Minutes of Regular Meeting

February 6, 2012

The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, February 6, 2012, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina.

Members present: Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman

Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman

Dan B. Andrews, Commissioner

Gary House, Commissioner

Jim Burgin, Commissioner

Staff present: Scott Sauer, County Manager

Tony Wilder, Deputy County Manager

Dwight Snow, Staff Attorney

Sylvia Blinson, Finance Officer

Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board

Chairman McNeill called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Commissioner House led the pledge of allegiance and invocation.

Chairman McNeill called for additions and deletions to the published agenda. Chairman McNeill requested the addition of a presentation of resolution honoring an Eagle Scout present.

Commissioner Burgin moved to approve the revised agenda. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Commissioner Burgin moved to approve the items on the consent agenda. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion and the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda:

  1. Minutes: Corrected Minutes of the December 5, 2012 Regular Meeting

January 23, 2012 Regular Meeting

  1. Budget Amendments:

203 Emergency Services Department

Code 110-5302-420.35-24 Homeland Security Exercise 47,000 increase

110-0000-331.53-10 Homeland Security Exercise 47,000 increase

208 Harnett Central High School Project CP0906

Code 320.8300.480.45-30 Engineering 1,500 increase

320.8300.480.45-33 Materials & Supplies 64,074 increase

320.8300.480.45-01 Construction 54,501 increase

208 Harnett Central High School Project CP0906 continued

Code 320.8300.480.45-75 Environmental 17,085 decrease

320.8300.480.45-80 Contingency 101,903 decrease

320.8300.480.90-10 Other financing Uses 1,087 decrease

209 Administration Department

Code 110-4150-410.60-33 Materials & Supplies 498 decrease

110-4150-410.12-00 Gen/Salaries & wages part-time 473 increase

110-4150-410.22.00 FICA 18 increase

110-4150-410.26-08 Worker’s Comp 7 increase

210 Human Resources Department

Code 110-4250-410.30-04 Professional Services 2,000 increase

110-4250-410.12-00 Salaries Temporary 1,898 increase

110-4250-410.22-00 FICA 73 increase

110-4250-410.26-08 Worker’s Comp 29 increase

211 Cooperative Extension CCR&R Smart Start

Code 110-7323-465.58-14 Travel 500 increase

110-7323-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 16,085 increase

110-7323-465.21-00 Group Insurance 3,012 increase

110-7323-465.22-00 FICA 1,393 increase

110-7323-465.23-00 Regular Retirement 1,302 increase

110-7323-465.26-08 Work’s Compensation 285 increase

110-7323-465.21-02 Group Insurance/HRA 390 increase

110-0000-334.73-23 CCR&R- Partnership for Children 22,968 increase

212 Planning Services/Community Development CP1007

Code 399-8300-465.85-70 Construction- Hard Costs 203,873 increase

399-8300-465.85-16 Administration 20,000 increase

399-0000-331.83-04 Single Family Rehabilitation SFR 2010 223,873 increase

213 Social Services Department

Code 110-7710-441.80-50 Day Care Subsidy 49,795 decrease

110-7710-441.80-60 Day Care Smart-Start 446,096 increase

110-0000-330.77-04 Day Care Subsidy 49,795 decrease

110-0000-330.77-05 Day Care Smart-Start 446,096 increase

214 Public Utilities Department

Code 531-9000-431.74-74 Capital Outlay/Capital Outlay- Equipment 21,772 increase

531-0000-356.30-00 Reimbursement/Insurance Claim 21,772 increase

215 Sheriff’s Office

Code 110-5100-420.11-02 Separation Allowance 5,831 increase

110-5100-420.12-00 Salaries & Wages Part-time 5,831 decrease

216 Sheriff’s Office

Code 110-5100-420.60-36 Operating supplies-Uniforms 4,000 increase

110-0000-322.43-02 Fingerprint Fees 4,000 increase

217 Sheriff’s Office

Code 110-5100-420.11-06 Salaries & Wages Comp time payout 300 increase

110-5100-420.11-07 Salaries & Wages Overtime-ATF 2,677 increase

110-0000-336.23-01 Federal Inmates transport cost 2,977 increase

221 Sheriff’s Office

Code 110-5100-420.32-27 Drug Fund 207 increase

110-0000-336.15-00 Controlled Substance Tax 207 increase

  1. Tax refunds, rebates and releases (Attachment 1)
  1. Resolutions to add roads to state system (Attachment 2)
  1. Resolution honoring Eagle Scout Matthew Wilson (Attachment 3)
  1. Resolution honoring Eagle Scout Thomas Ray Milton (Attachment 4)
