Mac/Critix Environment
Connecting to the ED network via FPASS requires that the Mac OS X version 10.6.8 (or prior releases) is installed on your workstation. Currently Mac OS X 10.7 (a.k.a. Lion), will not function within our ED Citrix environment. As this option becomes available, communications will be released to the Mac ED user community.
** The suggestions for installing the Citrix Client below on your Mac workstation are meant to serve as guidelines for authorized ED users attempting to access the ED network. No responsibility or accountability of the contents of the suggestions, sites or download software is assumed by either Dell/Perot Systems or the Department of Education.
Since many vendor sites are updated frequently, the pages that follow are a point-in-time snapshot. We have attempted to document the process at a high-level. They may or may NOT reflect the current status of the site.
Connecting your Mac to the Department of ED’s Citrix infrastructure involves 3 tasks.
Step 1: Install the Citrix software
Step 2: Connect to the ED Network
Step 3: Connect to Citrix
Step 1: Install the Citrix software
Open a web browser, Safari, Firefox or Chrome, and access the Citrix website:
Select the “Downloads” option.
In the Download Window select the Download Receiver for Mac button
Follow the instructions in the Downloading Citrix Receiver window.
This will download the installer and place it in your system specified download file location. Safari will, by default, open the download window and show you the file downloading to your computer
Figure 6: Picture of Download in process
Once the download has completed successfully, the downloaded file canbe located by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the right. The default folder for these files to be downloaded into is the Downloads folder in your home directory. Some users prefer to have downloaded files directed to their Desktop. Your personal preference will dictate the location of the downloads folder..
Locate the installer file (MacICAOSX.dmg) in your Downloads file. Double click on the file.
Figure 7: Picture of Installer File
A disk icon labeled “Citrix Receiver” will be mounted on the desktop
Figure 8: Picture of Citrix Receiver
Double click on the Citrix Receiver icon to locate the installer application.
Figure 9: Install Citrix Receiver package circled
Begin the installation process by selecting the “Continue” button.
Figure 10: Install Citrix Receiver Screen
Figure 11: Installation was successful screen
Citrix Receiver is now installed on your Macintosh.
Step 2: Connect to the ED Network (SSL VPN)
Open your web browser and log into Enter you ED Username, Password and Security Code. The security code is generated by your ED Verisign Token.
Figure 12: Picture of Login screen
Click on the SSL-VPN link at the bottom of the left column.
Figure 13: SSL VPN circled
First time users will be prompted to download the VPN Plug-Ins. Click on the “Auto-installation” link to download the software and initiate installation.
Figure 14: First time user installation screen
Click onthe “Continue”button and authenticate when necessary through the installation process.
Figure 15: Install SSL VPN Client Screen
Once the installation has completed, close and then re-open the browser.
Test the VPN Connection. To test the VPN connection return to and follow the instructions in step 2 again. It should connect without prompting you to install software.
If the installation completed successfully, two small windows will be displayed noting the successful status of your connection.
If the installation failed, the auto-installation window from above will be displayed. Click on the option, “Download and run a standalone installer package.” The installer will be downloaded and you can complete the process manually. Proceed with the installation until it completes. Exit the browser, then re-open the browser and test the connection again.
Once you see the two small windows open, you are connected to the ED Network. Please be aware that the VPN link is maintained only as long as these two windows are open. Do not close the browser windows while the connection is open.
You are ready to connect to the ED network using Citrix on your Macintosh. Please make certain that you have restarted the browser after the initial plug-in installation and that your browser does not block pop-ups.
Open your web browser and log into Click on the EDNetSSL VPN link in the middle of the page as you have done previously, Asecurity window will pop up. Do not close these two windows. If you close these two windows, the connection to the ED network will be disconnected. You are now connected through SSL VPN.
Step 3: Connect to Citrix
There are two ways to launch Citrix once a connection to the ED network has been established. Both of these methods will launch the ED Standard Desktop.
Open the ED Standard Desktop via the ED Website. Launch a browser and go to At the login screen, enter your ED credentials.
Figure 16: EDUCATE Citrix Login Screen
Click on “ED Standard Desktop” to connect to the Citrix environment.
Figure 17: Citrix "ED Standard Desktop" Screen
Double clicking on this link standard desktopwill launch your Windows desktop. This file contains the authentication and connection information needed to launch the ED Standard Desktop.
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