Evelyn Perdue (1908-1988), a native of Louisburg, graduated from Louisburg High School in 1927. Evelyn was a sister of the late Edwin V. Perdue.

Evelyn received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music form Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas, in 1934. Prior to graduating, she had taught school for two years at the elementary Level. She worked her way through college as her father died when she was only five.

Evelyn taught for several years in the Overland Park school system after graduating from Ottawa. Following this she taught Music and the Fifth Grade in the Kansas City, Missouri school system until her retirement in 1974. She was a volunteer worker at Trinity Lutheran Hospital in her retirement years and received a pin of merit for her services.

The Evelyn Perdue Education Fund was established for the purpose of providing financial assistance to students who have attended U.S.D. # 416, Louisburg, Kansas, beginning with the graduates of 1989, and who are selected by the Trustee and plan to further their education at colleges or universities or vocational schools approved by the Trustee. The income from the fund shall be used to provide scholarships or grants upon such terms and conditions as the Trustee shall deem advisable.

Peoples Bank hereinafter referred to as Trustee, shall appoint a committee to promulgate procedures and requirements of this Trust. The Selection Committee shall consist of five members: the Louisburg High School Principal and Counselor, two prominent members of the community and a representative of Peoples Bank.

Recipients will be selected according to the information provided on the application and may be requested to appear for a personal interview or provide additional information as deemed necessary by the selection committee. Specific attention of the selection committee will include, but not be limited to, perseverance and determination; demonstrated citizenship, service and character; scholastic achievement and promise; and the applicant’s relative financial need.

Scholarships are awarded on a one-year basis; however, individuals may apply for additional scholarships during their continuing education.

In no event nor under any circumstances will an applicant be discriminated against on the basis of age, sex, creed, religion, race, color or national origin.

The announcement of the recipient of the Evelyn Perdue Education Fund Scholarship will take place at the Louisburg High School Spring Graduation Exercise. At that time, the recipient will receive an envelope with a congratulatory letter explaining the provisions and method of payment.


The scholarship funds may be payable to the recipient, the college, university, institution, or to the person or persons who provide room, board, books and other necessities for the education of the recipient, as determined by Selection Committee. Unexpended credit is subject to withdrawal if conduct of the student is contrary to principles of law and order and morality. The applications become the property of the Evelyn Perdue Education Fund Scholarship Selection Committee. The estimated individual scholarship amount is $ 2,500.00.

The Committee reserves the right to re-evaluate the dollar amount of the annual scholarship and the number of recipients. Furthermore, the Committee reserves the right to make any changes deemed necessary in the application.

Procedure for applying for the Evelyn Perdue Education Fund Scholarship:

1.  Accurately and neatly complete Sections 1 through 6 ( in addition, Section 7 is to completed by those persons who have been awarded this scholarship and wish to be considered again) ;

2.  Request a copy of your transcript to be attached including Class Rank and provide

current resume;

3.  Get all requested information and materials to Amy Wright, Louisburg High School Counselor by the April 7th deadline as specified on the application;

4.  Be prepared for an interview;

5.  Three letters of reference are required to be submitted with this application:

A.  Two from current instructors (excluding members of the Scholarship Committee).

B.  One from another acquaintance other than a relative.




Section 1 The information requested on this form is confidential for the sole purpose of scholarship selection and will be accessible only to the Evelyn Perdue Education Fund Scholarship Selectors.


(Last) (First) (Middle)

Mailing Address______

(Street – RR – Box #) (City) (State)

Social Security Number______

Date Of Birth______Age______

Father’s Name______Phone #______


Mother’s Name______Phone #______


Brothers / Sisters Living At Home- Names and Ages:

Brothers / Sisters In College- Names and Ages:

Section 2 Applicant’s Marital Status

Single _____ Separated _____ Divorced _____ Widowed _____ Married _____

Spouse’s Name ______

Children – Names and Ages ______


Section 3 Parental Financial Analysis- Using last year’s actual tax return please indicate the appropriate income bracket that reflects the adjusted gross income level.

_____ Under 20,000 _____ 41,000 to 50,000 _____ 71,000 to 80,000

_____ 20,000 to 30,000 _____ 51,000 to 60,000 _____ 81,000 to 90,000

_____ 31,000 to 40,000 _____ 61,000 to 70,000 _____ over 90,000

Student’s Financial Analysis- If you presently have a part-time job, please indicate your

Monthly earnings


Name and Address of Employer

Do you own an automobile?______If yes, please provide information:


Amount you owe $______

Please indicate your expected monies available for your upcoming year of college.

Present Savings Total $______

Projected Summer Savings $______

Please indicate the amount of any accepted scholarships, grant or loan monies to be

used for college.

Grants $______

Scholarships $______

Loans $______

Other $______

TOTAL $______

Section 4 What colleges or post-high school institutions are you presently considering or attending? (Please indicate with an “X” where you have been accepted or are currently enrolled.)


What are your estimated expenses to attend college for the upcoming year?

Room ______

Board ______

Tuition ______


(Clothing, travel, incidentals)

Books ______

TOTAL ______

What source(s) did you use to arrive at the above college cost figures?

Section 5 Leadership Activities – Scholastic

Honors and awards (State nature of honor or award)

Offices and positions of Leadership (State name of organization, position and year)

Members of Organization where no office was held (State name of organization and year; thus: Key Club 2,3.) (State only major activities)


School Related Extra Curricular Activities

Honors and awards (State nature of honor or award)

Offices and positions of Leadership (State name of organization, position and year)

Member of Organization where no office was held (State name of organization and year; thus: Band 2,3.) (State only major activities)

Non-School Related Civic Activities

Honors and awards (State nature of honor or award)

Offices and positions of Leadership (State name of organization, position and year)

Member of Organization where no office was held (State name of organization and year; thus: Scouting, 4-H) (State only major activities)

Please list any additional honors or activities below:


Section 6

Explain what you hope to derive from your college education and what field of study you intend to follow.


Why do you deserve to be considered for this Evelyn Perdue Education Fund Scholarship? Please mention anything that has not been mentioned thus far that might help the selectors in their choice of you as a recipient of this award.


Section 7

For applicants currently enrolled in college who wish to be considered for the current year’s award, they must submit the following:

1.  Copy of official grade report with grade point average or transcript for the most

recently completed semester.

2.  Current list of courses in which you are enrolled.

3.  Estimated grade point average for current semester.

4.  Major / Minor field of study.

5.  For reapplication: three letters of reference are required to be submitted with this application to be selected from the following:

A.  One from a current instructor,

B.  One from your college advisor,

C.  One from an acquaintance other than a relative,

D.  One from a current or former employer,

E.  One from a college official or residence supervisor.
