Achievement and Integration Plan
July1, 2014 – June 30,2017
This plan reflects requirements included in the current achievement and integration statutes and desegregation/integration rule (Minn. Stat. § 124D.861, Minn. Stat. § 124D.862, Minn. R. 3535.0100-0180).
District ISD# and Name:656 Faribault Public Schools
District Status: (RI) Racially Isolated District (only)
Name of Collaborative: Cannon River Collaborative
Superintendent’sName:Todd Sesker
District Office Address:
Street Address: 2800 NW 1st Avenue, Suite 1
City, State, ZIP: Faribault, MN 55021
Document prepared by:
Name: Shirl Currie and Colleen Cardenuto
Title: Integration Coordinator and Director of Teaching and Learning
Phone: 507-333-6067 or 507-333-6008
Racially Identifiable Schools (RIS) within a District
If you have been notified by MDE that your district has one or more racially identifiable schools, please list each of those schools below:
Plans for racially identifiable schools will follow the same format provided for districts within an integration collaborative. The RIS plan section starts on the final page
Board Approval Date: March 24, 2014
Integration Collaborative Member Districts
- RI2143 Waterville Elysian-Morristown Public Schools
Please return this completed plan by March 15, 2014 to . Electronic submission is required.
Address general questions on the data or plan submission process to Kari-Ann Ediger, Office of Equity and Innovation, 651-582-8269, .
Achievement Goal One
The proficiency GAP between the Hispanic, Black, White, FRP, Non-FRP students enrolled the full academic year for all grades tested within Faribault Public Schools on all state Math and Reading accountability tests (MCA, MOD, MTAS) will DECREASE as follows within our District by INCREASING the proficiency of Hispanic, Black, White, FRP, Non-FRPstudent groups as follows within our District
Proficiency INCREASE: Math
Name of District / Status / Baseline data / Year 12014-15 / Year 2
2015-16 / Year 3
2016-17 / Total Increase
All students / 46% / 65% / 69% / 73% / 27%
Protected Class / 24.30% / 49.30% / 56.30% / 62.20% / 37.9%
Hispanic / 23.10% / 48.10% / 55.10% / 62.60% / 38.5%
Black / 16.80% / 47.30% / 53.80% / 58.40% / 41.6%
White / 54.60% / 71.10% / 72.10% / 77.30% / 22.7%
Non-FRP / 58% / 73% / 76% / 79% / 21%
FRP / 34.20% / 60.20% / 65.20% / 67.10% / 32.9%
Proficiency INCREASE: Reading
Name of District / Status / Baseline data / Year 12014-15 / Year 2
2015-16 / Year 3
2016-17 / Total Increase
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All students / 45% / 61% / 66.5% / 72.5% / 27.5%
Protected Class / 23.2% / 43.2% / 53.2% / 61.6% / 38.4%
Hispanic / 23.9% / 43.9% / 54.9% / 62% / 38.1%
Black / 16.9% / 40.9% / 49.0% / 58.5% / 41.6%
White / 56.6% / 67.1% / 72.2% / 78.3% / 21.7%
Non-FRP / 61.2% / 70.7% / 75.7% / 80.8% / 19.4%
FRP / 32.4% / 48.4% / 58.8% / 66.2% / 33.8%
AchievementGoal One: Strategies and Activities
Strategy I:In order to build stronger relationship between schools, families and the community to work together on increasing student achievement, the Faribault Public Schools will continue to implement the FAST Program. (Goal 1.1)
Family Engagement:
Families and Schools Together (FAST)
This program began in October 2012. The Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) trainers trained approximately 12 FPS staff members. The PIQE curriculum is intended to build stronger connections between families, our schools, and our community. The primary goal of PIQE is to “…educate parents on how to foster a positive educational environment for their children both at home and at school.”
FPS has named its program FAST (Families and Schools Together). Our first 6-week session was held for high school parents of 9th and 10th grade students. There are three groups: English-speaking, Spanish-speaking, and Somali-speaking parents. Each group has been averaging about 20 parents a session.
