Summer 2011


Evelyne Le Goupil

William Anderson, Curriculum Associate


Maryanne Fisher - President

Jane Ryan - Vice President

Thomas Caltabiano - Secretary

Timothy Taylor – Trustee

Gary Bennett – Trustee


Charles V. Sulc, Superintendent

Alan C. Adcock, Deputy Superintendent

Lucille F. Iconis, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction K-12

Thomas Fasano, Ed.D., Assistant to the Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction

Robert Schilling, Executive Director Assessment, Student Data and Technology Services

Diana Haanraadts, Interim Assistant to the Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction


French AP: An Advanced Placement course for students who have completed French

4 Accelerated. The course has the aim of developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and preparing students for the College Board Achievement Test and the Advanced Placement Exam. Students will be required to take the Advanced Placement Exam in May. There are no senior exemptions.

Foremost the use of the target language will be mandatory. The teacher and the students will speak French exclusively from the beginning to the end of class. Students will be able to communicate effectively. They will demonstrate a sophisticated knowledge of the cultural nuances thanks to the AP course. The four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing will be integrated daily in every lesson and will be provided through a variety of materials to engage students in an active learning of the French speaking people and cultures of the world. The course content will include authentic resources in the form of recordings, films, newspapers and magazines, songs, interviews, news and authentic texts. Training integration of language skills and in synthesizing written and oral materials will be an integral part of the AP French language course.


AP French Language and Culture Course Description page 2

Learning Standards, Key ideas and Performance indicators pages 3-5

Content Map w/Essential Questions page 6-7

Resources page 8

Curriculum page 9




Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.

Key Idea #1

Listening and speaking are primary communicative goals in modern language learning. These skills are used for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action. This course will further reinforce the performance indicators of Checkpoint B, but will also touch upon the performance of indicators of Checkpoint C.

Performance Indicators (Checkpoint B) – Students will…

·  comprehend messages and short conversations when listening to peers, familiar adults, and providers of public services either in face-to-face interactions or on the telephone.

·  understand the main idea and some discrete information in television, radio, or live presentations

·  initiate and sustain conversations, face to face or on the phone, with native-speaking or more fluent individuals.

·  select vocabulary appropriate to a range of topics, employ simple and complex

sentences in present, past, and future time frames, and express details and

nuances by using appropriate modifiers.

·  exhibit spontaneity in their interactions, particularly when the topic is familiar, but often rely on familiar utterances.

·  use repetition and circumlocution as well as gestures and other nonverbal cues to

sustain conversation.

Performance Indicators (Checkpoint C) Students will…

·  understand standard speech delivered in most authentic settings.

·  understand the main ideas and significant relevant details of extended discussions or presentations, and on recorded songs, feature programs on radio and television, movies, and other media designed for the use by native speakers.

·  draw from a wide range of language forms, vocabulary, idioms, and structures learned in class as well as those acquired through independent exposure to the language.

·  comprehend subtler details of meaning with some repetition and rephrasing.

·  engage in extended discussions with native or fluent speakers on a broad range of topics that extend beyond their daily lives and are of general interest to the target cultures.

Key Idea #2

Reading and writing are used in languages other than English for the purposes of

socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action. This course will further reinforce the performance indicators of Checkpoint B, but will also touch upon the performance indicators of Checkpoint C.

Performance Indicators (Checkpoint B) – Students will…

·  read and comprehend materials written for native speakers when the topic and language are familiar.

·  use cognates and contextual and visual cues to derive meaning from texts that contain unfamiliar words, expressions, and structures.

·  read simple materials independently, but may have to guess at meanings of longer or more complex material.

·  write short notes, uncomplicated personal and business letters, brief journals, and short reports.

·  write brief analyses of more complex content when given the opportunity for organization and advance preparation, though errors may occur more frequently.

·  produce written narratives and expressions of opinion about radio and television programs, newspaper and magazine articles, and selected stories, songs, and literature of the target language.


Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understanding.

