IBMYP LEARN Planning Template (Unit of Work)

GlasgowMiddle School, Alexandria, Virginia

Unit / Topic


God Grew Tired of Us

Unit Title


Read-a-thon Lessons

Unit Author(s) /

Michelle Peters

/ Date / 3/07

Subject Area


Community & Service






Identify the AOI that will serve as the primary lens for the lesson:

( ) Approaches to Learning ( X ) Community and Service ( ) Homo Faber

( X) Health and Social Education ( ) Environment

How will the AOI be used to focus instruction during this unit?


Remember that the Guiding Question should not necessarily be limited to this unit or to this subject area.

What does a person owe his past? - John Dau

Standards of Learning, FCPS POS/ Benchmarks


Essential/Enduring Understanding

What question(s) will students need to be able to answer at the end of the unit? What will they need to remember ten years from now?

FCPS School Board Student Achievement Goal #3


All students will understand and model the important attributes that people must have to contribute to an effective and productive community and the common good of all. Students will:

3.1.Know and practice the duties, responsibilities, and rights of citizenship in a democratic society.

What does it mean to be “resettled” from an African refugee camp to a new home in the United States?

3.2.Be respectful and contributing participants in their school, community, country, and world.

In what ways can a student at GMS change the life of a refugee in Sudan?

How do people maintain a sense of their cultural identity when immigrating and tying to assimilate into a new country/culture?

3.3.Understand the purpose, role, and means of interaction with the different levels of government.

How does government fail and protect societies through the comparison of the way the Sudanese and US governments participated in the loved of the Lost Boys?

MYP Aims and Objectives (What do students need to know or do?)

Look in your Subject Area Guide or go online to the IBO OCC at:

Assessment (How will you know they learned it?)
SUMMATIVE Identify summative assessment task
(X) Presentation ( ) Observation
( ) Debate (X) Performance
(X) Creative Writing ( ) Class work
( ) Skills Test ( ) Written Test
( ) Essay ( ) Project
(X) Other – Participation in Read-a-thon activity / FORMATIVE Identify formative assessment tasks
(X) informal / oral
( ) homework ______
( ) class work ______
( ) quiz

Attachments (materials to be used in this unit)

“God Grew Tired of Us” movie clips 1-4

“God Grew Tired of Us” Educator’s Guide pp.27-32

Read-a-thon Reflection Journal
Poster board
Unit Lesson Plans: (Active LEARNing)

Fill in the lesson plans below keeping the LEARN model in mind as you plan each one. The blanks are provided for you to use, but each unit may require you to add more or use fewer.

Lesson 1 __

Unit God Grew Tired of Us / Lesson Title Migration
Date(s) Mon. 3/12 / Period(s) after school
Teacher Peters
Lesson resources (text pages, video clips, etc.)

“God Grew Tired of Us” movie clip #1

“God Grew Tired of Us” Educator’s Guide pp.27-32

L(ink): Connect with prior knowledge/ learning. Use your AOI to link your lesson to the curriculum, to other subjects, and to the real world. Use classroom procedures to reinforce ongoing skills and habits of mind.

J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan, 1904:
Wendy: Where do you live now?
Peter: With the lost boys. They are the children who fall out of their prams when the nurse is looking the other way. If they are not claimed in seven days they are sent far away to the NeverLand.
What is a “Lost Boy” in today’s terms?
Do you know a “Lost Boy”?
Why are there “Lost Boys?”

E(ngage): Explain the day’s learning objective, identify essential knowledge, enduring understanding, and use your guiding question to make the lesson meaningful and memorable.

GGToU video clip #1
The lesson draws from the film “God Grew Tired of Us” “to teach students about the concepts of migration, cultural mosaics, sense of place, forces of cooperation and conflict among communities. The movie clip tells the moving story of how young people have overcome incredible challenges and ways they struggle to improve their own lives and those of family and friends left behind. Students will learn about the Lost Boys of Sudan, a group of youth who fled civil war in their native country, spent a decade growing up in a refugee camp and resettled in the USA. “ (Educator’s Guide)
What does a person owe his past?

A(ctive): Instructional Strategy(ies) & Task(s): (Learning tasks and cooperative learning activities selected to advance student understanding. There will often be multiple strategies in 30 minute periods; some tasks may last longer than one period.)

