LeadgateTaskForce Meeting Minutes

Held at The Jolly Drovers 10am Tuesday 10th January 2017

In Attendance:

Richard Judd(RJ) – Chair; Janet Lavery (JL)– Secretary; Les Reay; (LR) Vera Bridgewater; (VB) David Lavery(DL).


a)RJ opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Task Force and explained that meetings would be held on an Ad-Hoc basis rather than monthly; the Chair would be responsible for calling future meetings.

Action – RJ

b)It was further agreed that all documentation would be published on leadgatevillage.org.uk and made freely available to all to read/download as required.

Action – DL

2. Neighbourhood Co-ordinators

a)The Task Force would seek to appoint local co-ordinators throughout the village area, these would need to be volunteers who would inform the Task Force of any problems etc. in their area.

Action – RJ

b)It was suggested that using local media could assist in getting area volunteers and DL agreed to act as media co-ordinator for the group.

Action – DL

3. Planning for Christmas 2017

a)There was a general discussion on the need for early planning for Christmas 2017 events and several topics were discussed:

  • Site for Christmas tree; Three sites were identified; The Gap on Front Street, Leadgate Cricket Club,and the War Memorial on Durham Road. Pros and Cons for each location were discussed and it was agreed that we will explore each in more detail.

Action – RJ- JL

  • Purchasing of trees: It was agreed that the overall aim would be to have a tree planted but it was also agreed that there may be a need for a potted tree, especially in 2017. The issue of funding was discussed and it was agreed to consider incorporating a “Donate” button on the Task Force Page on our Website as an option.

Action – RJ- DL

  • Decorations: This was discussed and it was agreed that this was only lights and it was suggested that TESCO Community Co-ordinator should be approached to see if they could supply the lighting.

Action – RJ

  • Power Supply: RJ stated that he had contacted DCC in regards to options for the power supply and we await their reply.

Action – RJ

  • Father Christmas Parade; A plan to have “Father Christmas” visit Leadgate was discussed. RJ has been in contact with Liam Carr who organised such an event in Medomsley and he will explore this further and update the Task Force.

Action – All

  • Shop decorations/involvement; There was a discussion on getting local shops and traders involved in the Christmas activities, it was agreed that a leaflet campaign that would include all the events planned for Christmas in Leadgate be produced and distributed to the local businesses by the end of August 2017.

Action – DL

  • Christmas Fayre; JL briefed the meeting on this planned fund raising activity, she has spoken to Community Centre Chair-person and requested that the Task Force have 2 tables at the event being planned. She is meeting with them again in early February and hopes to have confirmation of dates etc. by then. It is envisaged that we would have one table to advertise the Task Force and provide some refreshments (mulled wine – mince pies etc.) and use the second table as a fund-raising opportunity.

Action – RJ-JL

4. Sustrans and Cycle Way Update

a)RJ and JL have meet with Sustrans (North East) to obtain information as to who had the responsibility for the upkeep of the land adjacent to the C2C (the stretch running behind Front Street). The meeting was extremely positive and Sustrans are working on some of the side areas, they are also organising a “litter picking” event early in Spring 2017.

b)Both RJ and JL have applied to become Sustrans Rangers; (LR already is one), it was agreed that we should look to see if any others would like to volunteer for this role.

Action – RJ-JL-LR

c)There is a meeting with Sustrans Area Co-ordinator on the 30th January 2017 at 11:30 in the Jolly Drovers to discuss general issues on the C2C and hopefully obtain dates for their litter picking event.

Action – RJ-JL-LR

5. Big Spring Clean 2017

a)The Task Force aim to organise the Leadgate Big Spring Clean to coincide with the DCC event, we are still awaiting confirmation from the council as to the actual date however RJ has confirmed that they will provide the equipment needed to facilitate the activity and had only one concern which was where the bags etc. would be stored until their crews could come and pick them up.

Action – RJ

b)It was agreed that central storage would be a problem as it would involve double handling heavy bags from all corners of the village. After discussion, it was agreed that the village would be mapped into areas under a co-ordinator and a suitable off road point sought in each area where storage over the weekend could be reasonably achieved.

Action – RJ - JL

c)There was a discussion about the feasibility of obtaining skips to take any bulky items during the event, this was not considered to be an option due to costs/security/siting problems.

d)RJ has contacted a local scrap merchant (Garry Hughes) with a view to him being involved in the clean-up;if he was available, we would leaflet the areas asking villagers to set out any metal scrap on the day.

Action – RJ

6. Areas to be improved

a)Area Improvement to be looked at once area co-ordinators are in place, in the meantime if something is noticed villagers would be encouraged to contact RJ via the Task Force page on our Website.

7. Dog Fouling

a)It was agreed that this remains a high priority as it is a particularly prevalent and persistent problem throughout Leadgate. It was suggested that, as part of the publicity campaign for the Big Spring Clean, there should be a leaflet campaign to raise awareness and highlight the dangers to health of dog fouling.

Action – RJ-LR-DL

8. Fund Raising Events and Funding Opportunities

a)It was agreed that the Task Force would seek to hold 6 “Fund Raising” events a year, where possible this would be once a quarter and 2 others to take the form of a raffle after large scale events such as the “Big Spring Clean”.

Action – All

b)One event could be an evening function in the Cricket Club, LR agreed to contact Michael Kelly, a local professional musician (singer/guitar player) to see if he would be willing to perform at the function and what dates he had free prior to us approaching the club.

Action – LR

9. Any other business

a)VB suggested contacting the local Churches/Care-Homes/Schools to offer them the opportunity to advertise their events on our Website, this would allow the Task Force to plan their events to ensure that they do not clash with the efforts of others. VB offered to compile a list of all the establishments along with their contact details.

Action – VB

b)RJ highlighted the need to establish fund raising targets along with any opportunities to apply for grants to improve the village environment.

Action – RJ

c)LR suggested that there should be a “Running Track” through Watling Woods, RJ would contact Steven Craig of DCC to see if this would be possible. JL suggested that this may be an opportunity to make it a multipurpose track which would enable wheelchair/pushchair users to access the wood.

Action –RJ

d)LR proposed that the Website should have a “Skills Exchange” page with the aim of allowing locals to “barter” their skills, there are plenty of models for this system in operation on the Web.

Action – LR-DL

10. Close

There being no further business the Chair thanked all attendees and closed the meeting at 12:07.

David Lavery

Media Co-ordinator


LR has contacted Michael Kelly who has agreed to perform without a fee and has suggested the last two weekends in April or the first two weekends in May.