Feedback on the Review of Trend Forecast Services for the Aviation Industry – Draft Report

The Bureau seeks comments on the Review of Trend Forecast Services for the Aviation Industry - Draft Report. Please use the form below for your response. If an alternative solution to the three-hourly TAF is proposed, full justification and a preferred alternative solution is required.

Please indicate your support for the report recommendations:

Recommendation 1: The TRWG recommends that a risk assessment by an independent risk assessor be completed in order to analyse and better assess the implementation issues that need to be resolved prior to the transition to a TAF issued routinely every three hours.


Support with minor changes

Do not support

Please detail any minor changes or reasons for not supporting Recommendation1:





Recommendation 2: The TRWG recommends that subject to the implementation of appropriate risk mitigation that the TTF service be ceased and that, where appropriate, the TAF be routinely issued every three hours instead of every six hours. In addition, the TAF should be amended to provide similar responsiveness, accuracy and operational meteorological information as the current TTF.


Support with minor changes

Do not support. If you do not support Recommendation 2, which option (Section 4.4, page 20) do you prefer and why?

Please detail any minor changes or reasons for not supporting the Recommendation 2:





Recommendation 3: The Bureau recommends that the three hourly TAF be applied to all aerodromes where there is a specified Defence requirement and at the following major airports: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Cairns, Canberra, Darwin and Hobart.


Support with minor changes

Do not support

Please detail any minor changes or reasons for not supporting the Recommendation 3:





Please provide general comments or requested changes to the draft report:







Organisation details:

Name: ......

Organisation: ......

Address: ......

Telephone: ......

Email: ......

Signature: ......

Date: ......

Please provide your feedback to:

Manager Major Airport Services

Mr Andrew McCrindell

Bureau of Meteorology

PO Box 413

Darlinghurst NSW 1300

Ph: 02 9296 1618