Key Idea

Effective communication involves meanings that go beyond words and require an understanding of perceptions, gestures, folklore, and family and community dynamics. All of these elements can affect whether and how well a message is received. This course will further reinforce the performance indicators of Checkpoint B, but will also touch upon the performance indicators of Checkpoint C.

Performance Indicators (Checkpoint B) – Students will…

·  exhibit more comprehensive knowledge of cultural traits and patterns.

·  draw comparisons between societies.

·  recognize that there are important linguistic and cultural variations among groups that speak the same language.

·  understand how words, body language, rituals, and social interactions influence communication.

Performance Indicators (Checkpoint C) – Students will…

·  demonstrate sophisticated knowledge of cultural nuances in a target language culture.

·  model how spoken language, body language, and social interaction influence communication.

·  use appropriate registers.

·  write in the target language in a manner that articulates similarities and differences in cultural behaviors.


To achieve the course’s learning objectives, students will work with a variety of thematic units as described in the chart below.

Unit / Title / Thematic content / Essential Questions
Unit 1 / Global Challenges / -Tolerance
-Human Rights
-Peace and War / When are we tolerant or intolerant?
What is the biggest problem?
Where is the emergency?
What are the essential human rights?
Why is it still a question nowadays?
What are the causes of war?
Unit 2 / Science and Technology / -Human being or
-Inventions and
-Technology and
effects on
society / Did discoveries and science in the
XX century improve our life?
What motivates us to invent new
How does/did rapports between
people change with new technology?
Unit 3 / Contemporary Life / -Advertising and
- Housing
- Leisure and
- Business World
-Rite of Passage
- Travel / How do advertising and marketing
improve the quality of our life?
Do we judge others according to where they live?
Where does the pride of the fans come from?
How do we define ourselves through our job?
What are the main life benchmarks? Is it worth it to travel?
Unit 4 / Personal and Public Identities / -Alienation and
-Language and
-Nationalism and
patriotism / How do we reveal our identity in different situations?
How does our society influence our morality?
How does a language influence our identity?
Where does our nationalism and love for our country come from?
Unit 5 / Families and Communities / -Social rapports
-Childhood and
- Family
-Friendship and
Love / What are the different social norms?
How does family organize the upbringing of a child?
What are our holidays and ceremonies?
What are the changes in our family life?
Why are friendship and love important in our society?
Unit 6 / Beauty and Aesthetic / -Patrimony
Music, Visual
Arts and Beauty
-Performing Arts / How do we reach beauty or its idea?
How do we recognize beauty?
What determine our musical preferences?



·  Allons au dela! Ladd Richard, Pearson 2012

·  Ap French Preparing for the Language et Culture Examination. Ladd Richard,

Pearson 2012

·  Une fois pour toutes. Hale Sturges II, Pearson 2008

·  Imaginez. C. Mitschke,Vista 2012

·  501 French Verbs. C. Kendres Barron’s 1996

·  News Broadcast on France on line at France 2 fr.

·  RFI exercices en Francais facile

·  News and Interviews on line at

·  French newspapers and magazines



·  France








·  Lafrancebis

UNIT 1: Global Challenges

Standard 1: Communication – Listening and Speaking (Key Idea #1)

·  Students will learn how present their opinion and explain how people can think


·  Students will review how to ask questions.

·  Students will review the use of different tenses according to the different situations they have to discuss.

·  Students will try to find solutions to major problems we have in our society nowadays.

Standard 1: Communication – Reading (Key Idea #2)

·  Les bijoux de la Castafiore. Herge

·  Le racisme explique a ma fille. T.B. Jelloun

·  SOS racisme

·  Soyez poli

·  Le recyclage en France

·  Mineurx et bacines. A.M. Bergeron

·  Liberte/Egalite/Fraternite. Magazine Le Point

·  Le ventre de Paris. E. Zola

·  Reves amers. M. Conde

·  Une generation . magazine Le Point

·  Le dormeur du Val. A. Rimbaud

·  Familiale. J. Prevert

·  La leerte de Guy Moquet

·  Medecins sans frontieres. Web page of the association

Standard 1: Communication – Writing (Key Idea #2)

·  Tolerance or Intolerance

·  What jeopardizes our environment?