  1. Emergency Services requested permission to allow the Board of Directors of the Buies Creek Fire & Rescue Department to purchase a service truck for the total cost of $288,731. This service truck will greatly enhance the response capabilities of the department in areas such as off road rescue and meeting the needs of the Harnett County
    Airport. This service truck will allow all rescue tools and equipment on one truck as well as on-site SCBA bottle refills.
  1. Finance Officer requested approval of a contract for the audit firm of Martin Starnes & Associates, CPA to audit the County’s accounts for the period beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012. The fee for these services will be $67,000. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners approved the awarding of a three year audit contract to Martin Starnes & Associates, CPA’s a their April 5, 2010 meeting. This is the third year of that contract.
  1. Staff Attorney, on behalf of Public Buildings, requested approval of the first Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Johnston County Industries, Inc. that was entered into on July 6, 2004, to include the provision designating the premises as the alternate location for the Harnett County Courts Facility should said courts facility become partially or completely unusable due to a natural disaster, act of God, riot, fire, war, or other event.
  1. Health Director requested approval to submit a grant application for the American Cancer Society-Health Equity Grant 2012. The purpose of this Health Equity Community Grant Program is to increase cancer screening through community outreach and education, and

coordination with screening services. Staff is seeking funding to expand and support the mammography education and outreach program. Applicants must also partner with other local organizations in order to reach the community with cancer education that leads to screening. Applicants must select one priority group for this grant from African Americans, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic & Latino and Rural. These grant funds are for one year grant and up to $10,000 with no matching funds required.

  1. Cooperative Extension requested permission to accept funds in the amount of $22,968 from the Harnett County Partnership for Children to employ one staff member for the Child Care Resource & Referral Program from January to June 2012.
  1. Resolution by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to Accept a Donation Gift of Real Property from Huey F. Dorman and wife, and Leois Faye Dorman (Lot No. 47, Subdivision Map of Benton Point, Phase Two). (Attachment 5)

Chairman McNeill presented a resolution recognizing and congratulating Mr. Thomas Ray Milton for attaining Eagle Scout.

Chairman McNeill opened the floor for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes.

-  Mr. Jim Thomas, 5840 Hwy 401 in Bunnlevel, spoke in opposition to a proposed convenient store in Bunnlevel which he said was not needed and would be “funded from outside of the county” so therefore would not benefit the county. Mr. Thomas also reported having some issues with links on the Harnett County web page.

-  Mr. Michael Edwards, owner and operator of Edwards Store on Christian Light Road, spoke in support of allowing store owners to sell beer and wine in stores in his area.

Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the appointments listed below. Commissioner Burgin seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Sherry B. Smith (nominated by Commissioner Burgin) was reappointed to serve on this commission for a term of 3 years ending January 31, 2015.

Brian Avery (nominated by Commissioner Burgin) was appointed to serve on this commission for a term of 3 years ending January 31, 2015.

Mr. John Elskamp, President of the Veterans’ Legacy Foundation, a nonprofit organization formed by veterans, for veterans, united in an effort to research and document the legacy of veteran service and to promote the recognition and honor of that service. Mr. Elskamp reported that most cases they handle come from Harnett County but the group refuses to turn away any veteran or veteran’s family who comes to them for research assistance free of charge. Mr. Elskamp shared a slide show with the group and asked commissioners to consider making a

donation of any amount to support their cause. Chairman McNeill thanked the Veterans’ Legacy Foundation for their work and asked Mr. Elskamp to work with the county manager regarding their request in the upcoming budget process.

