Medical Terminology Syllabus

Liberty Hill High School

Health Science Technologies

Instructor: Sheila Dolbow, BSN, RN, CA-SANE, CP-SANE

Contact Me: , 512-260-5500 x7149

Conference Period: 08:55 – 09:40 Monday - Friday

**Please make an appointment**

Course Description:

Medical Terminology is a key component in the Health Science Technology pathway at Liberty Hill High School. It will provide an introduction to Health Science and open doors to other opportunities available to LHHS students through the Career and Technology Education program. This course will begin preparation for a career in the health care setting and potential continued course of study in healthcare professions. You will be held to a high standard in this course. Manikins used for teaching will be anatomically correct and the course content will be detailed. You will be expected to handle yourself in a mature manner in the class. While this course may present some challenges it will be fun!

Prerequisites: None Course Length: 1 year

Textbook: “Introduction to Medical Terminology, 3nd ed”, Ann Ehrlich, Carol L. Schroeder


3 –ring binder Notebook Dividers (5 tabbed) Black Pens

Paper Pencils colored pencils


Course Content Goals:

v  The student recognizes the terminology related to the health science industry

v  The student demonstrates communication skills using the terminology applicable to the health care industry

v  The student examines available resources for assistance in interpretation of technical materials

v  The student interprets medical abbreviations

v  The student is able to translate medical terms in simulated technical material such as physician progress notes, radiological reports, and laboratory reports

v  The student is able to correctly interpret contents of medical scenarios

v  The student is able to translate medical terms to conversational language to facilitate communication

Instructional Philosophy:

This class will offer a variety of learning activities such as hands-on activities, laboratory experiences, class discussion, problem solving, direct teaching, oral presentations, and project based learning. You will also be actively using technology such as the Internet, PowerPoint, and Word to assist you in cooperative group projects, and to help deepen your understanding of the medical field. Throughout the semester you will complete several projects either cooperatively or individually.


Grades are calculated according to LHHS grading policy. Assignment weight is as follows:

50% Major – Exam grades

40% Minor – Daily grades

10% Minor – Homework

Each six weeks the student will have approximately 2-3 test grades and a minimum of 10-12 combined daily / homework grades. Please be aware when checking on student progress that assignments may be posted in Skyward prior to the actual due date and therefore no grade will appear until the due date has past and the assignment has been graded.

Healthcare professions require a certain degree of organization and it is essential to learn this skill early. With that being said, all work is expected to be turned in by the assigned due date! Late assignments will be accepted at a reduction in grade. Any assignment that is more than one (1) week past due will not be accepted.

You will be keeping a cumulative notebook throughout the entire year. DO NOT throw anything away! All handouts and worksheets provided during the course will provide information that will become testable material. At the end of each 6-weeks you will be turning in your notebook for an exam grade.

Re-Take Policy:

Students will be allowed to re-take major assignments that they may not have performed well on according to LHHS policies. Upon re-test, both the initial test grade and the re-test grade will be averaged for a maximum grade of 70. In order to re-test the student must attend at least one tutorial session. Students will have one week to re-test. Re-testing will be provided utilizing an alternate version of the original test.

Tardy / Absence

Students are expected to be in the classroom by the time the tardy bell rings. Any student arriving late will be marked tardy for that class period. Students that are late by more than 15 minutes will be counted absent for that class period according to school policy. In the event a student is absent due to illness or unforeseen circumstances it is their responsibility to request any missed assignments. The appropriate extension of time to complete the assignments will be provided given the length of absence according to school policy (1 additional day for each day absent).

In the event a student will be absent due to school related event it is their responsibility to gather and complete all assignments or make arrangements to do so PRIOR TO the absence. School related functions do not qualify for additional study days in relation to assignments.

Dress Code

All students are expected to follow LHHS dress code policies. Any student presenting to class in violation of the campus dress code will be referred to the office.

Food / Drink

Students are allowed to have clear water bottles within the classroom. No other food or drink will be allowed according to school policy. Any student with non-clear receptacles (Yeti cups, etc.) will be required to empty contents and store the container.

Cell Phone Use

Cell phone use is not permitted in class unless express permission has been granted for a class activity. All cell phones will be on silent and stored during class. In the event a parent needs to contact a student they should call the office during school hours. In the event a student is found utilizing a cell phone in class for texting, playing games, etc. the phone will be taken up and sent to the office. This may require a parent to pick the phone up after school.

Units of Study:

I.  Introduction to Medical Terminology

II.  The Human Body in Health and Disease

III.  Skeletal System

IV.  Muscular System

V.  Cardiovascular System

VI.  Lymphatic and Immune Systems

VII.  Respiratory system

VIII.  Digestive System

IX.  Urinary System

X.  Nervous System

XI.  Special Senses: Eyes and Ears

XII.  Integumentary System

XIII.  Endocrine System

XIV.  Reproductive Systems

XV.  Diagnostic Procedures, Nuclear Medicine, and Pharmacology

Contact Information

Student Name: ______Grade: ______

Student Email: ______

Mother/Guardian’s Name: ______

Mother/Guardian’s Email: ______

Mother/Guardian’s Contact Number: ______

(please indicate cell or home number)

Father/Guardian’s Name: ______

Father/Guardian’s Email: ______

Father/Guardian’s Contact Number: ______

(please indicate cell or home number)

By signing this I understand that I have read and understand the syllabus and procedures for the “Medical Terminology” class. I understand that models and manikins will be anatomically correct, and we will be learning the body systems (including the reproductive system) using correct terminology.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______