HHCKLABuddhistWisdomPrimary School

2008– 2009 Extended Learning Worksheet (1)

Name:______() Date:______

Class: P.5 ()

A.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given verbs.

Cindy e.g. is (be) a Primary Five student of BuddhistWisdomPrimary School. She 1.______(like) to play volleyball. She 2.______(join) the Volleyball Team at school since she was in Primary Three. Last week, she 3.______(win) a volleyball competition and 4.______(get) a prize as a reward. She was happy.

Summer holiday 5. ______(come) soon. Her class want to 6.______(go) camping during the holiday. They 7.______(plan) a two-day outing now. Cindy cannot go with them because she 8.______(travel) to Tokyo. She 9.______never ______(be) to Tokyo before. She 10.______(take) some photos in Disneyland and show them to her classmates later.

B.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of adjectives.

E.g. My sister is taller than (tall) I.

Kim is very hardworking. He is the best (good) student in our class.

  1. Swimming in the sea is ______(dangerous) swimming in the pool.
  2. Which is ______(fast) way to get to the SpaceMuseum from Sheung Shui, by train, by bus or by minibus?
  3. I like ice-cream. I think ice-cream tastes ______(good) yoghurt.
  4. Playing TV games is ______(exciting) playing board games.
  5. ______(easy) way to open a door is with a key.
  6. I think chocolate is ______(delicious) in the world.
  7. It is easy to go to Lucky Camp. Travelling to Lucky Camp is ______(easy) travelling to Nice Camp.

C. Read the story about sign language.

D. Circle the correct answer for each question.

1. Early people did not know how to ( swim / listen / speak ).

2. Which word in paragraph 4 means “not able to hear”? (Sign / Deaf / Learn).

3. The story does NOT tell (who uses sign language / why sign language is used /

whatsigns are used in sign language ).

E. Have you ever seen people using sign language? What people are they?






HHCKLABuddhistWisdomPrimary School

2008– 2009 Extended Learning Worksheet (2)

Name:______() Date:______

Class: P.5 ()

C.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given verbs.

Last Friday, Mr. Tang 1.______(take) out a few photos in the English lesson. They were about people in a poor country. He 2.______(say), “Today I want you to 3.______(look) at some pictures about the poor people. Try to think what you can 4.______(do) for them,” he added.

After looking at the photos, David thought for a moment. Then he 5.______(ask) Mr. Tang, “What do they 6.______(need), Mr Tang?”

Mr. Tang answered, “They need food and clothes.”

“I will tell other classmates about them and I 7.______(ask) them to donate money to the poor people next Monday,” said David.

“I 8.______(tell) all the teachers already. They are happy to give the poor people what they need, too,” said Mr. Tang.

D.Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions in the box. Each preposition can be used more than once.

on at for in of since for about by under

Timmy is a good boy. He is hardworking 1.______school. His teachers are proud 2.______him.

Timmy wrote stories and poems 3.______the school magazine. Timmy wrote 4.______his English teacher, Miss Fung. She is the class teacher 5.______P.5B. She has lived 6.______Shatin. 7.______six years. She has taught in our school 8.______1992. She has been to Japan several times 9.______holiday. She likes playing basketball very much. She likes sports programmes best. She watches “Sports Programme” 10.______BTV World 11.______9:00 p.m. every Sunday.

C. Read the information about animals that are active in winter.

D. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the main idea of the story?



2. What is necessary for survival in the winter?


3. What conditions might make survival more difficult?


4. What does “hibernate” refer to?

It refers to ( eat a great deal / pass the winter in a state like sleep ).

5. What animals “hibernate” in winter? Give 2 examples.


6. If you were an animal, would you want to hibernate or stay active? Why?



HHCKLABuddhistWisdomPrimary School

2008– 2009 Extended Learning Worksheet (3)

Name:______() Date:______

Class: P.5 ()

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.