Mr. Snow petitioned the commissioners to approve the Resolution by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners Requesting that the Harnett County Board of Elections Hold Elections in Buckhorn and Hector’s Creek Townships on Two Propositions Concerning the “On-Premises” and “Off Premises” Sale of Malt Beverages and Unfortified Wine.

Mr. Snow reported the Director of the Harnett County Board of Elections had confirmed this special election could be held during the primary on May 8, 2012, but the statute specifically states that a referendum like this cannot be held during even years in a November election. Mr. Snow noted the Board of Elections could not hold this special election sooner than 60 days and no later than 120 days from the date they received this Resolution request. Mr. Snow noted a public hearing could be held regarding this issue but was not a requirement.

Chairman McNeill moved to approve the resolution as presented. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. (Attachment 6)

Michael Juby, Harnett County’s Bond Council with Parker Poe who has also been the county’s led advocate for negotiation on the leases, petitioned the Board to approve a Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement and Providing for Certain Other Related matters for the Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Health Science Building. Mr. Juby noted it was important to include an appropriated clause within the lease. Mr. Juby responded typically leases are not this lengthy but the landlord’s responsibility and construction provisions made it lengthier.

Commissioner Burgin made a motion to move the proposed CCCC Health Science Building from the Brightwater property to CCCC’s property at their Harnett County Campus. Commissioner House seconded the motion. Commissioner Burgin said the proposed move would locate the Health Sciences Building between two hospitals and stated he believed this move would save the County over $2 Million dollars for the project as well as saving CCCC funds not having to duplicate administrative and security staff for two locations. Chairman McNeill said he did not think the move was a good idea given the whole concept was for students to be close to the hospital to facilitate their training and skills. The motion failed 3 to 2.

Chairman McNeill moved to approve the resolution and leases to move the project forward. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion. Commissioner House asked CCCC representatives present where they would like the building to be located. Mr. Bud Marchant, President of CCCC, said it would be nice to be near the hospital to create “synergy”. Mr. Tyson noted that the proposed building might work on their property but would add to already existing problems with parking and entrance and egress on the main campus. The motion to approve the resolution and leases passed 3 to 2. (Attachment 7)

Mr. Sauer presented the following report:

·  Veterans Affairs January Activities Report

Mr. Sauer also reminded the group of their next special session scheduled for February 14, 2012 and their upcoming retreat scheduled for February 23, 2012 at Raven Rock State Park.

Commissioner House moved that the Board go in to closed session to consider and give instructions to the County legal staff concerning the handling of certain potential claims and legal actions including the following cases:

a)  Felmet vs. Harnett County and South Central Water & Sewer District of Harnett County (File No. 11 CVS 1646);

b)  Felment and Darden vs. Harnett County and South Central Water & Sewer District of Harnett County (File No. 11 CVS 1647)

This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143-318.11(a)(3). Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Vice Chairman Hill moved that the board come out of closed session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Andrews and passed unanimously.

Chairman McNeill called for any new business. Commissioner Burgin moved that the county give S.A.F.E. $10,000. Commissioner House seconded the motion which failed 3 to 2.

Commissioner Burgin moved that all Public Utilities vehicles not on call be parked; noting the expense of fuel and insurance. Commissioner House seconded the motion. Chairman McNeill said he believed the county should develop a policy regarding county vehicles for all departments. The motion failed 3 to 2.

Commissioner Burgin moved that the county allow all political parties, churches and other 5013-C groups to use the commons area meeting space free of hourly charge but security deposit required. Commissioner House seconded the motion. Mr. Sauer noted the $50 hourly rate was established in a policy by the Board in an attempt to recover utility expenses.

Chairman McNeill requested a report of frequent users of the commons area meeting space and offered an amendment to the motion to only allow political entities to use the room free of charge but deposit required at this time. Commissioner House seconded the amendment and the amendment was unanimously approved. The amended motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Burgin asked the county manager and commissioners if they knew who “Samantha Wages” was; no one did.

Vice Chairman Hill moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:04 am. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk

February 6, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes

Harnett County Board of Commissioners

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