This 6-week program is free to parents, and transportation is provided for those who need it. In the future, FAST will be a cooperative program between FPS and Faribault Community Education. Our ongoing goal is to train additional members and continue to grow our program. WEM can access the pool of facilitators or participate in our existing programs.
Strategy II: Faribault Public Schools will sustain, and increase, the number of cultural liaisons in an effort to enhance the cooperation and communication between the protected students’ families and the schools. (Inter-District) (Goal 1.2)
Recruitment and Retention of Staff:
The cultural liaisons in our district are our most effective communicators between the school staff, the students and the parents of our protected students.
FPS added these liaisons in response to a meeting which was initiated by the Somali community elders who requested additional help for their community in 2011-12. Training programs for all liaisons will continue to include: technology, cultural expectations, reading, and writing skills. All our liaisons need to be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English so they can serve as effective communicators between the school staff and the parents of our protected students. We continue to train our Liaisons in areas such as FAST in order to retain and enhance our programs for students.
Strategy III: Faribault Public Schools will implement programming designed to increase student achievement and improve educational opportunities designed to close the academic achievement gap between white students and protected students through classroom experiences, curriculum initiatives, and other educationally related programs. At the same time, Faribault Public Schools will implement programming that increases the cultural capital of all students. Cultural capital is defined as, “…knowledge, experience, and values that enable individuals to succeed within a particular social and cultural context” (Coonley, 2010). Faribault Public Schools will implement the following College and Career Readiness Programs:
College Career Readiness Programing:
Strategy III A: Advancement ViaIndividual Determination (AVID) (Goal 1.3)
AVID is a highly structured, college prep academic program that challenges average students who are in the academic middle (GPA of 2.0-3.5). The AVID students are selected by a set of criteria established by the AVID organization. According to AVID philosophy, there are four dimensions in the process of preparing students for college and career readiness (Conley, 2010). Those dimensions include: key cognitive strategies, key content knowledge, academic behaviors, and contextual skills and awareness. Student progress is monitored by the AVID data collection requirements, by the District’s annual standardized assessments, and by the State’s annual standardized assessments.
The Faribault Middle School implemented AVID in the 8th grade in 2011-2012, and we added two AVID sections for the school year 2012-13: 7th grade and 9th grade. This school year, 2013-14, we will add a 10th grade section. Next year 2014-15 we will be adding 11th grade and 6th grade sections.
The WEM Public Schools implemented AVID in their 9th grade for the 2012-13 school year. In 2013-14 a 10th grade section was added. This next school year 2014-15 an 11th grade section will be added. Their staff participated in an AVID staff development with the FPS in the fall of 2012. The two districts share an AVID District Director. Both schools will be sending AVID site teams to the AVID Summer Institute training in June or July 2014.
Strategy IIIB: High School 9th Grade Social Studies (Goal 1.4)
In 2012-13, the teachers from FHS and WEM (9th grade social studies) included apen-pal writing assignment into their respective curriculums.We will continue this writing assignment next year with the intent to provide integration opportunities.
Students from both districts will also have the opportunity to connect with each other on field trips (1 per semester) that are intended to increase integration between the two districts.
FPS students are selected for this Social Studies course through a recruitment process. The process includes using standardized reading scores, teacher recommendation, ethnicity, and language proficiency. The goal is to have the class demographics reflect our district’s demographics. The class is composed of students who are close to grade-level reading scores, 8th grade students who might benefit from a transition experience from middle school to high school, and/or 9th grade students who may need an additional social studies credit because of a previous failure. Academic achievement will be measured by MAP scores given on an annual basis, and by students who pass the class and earn a required social studies credit.ot over the course of three years and featuring some of our nation's top educational experts (T
Strategy III C: College Ambitions Start Today (CAST) (Goal 1.5)
College Ambitions Start Today (CAST) is an academic tutoring/monitoring program designed to increase student achievement and narrow, or eliminate, the achievement gap by increasing the graduation rate of our protected students. This initiative was started in the fall of 2011-2012 when approximately 30 high school students were identified by counselors as students in need of additional assistance in order to graduate in the spring.
