Mr David Hore

166 Moredon Road


Sarah Higgins

Rail Review

Department for Transport

5/25 Great Minster House

76 Marsham Street



Direct Line: 0207944 3750

GTN No: 3533 3750

Web Site:

Our Ref: F0007711

20 June 2011

Dear Mr Hore,

FOI Request: McNulty Rail Value for Money Study

Thank you for your correspondence of 30/05/11 in which you requested information about the total cost to the taxpayer of Sir Roy McNulty's report into Rail Value for Money, published on 19 May 2011. The information you have requested is already reasonably accessible to you, contained in the official record of parliamentary proceedings, Hansard. However, I have set out the answers to your questions below, for ease of reference.

(1) What was the cost to the taxpayer of Sir Roy McNulty's report into the efficiency of the UK rail industry?

The total cost of the independent Rail Value for Money study is forecast to be £3,240,832 as of 30/05/11.

(2) Please detail payments made to outside consultancies during the preparation of the report.

The study involved extensive analysis of the rail industry. In total, outside consultancies received £2,063,094 for reports provided. The breakdown of payments is as follows:

Adventis / £35,212
Aecom Ltd / £111,085
Amtec Consulting / £98,050
Atkins Ltd / £440,363
Atos Origin / £21,500
Booz and Co Ltd / £61,244
Civity / £168,400
Colin Buchanan / £44,500
Detica / £85,428
DTZ Debenham TIE / £45,195
Ernst and Young / £21,475
First Class Partnership Ltd / £5,000
First Economics / £21,700
Grant Thornton / £35,805
Imperial College London / £18,000
Investors in Excellence / £26,955
Jacobs Consultancy / £37,208
LEK Consulting / £273,290
Ove Arup and Partners / £72,644
Oxera Consulting Ltd / £115,072
Peter Thompson / £24,000
Steer Davis Gleave / £300,968

Please note, all figures are forecast to 30/05/11. The figures above indicate expenditure incurred by both the Department and the Office of Rail Regulation, which co-sponsored the study.

If you are unhappy with the way the Department has handled your request or with the decisions made in relation to your request you may complain within two calendar months of the date of this letter by writing to the Department’s Information Rights Unit at:

Zone D/04

Ashdown House

Sedlescombe Road North


East Sussex TN37 7GA


Please see attached details of DfT’s complaints procedure and your right to complain to the Information Commissioner.

In keeping with the spirit and effect of the Freedom of Information Act, all information is assumed to be releasable to the public unless exempt. A copy of this response and the information provided may now be published on our website together with any related information that will provide a key to its wider context.

If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me at the address above. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

Sarah Higgins