1. You can trust him. He never ______(lie).

2. Chinese______(like) tea very much.

3. Yesterday afternoon, the police ______(catch) a thief.

4. In summer, we ______(wear) thin clothes.

5. As soon as he opened the door, the man ______(rush) in.

6. It was only last week I ______(tell) you.

7. Jack and Bill usually ______(go) to the library together.

8. She is so happy that she ______(sing) .

9. They ______(go) away an hour ago.

10. I want to know what you ______(do) last week.

11. John ______(come) to see me last month.

12. He is so kind that he often ______(help) the poor.

13. Miss Leung ______(teach) us English every day.

14. She ______(leave) for America in 1964.

15. Every morning, she ______(get) up early.

16. We ______(wash) our hands before meals.

17. I once ______(like) a teacher very much.

18. A few minutes ago, Jane ______(be) very happy.

19. When I was young, I ______(love) counting stars.

20. She ______(lose) her purse yesterday.

B. Read the story about what rabbits eat.

C. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the above story.

  1. Birds or other tame animals we keep for pleasure are called ______.
  2. Many people think that ______is the only thing rabbits eat.
  3. carrots, turnips and cabbage are some of the ______for rabbits.
  4. Proteins mixed with other dry rabbit food are called ______.
  5. Blackberry leaves are one kind of ______plant leaves that rabbits can eat.
  6. ______plant leaves can kill rabbits.

D.Do you want to keep a rabbit as your pet? Why?

Write 40 words.








HHCKLABuddhistWisdomPrimary School

2008– 2009 Extended Learning Worksheet (4)

Name:______() Date:______

Class: P.5 ()

A.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.

1. The sun ______(set) in the west.

2. Some years ago, Jack and Bill ______(be) good friends.

3. He told us a joke and we all ______(laugh).

4. I ______(go) to Japan soon.

5. Tomorrow Miss Tam ______(stay) at home.

6. Last summer, I ______(live) in Kowloon.

7. Every year, Edmond ______(send) me a beautiful card.

8. We ______(have) a new teacher next week.

9. The boy ______(break) the vase yesterday.

10. Bees ______(make) honey.

11. Last Sunday, she ______(go) to the church.

12. George ______(go) fishing half an hour later.

13. The pupils ______(finish) their work in half an hour.

14. If you are lazy, you ______(fail).

15. Tomorrow ______(be) Jack’s fifteenth birthday.

16. Mary ______(sing) in the choir last year.

17. The moon ______(shine) at night.

18. When we were walking on the street, we ______(meet) Tom.

19. The headmistress ______(speak/talk) to you later.

20. Susan ______(cry) if she is hurt badly.

21. The First World War ______(end) in 1918.

22. Mother ______(go) to the market everyday.

23. This is where they ______(find) the tiger last month.

B. Read the story.

C. Circle the correct answer for each question.

  1. Which part of the eye sees in the air? ( Back / Top / Bottom ).
  2. Which word in paragraph 4 means “look carefully”? ( Food / Eats / Search ).
  3. The story tells mostly about the ( eggs / shape / eyes ) of a four-eyed fish.
  4. Which paragraph tells how the fish swims in the water? ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 )
  5. “Bottom” is the opposite of “top”. “Below” is the opposite of ( under / down / above )
  6. The story does not tell but you can decide that a four-eyed fish (eats insects / has glass eyes / cannot see very well ).

HHCKLABuddhistWisdomPrimary School

2008 – 2009 Extended Learning Worksheet (5)

Name: ______() Date: ______

Class: P.5 ( )


  1. Read the following passage.

It is Saturday. Tom is talking with his friends, John, Tony and Sam in the garden. His sister, Mary, is happily conversing with Sue, John’s sister.

Tom:Next week will be the end of the term. What shall we do during

the summer holidays?

John:I love swimming. Let’s spend our holidays on the beach.

Tony:Are you kidding? Haven’t you heard about the sharks? I’d

rather go to the swimming pool than be attacked by ashark.

Sam: Swimming pools are too crowded. It would be better to playfootball every morning and take a cool shower afterwards.

Tom & John:It’s too hot to play football in summer.

Tony & Sam:Then how shall we spend our holidays?

Mary:Well, you may spend the whole morning thinking of other

things you can do. But for Sue and I, it’s all agreed. We’llbestaying home most of the time. We’ll play video games, watch our favourite TV programmes, read books and do some revision exercises.

The boys: That’s a great idea! Why haven’t we thought of that earlier?