The CAST curriculum includes the following components:
- Supervised homework help one day per week
- Goal Setting
- College Pathway Packet
- Scholarship Search for 11th and 12th grade students
- Rotary Essay Contest
- Assist with high school registration
- College Student Panel
- FAFSA Assistance with families
- ACT Prep
- College Visits
- First Generation: Students and Families
- MCA Practice
- Job Units
- Summer Readiness with Carleton Summer Enrichment
As an additional component, the students identified for the CAST program will work under the guidance of the staff members to do workshops with the WEM elementary students once a quarter. During the course of the academic year, the students will prepare one presentation in each of the four grade levels 1-4. The workshops will be focused on topics related to diversity and inclusion as outlined in Teaching Tolerance: A Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. For example, there is a curriculum for “Sharing Our Colors: Writing Poetry.” The curriculum provided addresses a number of academic standards in language arts and civics.
In January 2013, Carleton College awarded the FPS $6,000 to hire a Spanish-speaking liaison for our CAST program. The liaison will work one-on-one with identified students and their parents.
Strategy III D: (Goal 1.6) Cultural Connections Afterschool Programming (Goal 1.6)
Cultural Connections is a program that is provided at Faribault High School on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. Students will have access to technology that supports cultural competence and academic achievement. Transportation will also be provided following this program. The goal of this program is to provide the support necessary for the students to be ready for more rigorous coursework. These sessions will be staffed by a licensed teacher or qualified paraprofessional, liaison, or peer mentor. Stipends will be provided to the peer mentors and staff. In addition, college access counseling and post-secondary education application assistance will be offered.
Integrated Learning Environments:
IntegrationGoal One: The Cannon River Collaborative will strive to decrease the percent of students who are harassed or bullied due to race, ethnicity or natural origin” as identified from the Minnesota Student Survey by implementing programs that increase and sustain interracial contacts between the students from Jefferson Elementary School in Faribault and the elementary students from the WEM District.
Strategy I: The Cannon River Collaborative will increase and sustain interracial contacts between the students from Jefferson Elementary School in Faribault and the elementary students from the WEM District. (Goal 2.1)
In the effort to collaborate and increase interactions between students, our 4th and 5th grade Jefferson and WEM students will meet two times during the 2013-2014 school year. The schools will contract with Youth Frontiers for the 4th and 5th grade Kindness retreats. Each of the grades will participate in a field trip experience in the spring. In the past, students from both schools have met at the St. Paul Science Museum and the Minnesota Zoo.This field trip will be scheduled for Quarry Hill Nature Center inthe fall.
Research-Based Practices
Among other requirements, an eligible district must implement effective, research-based interventions that include formative assessment practices to reduce the disparities in student academic performance among the specific categories of students as measured by student progress and growth on state reading and math assessment(Minn. Stat. § 124D.861, Subd. 2 (b)).
If the activities or strategies you’ve listed above do not include a research based intervention, please use the space below to describe how your plan will meet this requirement. Please give the name of the intervention, any website information, and attach a PDF copy of the research article. Click here to enter text.
Creating Efficiencies and Eliminating Duplicative Programs
Community Planning
Faribault Public Schools and Waterville-Elysian-Morristown Public Schools make up the Cannon River Collaborative. We are working collaboration with each other to provide cross-district opportunities for interracial contact and to improve educational opportunities and outcomes designed to close the academic achievement gap.
An Achievement and Integration plan shall be developed in a formal community planning process where the isolated school district or racially identifiable school sites are represented by community members who are not district employees and were at least part of the voting membership of the planning body (Minn. Rule 3535.0170, Subp. 3). Please brieflydescribe the community process used for the collaborative portion of your district’s plan and for your Racially Identifiable Schools, if applicable.
Multi-District CollaborationCouncil:
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