First United Methodist Church Maiden NC July 2017
First United Methodist Church Maiden NC July 2017
Edith Pirkle 4th of July Parade
First United Methodist Church Maiden NC July 2017
Tueday, July 4th at 10:30 am. Participants should be at Maiden Library by 10:00 am.
First United Methodist Church Maiden NC July 2017
First United Methodist Church Maiden NC July 2017
Safe Sanctuary Training
Pastor Tony will be conducting Safe Sanctuary training for anyone working with children at our church. If you wish to help in any programs with the children, please see Pastor Tony.
With Deepest Sympathy
The church family extends its deepest sympathy to Martha “Joylee” Jones’s family who passed away on June 21st after a battle with cancer.
Our volleyball team finished in second place this year. Thanks to all that participated and a special “thank you” to coach, Gene Dellinger.
It’s a Girl! Proud parents, Zach and Torey Rome welcomed their new arrival on June 10th. Avery Lynn Rome came into the world weighing 6 lbs 7 oz. Congratulations to Michael and Debbie Rome, proud grandparents.
Congratulations to Matt Kelly and Brittany Nicole Tibbs who became engaged at the top of Bodie Island lighthouse on June 22nd.
Congratulations to Faith Dellinger Howell and Andrew Hughes. They were married on Saturday, June 24th at First United Methodist Church.
It’s a Boy! Congratulations to Pat, Marcie and Zoey Rufty on the new arrival of Landin Carter Rufty who was born on June 29th.
the building are also being repaired.
First United Methodist Church Maiden NC July 2017
First United Methodist Church Maiden NC July 2017
First United Methodist Church Maiden NC July 2017
First United Methodist Church Maiden NC July 2017
2017 VBS Hero Central
VBS starts on Sunday, July 16th. A drop in meal will be served from 5pm to 5:45pm. VBS will start at 6pm and end at 8pm nightly through the 20th.
We have a list of supplies that are needed for props and crafting. If you would like to help out with the funding or purchase of these supplies, please let Jenna Southers know as soon as possible. We have a budget for VBS each year, but we can always use additional moneys to make things even better for the participants. Supplies for our suppers each night are: loaves of white bread, shredded cheese, cheddar cheese slices, potato chips, bagged salad, salad dressing, diced tomatoes, ketchup, mayo and mustard, angel hair pasta. If you provide any of these specific supplies, please bring them to the church on Sunday, July 16th. Also needed are construction paper and card stock in colors of blue, yellow, red and green, boxes of all shapes and sizes, black spray paint, table cloths that are plastic in colors of red, blue, yellow and green, poster board in red, blue, yellow and green, balloons in red, blue, yellow and green and large tip black permanent markers. Please bring these items by July 16th to the fellowship hall.
There is still time to get involved. Folks are needed to help portray characters in our daily skits, as well as to assist in making props. Please let Jenna know if you can help out in any way. Remember, Safe Sanctuary training is required to help with the children.
Shut-In of the Month
Jean Auton
Catawba Valley Living at Rock Barn
PO Box 1599
Room 214
Conover NC 28613
Volunteers for Wee Worship
July 2nd – Jenna Southers & Kris Kelly
July 9th – Anthony Lawing & Kortney Coulter
July 16th – Sarah Heffner & Patrick Rufty
July 23rd– No Wee Worship
July 30th – Crystal and Keely Dellinger
Meeting Reminders
Trustee’s Meeting – Wednesday, July 5th at 7:00 pm
UMM – Sunday, July 9th at 8:00 am
Pairs & Spares Meal – Tuesday, July 11th at 5:30 pm
Choir Practice – 7pm Tuesday, July 11th & 25th (Summer Schedule)
Money Counters/Security for July:
Debbie Sain & Judy Sims
Ushers for July:
Billy & Jacob Lineberger, Butch Parker & Justin Wilson
Happy Birthday
3rd – Michael Rome
3rd – Andrew Wilson
5th – Hannah Sigmon
6th- Tim Lawing
9th- Dwight Lawing, Jr.
11th – Ryan Coulter
14th Wendy Lancaster
17th - Mike Beard
17th – Wayne McKinney
20th – Rylan Coulter
21st – Jan Ledford
21st – Kayleigh Sims
22nd – Jenn Rice
23rd – Grant Lawing
30th – Ellen Taylor
31st – Kim Abernathy
31st – Constance Heafner
Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Can we be successful again and help raise money for Maiden Elementary School? If you are willing and want to help with this year’s pancake breakfast, please see Denise Campbell so we can get the plans and preparations in place to make money for our school children that need help with their school supplies, meals and more.
July 1st – Tony & Wanda Jordan
We are getting an early start on our Christmas cards for the troops. These cards will be available in the educational building and the narthex of the sanctuary. They are grouped in sets of ten. Please write a personal note to a soldier.
All cards need to be received back at the church by August 13th so that we can get them mailed out in time for their delivery over the Christmas holiday.
Garden Freshness
Thanks to those who are sharing what God has blessed them with from their gardens.