  1. Fill in each blank with a suitable answer from the key words:
  1. Jack likes ice cream very much. It is his ______food.
  2. You feel clean and fresh after taking a ______.
  3. Don’t believe him. He’s not telling the truth. He’s only ______.
  4. She spends a long time on the telephone ______with her friends.
  5. The fierce dog ______the thief.
  1. Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1. Where would John like to spend his holiday?



2. Why is it not safe to swim in the sea?



3. Why do Tom and John not like to play football during the holidays?



4. Who thought of the best plan to spend the holidays?



5. How did you spend your .last summer holidays?



HHCKLABuddhistWisdomPrimary School

2008– 2009 Extended Learning Worksheet (6)

Name:______() Date:______

Class: P.5 ()

B.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.

1. The pupils ______(listen) to Mr. Chan now.

2. Mr. Chan ______(teach) us now.

3. The policeman caught him when he ______(spit).

4. It was hot because the sun ______(shine) overhead.

5. Now all the boys ______(swim) in the water.

6. It ______(rain) now. You’d better stay here.

7. He ______(give) food to the poor when he heard the noise.

8. While Mary ______(eat), Jane called on her.

9. Look! The car ______(come).

10. Can you hear him? He ______(talk) to us.

11. Listen! He ______(ask) a question.

12. When you called, I ______(study) in my room.

13. She ______(have) a bath when the bell rang.

14. The pupils ______(copy) the notes now.

15. I ______(go) to the airport now.

16. Look! The sun ______(set).

17. We all kept quiet when the girls ______(sing).

18. While Mrs. Tam is cooking, Mr. Tam ______(read) newspaper.

19. The baby ______(drink) milk now.

20. Be careful when you ______(cross) the road.

  1. Read the following passage carefully.

It was very hot last night. Ming Fai could not sleep. Hetried to turn on the fan, but

the fan did not work. It was out of order.

He went into the bathroom. He washed his face with some cold water and wiped his

bodywith a dry towel. Then he laid in bed again. It was no good. He was still hot. He

could not fallinto sleep.

He went into the bathroom again. He filled the bath with cold water. Then he lay in

thebath. It was comfortable so he closed his eyes to take a rest. Then he fell asleep.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
  1. The weather was ______last night.
  2. The fan did not ______because it was out of order.
  3. Ming Fai ______his wet body with a dry towel.
  4. There was ______water in the bath.
  5. Ming Fai fell ______in the bath.

D. Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1. Why couldn’t Ming Fai sleep in bed last night?


2. Why didn’t the fan work?


3. What did he wash his face with?


4. How many times did he go to the bathroom?


5. What will you do, if you can’t sleep well at night?


HHCKLABuddhistWisdomPrimary School

2008– 2009 Extended Learning Worksheet (7)

Name:______() Date:______

Class: P.5 ()

E.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.

1. Every morning she ______(go) to school by bus.

2. We ______(hear) the news last night.

3. Look out! The tree ______(fall) down.

4. She ______(dance) when her mother came in.

5. Keep quiet! The teacher ______(speak).

6. She always ______(sing) well.

7. Mother ______(be) back tomorrow.

8. Jim ______(have) a bad dream last night.

9. I ______(buy) a new blouse for mother.

10. We saw Mrs. Lee when she ______(shop).

11. Last Sunday, they ______(go) on a picnic.

12. The doctor ______(come) back in ten minutes.

13. Mr. Black ______(work) in his office now.

14. Do not listen to him. He ______(be) a liar.

15. We ______(have) two English lessons tomorrow.

16. The little baby ______(sleep) well last night.

17. Susan ______(receive) a parcel next Monday.

18. Two days ago, a bus ______(knock) down a boy here.

19. The boys ______(play) football now.

20. Grandmother ______(watch) television every night.

  1. Lily’s friend, Helen, has moved to a new school. She wrote a letter to Lily.

Read the letter carefully.

  1. Lily told her mother about the letter. Her mother wants to know more about Helen.

Help Lily to answer her questions.

  1. Where has Helen moved to?


  1. Has Helen started her new school yet?


  1. What’s the name of the school?


  1. Has Helen made any new friends?


  1. When’s Helen’s birthday?


  1. Did she study in Hong Kong after secondary school?


  1. What will you do for your coming birthday?