Strategy / Task
4 corners game
Jig Saw /
  1. Discuss the journey and challenges faced 4 corners game. (List the 4 top challenges and stand in the corners, debate amongst the corners why it was the biggest challenge)
  2. Map the boys journey
  3. Chart the where the boys immigrated in the USA

R(eflect)- Give students an opportunity orally or in writing to reflect on what they’ve learned (e.g. in a process journal or on an exit slip).

Read-a-thon Reflection Journal- Students to free write for 5 minutes on their thoughts of the lesson

N(ow and then) – Review and preview, helping students construct understanding about what they’re learning next, and why.

After the read-a-thon portion teachers will review thoughts and ideas about where the lost boys are in the US. They will then ask the question, what do think was the hardest thing to adjust to in the USA?

Lesson 2 ______

Unit God Grew Tired of Us / Lesson Title Cultural Interaction
Date(s) Wednesday 3/14 / Period(s) after school
Teacher Peters
Lesson resources (text pages, video clips, etc.)
“God Grew Tired of Us” movie clip #2

L(ink): Connect with prior knowledge/ learning. Use your AOI to link your lesson to the curriculum, to other subjects, and to the real world. Use classroom procedures to reinforce ongoing skills and habits of mind.

Hot Seat Activity:
What are the characteristics of American culture?
What do you think was the hardest thing to adjust to in the USA as an immigrant?

E(ngage): Explain the day’s learning objective, identify essential knowledge, enduring understanding, and use your guiding question to make the lesson meaningful and memorable.

GGToU video clip #2

“The video clip will share the story of 3 young men from Sudan and how they have settled in various communities in the USA. What differences do you see between the Dinka and US cultures?” (Educator’s guide) Food, life style, clothing, language, body language (holding hands)

What sense of responsibility do the “Lost Boys” feel towards each other and their connections in Africa? In what ways can you make a difference in your own community?

A(ctive): Instructional Strategy(ies) & Task(s): (Learning tasks and cooperative learning activities selected to advance student understanding. There will often be multiple strategies in a 30 minute period; some tasks may last longer than one period.)

Strategy / Task
  1. Discuss what challenges they faced in adapting to life in the USA.
  2. How do they maintain their cultural identity?
  3. Action- How can we help in our community? (money drive, Letters to government, letter to a lost boy)

R(eflect)- Give students an opportunity orally or in writing to reflect on what they’ve learned (e.g. in a process journal or on an exit slip).

In your Read-a-thon Reflection book draw a picture of the “face of Glasgow” and reflect on how that compares to what the world thinks Americans look like.

N(ow and then) – Review and preview, helping students construct understanding about what they’re learning next, and why.

Compare and contrast the feelings evoked in the reflection activity. How are we the same and different? Where have we all come from? THOUGHT: How much do we owe our past?

Lesson 3 ______

Unit God Grew Tired of Us / Lesson Title Culture Clash & Community
Date(s) Thursday 3/15 / Period(s) after school
Teacher Peters
Lesson resources (text pages, video clips, etc.)
“God Grew Tired of Us” movie clip #3 & 4

L(ink): Connect with prior knowledge/ learning. Use your AOI to link your lesson to the curriculum, to other subjects, and to the real world. Use classroom procedures to reinforce ongoing skills and habits of mind.

How much do we know our past? What does this mean?

E(ngage): Explain the day’s learning objective, identify essential knowledge, enduring understanding, and use your guiding question to make the lesson meaningful and memorable.

GGToU video clip #3 & 4

Viewers will be inspired by the protagonists’ perseverance in the face of adversity and they are left to ponder the relative merits of American and Dinka culture.
Students will learn about culture clash and community building across multiple scales and contexts.

A(ctive): Instructional Strategy(ies) & Task(s): (Learning tasks and cooperative learning activities selected to advance student understanding. There will often be multiple strategies in tow 30 minute periods; some tasks may last longer than one period.)

Strategy / Task
  1. Each student will create one poster to encourage community and service in an area they feel we should address at GMS.

R(eflect)- Give students an opportunity orally or in writing to reflect on what they’ve learned (e.g. in a process journal or on an exit slip).

Read-a-thon Refection Journal- Free write related to the video. Feelings about clashes, action,