·  What do you do to be in shape physically and psychologically?

·  How can we teach governments that all men have human rights?

·  What can we do to make sure people eat everyday?

·  What are the different causes of war?

·  Writing essay by imitating T.B. Jalloun

·  Writing a poem about the environment

·  Writing as a critic of a restaurant

·  Writing a letter

Standard 2: Culture

·  Students will learn about the French society and who lives in France nowadays.

·  Students will learn about the immigration policy and problems in France and in the European Union.

·  Students will learn about the role of the French organization “Medecins sans frontiers”.

Grammatical structures

·  Genders/articles/present tense/imperative/passive voice

Technological enhancements

·  Power point

·  SMART Board Interactive lessons


Differentiation of instruction

·  Choice projects, choice homework assignments, and station lesson.

Differentiation of assessment

·  Formative: informal questioning/conversation/oral presentation

·  Summative: quizzes and tests

·  Project-based: see writing

Resource coordination

Au-dela !

Unit 1: Global Challenges

Chapter 1: Tolerance

Chapter 2: Environment

Chapter 3: Health

Chapter 4: Human rights

Chapter 5: Food

Chapter 6: Peace and war

UNIT 2: Science and Technology

Standard 1: Communication – Listening and Speaking (Key Idea #1)

·  Students will learn how to debate and present the pros and cons of their invention

·  Students will discuss the effect of discoveries and science on our life

·  Students will try to understand what motivate human beings to invent/improve technology and what role the law has in the use of technology.

·  Students will discuss haw technology changes or changed our rapport with one another and how we will know if the use of new technology went too far.

Standard 1: Communication – Reading (Key Idea #2)

·  La lance de l’hyene. B. Diop

·  Un appareil qui retranscrit du texte en braille. Concours Lepine

·  La fin des livres. A. Robida/o. Uzanna

·  La mauvaise surprise Kindle. M. Chattam

·  Acide sulfurique. A. Nothomb

·  Tricher au bac comme un geek. express

Standard 2 : Culture

·  Students will compare the use of technology in France and in the United States.

·  Students will learn about the differences of the use of technology in the two countries.

Grammatical structures

·  Past tenses (passé recent, passé compose, passé simple, imparfait, plus-que-parfait, passif au passé) Future and Conditional tenses ( futur proche, future, future anterieur, conditionnel present/passé, phrases conditionnelles avec “si”, employ du verbe devoir)

Technological enhancements

·  Power point

·  SMART Board Interactive lesson

Differentiation of instruction

·  Choice projects, choice homework assignments, and station lesson.

Differentiation of assessment

·  Formative: informal questioning/conversation/oral presentation

·  Summative: quizzes and tests

·  Project-based: see writing

Resource coordination


Unit 2: Science and technology

Chapter 7: Human being or genius

Chapter 8: Inventions and technology

Chapter 9: Technology and effects on society

UNIT 3: Contemporary life

Standard 1: Communication – Listening and Speaking (Key Idea #1)

·  Students will be able to explain how quality of life is defined by people and society and how today’s life is influenced by cultural products and their use.

·  Students will try to understand and explain where the pride of the fans come from for their favorite teams, how leisure and sports may reunite or separate people and what are the positive effects for a child to play a sport with friends.

Standard 1: Communication – Reading (Key Idea #2)

·  99 Francs. F Beigbeder

·  Apple introduces a way to block advertising in Safari

·  Les petits enfants du siècle. C. Rochefort

·  L’enfance. N. Sarraute

·  Qui sont les SDF?

·  Le chandail. R.Carrier

·  Les pom-pom girls, nouvelle passion francaise? L’Express 2010

·  Le secret de Maitre Cornille. A. Daudet

·  Voyager au bout du RER. L’Express 2010