed /
/ Med / Med / X – YKey:
Course Type refers to whether the course is designed for Gen Ed (GE), Majors/Minors (M), Service (S), or Graduate Students (Gr)
Number of responses refers to the number of students providing data on the item.
Course mean (SD) refers to the arithmetic average (and standard deviation) for responses to the item in the course.
Dept. Mean for Level (SD) refers to the departmental mean (and standard deviation) for responses to the item for all courses at that numerical level (i.e., 100-level, 200-level, etc.).
Course Median refers to the score at the 50th percentile for responses to the item in the course
Dept. Median for Level refers to the score at the 50th percentile for responses to the item for all courses at that numerical level (i.e., 100-level, 200-level, etc.).
Course Min – Max refers to the lowest (Min) and highest (Max) observed responses to the item in the course.
Reproduce the template as necessary to report available data for each relevant course.
V. SCHOLARLY AND/OR CREATIVE ACTIVITY, AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS: Please list all information in reverse chronological order.
A. SCHOLARLY AND/OR CREATIVE ACTIVITYSTATEMENT: Provide an overview of your scholarly and/or creative activityprogram: What problems are you studying, why are they important, and what progress have you made? Briefly describe how your work contributes to your discipline and beyond. Conclude with a general overview of your plans for future work. Limit this statement to no more than three pages.
1. Books
List authors (underline senior author), title, publisher, place
If you wish, you may append copies of published reviews of your books.
a. Scholarly Books Published:
b. Scholarly Books in Press (attach a copy of the communication from publisher):
c. Scholarly Books Submitted for Review (attach a copy of your transmittal letter to publisher):
2. Edited Volumes
List authors (underline senior author), title, publisher, place
If you wish, you may append copies of published reviews of your books.
a. Edited Volumes Published:
b. Edited Volumes in Press (attach a copy of the communication from publisher):
c. Edited Volumes Submitted for Review (attach a copy of your transmittal letter to publisher):
3. Textbooks
List authors (underline senior author), title, publisher, place
a. Textbooks Published
b. Textbooks In Press (attach a copy of the communication from publisher):
c. Textbooks Submitted for Review (attach a copy of your transmittal letter to publisher):
4. Chapters or Segments of Books
List authors (underline senior author), title, publisher, place
a. Chapters/Segments of Books Published:
b. Chapters/Segments of Books In Press (attach a copy of the communication from publisher):
c. Chapters/Segments of Books Submitted for Review (attach a copy of your letter of transmittal to publisher):
5. Refereed Articles
List authors (underline senior author), title, publisher, place
a. Refereed Articles Published:
b. Refereed Articles in Press (attach a copy of the communication from publisher):
c. Refereed Articles Submitted for Review (attach a copy of your letter of transmittal to publisher):
6. Non-Refereed Articles
List authors (underline senior author), title, publisher, place
a. Non-Refereed Articles Published:
b. Non-Refereed Articles In Press (attach a copy of the communication from publisher):
c. Non-Refereed Articles Submitted for Review (attach a copy of your letter of transmittal to publisher):
7. Technical Reports
List authors (underline senior author), title, publisher, place
8. Book Reviews
9. Other Scholarly Activities
The CFSC is increasingly being called upon to evaluate creative scholarship. The committee recognizes that excellent scholarship can happen in all forms of media and it is committed to fair evaluation of such works. The committee would find it helpful if the D/SFSC or candidate would provide relevant contextual information to the contributions. Such materials may include the following:
A discussion of how the creative activities were evaluated. Was it by a peer review? What kinds of reviewers judged the work (e.g., commercial academic artists, scholars, etc.)? How were the reviewers selected? What is the rate of acceptance/rejection of the public exhibition of these activities?
For award contributions, a description of the basis on which the award was given. What proportion of entries received an award?
For multi-authored contribution, an explanation of the role of the candidate in the creative scholarship process. This information would be similar to explaining a candidate’s role in a multi-authored publication.
Note - It would not be necessary to address all of the above questions. They should only be used as a guide in preparation of their document.
1. Creative Activities and Products (e.g., film, video, performance)
List author(s) (underline senior author/contributor), name of work, peer-review body, name of award (where appropriate)
2. Other Creative Activities
List author(s) (underline senior author/contributor), name of work, peer-review body, name of award (where appropriate)
1. List grants and contracts that you have directed as principal investigator, director, and/or co-principal investigator. Note principal investigator, director, and all co-principal investigators on grants & contracts; title; agency; purpose of research; funded amount; dates; specify if grant was refereed.
a. External Grants
b. Internal Grants
2. List grants you have applied for and are either under review or were not funded. Note principal investigator, director, and all co-principal investigators on grants & contracts; title; agency; purpose of research; funded amount; dates; specify if grant was refereed. Specify if under review or unfunded.
a. External Grants
b. Internal Grants
Indicate if speech is invited, keynote, or plenary, etc.
1. Papers presented at professional conventions and meetings
2. Major Speeches (keynote, plenary address, invited speech, etc.)
3. Poster Presentations
Provide all relevant details.
VI. SERVICE: Please list all information in reverse chronological order.
List offices held in national, regional, local organizations associated with your professional field; indicate dates of service
Other professional service rendered, e.g., editorships, service on editorial boards of scholarly journals, review panels, accreditation teams
List professional organizations to which you currently belong
Briefly outline your goals and achievements in the various areas of University governance at Illinois State University. Include description of your involvement in and contributions to university, College, department, ISU councils or committees; dates of service; if chairperson. (Tenure - Please list service to the University during your tenure earning years. Promotion Only - Please list service to the University since the last promotion or during the past five years, whichever is shortest.)
List community committee councils, boards, etc., on which you have served, or other public service activities. Include dates of service.
List including dates of service
(Not applicable to mid-probationary reviews)
NOTE: Follow the procedures adopted by your department/school. Employees of Illinois State University, whether they are faculty, staff, and/or administrators, are not considered to be “external evaluators,” and letters from them will not be considered in assessing the external evaluation of the applicant’s work.
Generally, external evaluators should be selected so as to minimize the possibility of conflicts of interest: actual, potential, or apparent. Outside evaluators should not be selected from among those with whom the candidate has had familial or close personal relationships, or those who have been current or past colleagues, major professors, coauthors, etc. Evaluators should be highly regarded and recognized scholars in the candidate’s field and able to evaluate the quality, productivity, and significance of her/his research/scholarly/creative activity. A sample letter, which can be adapted to conform to departmental guidelines or disciplinary norms, is included in this application.
Confidentiality of External Evaluations. Pursuant to 820 ILCS 40/10, written evaluations provided by external peer reviewers shall not be made available to the candidate for tenure or promotion unless the evaluator has given prior written permission. Please use the following section to summarize which external evaluators, if any, have provided such written permission. Please list the names of all evaluators; if the Department/School requires fewer than six evaluators, leave the extra spaces blank.