Service Delivery Tracking –
Counting rule ready reckoner
Disability Servicesactivities

The ready reckoner contains a summary of performance measure and counting rules for the activities in scope of Service delivery tracking stage 2 which commences 1 July 2016. Frequently Asked Questions for each activity are available on The Funded Agency Chanel which are available at and for secondary measures and other information please refer to the Policy and Funding Guidelines which are available at

Activity No. / Activity Name / Cumulative / Performance Measure / Service Description / Counting Rule
17008 / Outreach Support / N / Number of clients / Outreach support delivers a combination of services which are provided flexibly in the home or community. Outreach support assists people with a disability to undertake daily living activities; access and participate in their community, and strengthen their personal relationships / Count the number of clients who received outreach support during the reporting period.
17016 / Supported Accommodation / N / Number of supported accommodation beds / Supported Accommodation provides accommodation and support for one or more people with a disability on a long-term basis. Funding for support is linked to the service rather than an individual and is not transferable when a person moves from the service. / Count the number of beds which the department has funded to provide Supported Accommodation services on the final day of the reporting period.
17019 / Facility-Based Respite / Y / Number of respite days / Facility based respite provides an opportunity for people with a disability to experience some time away from home in a supported share-house arrangement while also providing an opportunity for families and carers to experience a break from their caring role. / Count the number of respite days provided during the reporting period.
17025 / Aids and Equipment / Y / Number of clients receiving aids and equipment / The Victorian Aids and Equipment Program provides information about and access to a range of functional aids and equipment. Support is based on an individual’s assessed need.
The Victorian Aids and Equipment Program is a state-wide platform for the provision of aids and equipment. / Count each individual client once during the financial year.
17026 / Behaviour Intervention Services / Y / Number of new clients / Behaviour intervention services manage and prevent behaviours of concern through the development and implementation of evidence-based interventions that promote and maintain positive behaviour. / Count the number of new clients who received support under this activity in the reporting period.
17028 / Case Management / Y / Number of clients / Case management services provide case managers to work collaboratively with people to identify, link with and organise the supports required to achieve their goals. / Count the number of new clients who received case management during the reporting period.
17034 / Flexible Support Packages / N / Number of clients / Flexible support packages provide discretionary funding and/or case management to support people with a disability and their families and carers on a short or long-term basis. / Count the number of clients who received support through flexible support packages during the reporting period.
17042 / Therapy / Y / Number of new clients / Therapy services provide individual assessment and treatment, group programs and secondary consults to service providers to improve the services delivered to people living with a disability and training to carers to support them in their caring role. / Count number of new clients who received therapy services in the reporting period during which they first receive therapy services.
17078 / Community-Based Respite / Y / Number of hours of community based respite / Community based respite provides support through community based (or in-home) activities or assistance / Count the number of hours of community based respite
17081 / Individual Support Packages / Y / Number of new clients / Individual Support Packages provide funds which may be used to buy a range of disability-related supports chosen by the person to assist them to achieve their goals. Disability services funding may complement existing informal support arrangements from family and friends, and/or other community services. / Count all clients in July of each financial year as being ‘new’ and then only count new clients in subsequent months.
17201 / Futures for Young Adults / Y / Number of newclients / Futures for Young Adults provides portable and flexible funding to encourage and support individual choice.
Futures for Young Adults incorporates the Transition to Employment Initiative, which provides intensive support to build school leavers’ work skills, capacity and experience in the pathway toward employment and further education. / Count all clients in July of each financial year as being ‘new’ and then only count new clients in subsequent months.


Further information about cumulative and non-cumulative targets refer to the service delivery tracking online process frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Funded Agency Channel

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© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services December 2016.
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Ready Reckoner- Disability December 20161