ICS20 – Summative 2012

Part 1 – Decide which “game” you wish to create.

You will be creating a game in BOTH Scratch and Small Basic. Keeping that in mind, choose the game you think you can best implement on both. The games are as follows:

1.  Pacman

Rules of the game: Pacman moves around the maze (keep the maze small) according to arrow directions and eats as many pucks as possible. This provides points (1 pt each); additionally there are ghosts, named Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde, which try to capture you. If you find the power pill (5 pts), it makes the ghosts vulnerable and they maybe eaten to remove them as opponents for a period of time and gets you an additional 10 pts.

You should have a timer to indicate how long you have to capture the ghosts; also you will need a tally of your points.

2.  Sliding puzzle

Rules of the game: A grid of 16 tiles has the numbers from 1 to 15 placed randomly in them with one tile missing. The object of the game is to slide the tiles into ascending order starting at the upper left using the mouse to move into the blank spot. The final winning order looks like this: 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 B (where B is the missing tile)

You should create a counter to tell the person how many moves it took them to complete the puzzle, and/or a timer that tells them how long it took them to complete the puzzle.

3.  Maze

Rules of the game: The maze is previously created by you, with a grid no less than 6x6. You will make the game both interactive where the user uses the arrow keys to work their way through your maze showing its path as it moves and you can make the maze solve itself with the computer leaving a marked trail to show the path taken.

When the computer solves the maze it should have a separate colour for when it must go over its path again to find the way out.

You will have a timer to allow users to see how long it took for them to solve the puzzle.

Additional mazes for higher levels are an option if time permits.

4.  Worm game

Rules of the game: You have a small worm that moves about your screen and is directed by the arrow keys. It is 2 segments long to start. Random food pops up on the screen and you try to capture it. When you do the worm grows, 1, 2 or 3 segments according to the type of food. As the worm moves around the screen it cannot hit a wall, nor can it hit itself. If so, it dies.

Ways to make this game more difficult would include making the speed of the worm increase over time.

***All games should have a timer, some form of points (except the slide timer) and the stats should be stored in a file (for Small basic). If time permits, you should be able to read the file and compare to see if your user is a new record holder.

Part 2 – Use the following sheets to put together a game plan. Fill in the tables below to help you do this. Mrs Forrest must initialize your ideas before you can start coding


Question / What will I use / How will I use it?
1. What should be in the Background?
2. What is the main Sprite for this game?
3. What other sprites do I need to consider?
Question / What will I use? / How will I use it?
1. How are things moving around my game?
2. What directions can I move in?
3. What are the possible results when I move?
4. How do I know I have won?
5. What things need to be initialized (at the beginning)?

You may use short forms and all of the empty boxes do not have to be filled but make sure to cover all the possible scenarios.

Small Basic:

Question / What will I use / How will I use it?
1. How will I set up my window?
2. What is going to be my main object in the game?
3. What other objects do I need to make/ consider?
Question / What is available? / How will I use it?
1. How are things moving around my game?
2. What “events” should I be looking for?
2. What directions can I move in?
3. What type of condition will the movement need?
4. What are the possible results when I move?
5. How do I know I have won?
5. What things need to be initialized (at the beginning)?
6. What is the order of the actions

Part 3 – Do your coding


¨  Use a single process for each sprite (unless you have a broadcast but keep it to a minimum.)

¨  Name your sprites accordingly (makes it easier to remember where you are)

¨  All stationary objects should be a part of your background

Small Basic: Remember your coding must include the following:

¨  Comments

¨  Indentations to frame your code and make it easy to read

¨  Subroutines should be after the main code not in the middle

¨  Spaces between sections to make it easy to see the different parts

¨  No Goto statements unless you want to use it to restart your game

¨  Use the reference documents to find the easiest way to deal with a problem.

Part 4 – Reflection
Write a Personal Critique of what you have accomplished on both games
¨  State the limitations (what does not work that well)… be specific
¨  State the strengths of the program…. be specific
¨  State ways you could improve (make it better, add additional features or make it more user friendly)… be specific


Your evaluation is as follows: For each language (2x40 marks)

¨  Planning (10 marks)

o  Student can clearly express what they want to do /10

o  Student has a fairly clear picture but cannot fully describe what they want to do /8

o  Student brain stormed but cannot decide how to continue /6

o  Student has spent little time brainstorming and is unclear on how to continue <5

¨  Code structure (5 marks)

o  Easy to follow, descriptive variables, comments /5

¨  Code logic (10 marks)

o  Concise, well thought out, logical order /10

o  Mostly well thought out, but not optimized, logic is generally well thought out /8

o  Unnecessarily long, not thought out well /6

o  Unnecessarily long, slapped together no logical order <5

¨  Code functionality (does it work?) (10 marks)

o  No flaws /10

o  Some minor flaws, but still quite functional /8

o  Some major flaws, but code still executes /5

o  Major flaws, code won't execute, but is present /3

¨  Reflection (5 marks)