
Expression of Interest New Training Practice Accreditation Application

Training Practice AccreditationInformation

Thank you for your interest in becoming a training practice with MCCC.
This document sets out the requirements for a training practice accreditation by MCCC. If your practice meets these requirements, complete and return this expression of interest document.
The following attributes will be assessed by MCCC:
  • Location of the practice: Is your practice in a required location?
  • Patient Profile: Does your practice meet a requiredpatient profile?
  • Special interests: Does your practice have a required special interest profile?
  • RACGP and/or ACCRM requirements: Does the practice and its doctors appear to meet RACGP and/or ACRRM requirements?
If your practice is assessed as meeting the relevant College’s standards you will be notified and a MCCC Accreditation Application sent to you. Upon receipt of this completed application, MCCC will organize a practice visit to complete the accreditation process.

Relevant Documents (links)

RACGP Post Application
Standards for General Practices (4th Edition) /
ACRRM Post Application
ACRRM Standards / AND Primary Rural and Remote Training: Standards for Supervisors and Teaching Posts
Training Practice Accreditation with MCCC / A Guide for MCCC Training Practices


If you have any questions regarding training practice requirements, please contact your local office and ask for the Regional Head of Education.
If you require any assistance in completing this expression of interest form, please contact the Registrar Education and Practice Support Coordinator (REAPS):
Metro West: North West:
North East: South West:

Requirements for Accreditation

The Training Environment

The facility will provide the following for the registrar:
  • A suitably equipped room available for the registrar to conduct consultations with patients
  • For ACRRM posts –It is highly recommended that the post allocate a dedicated patient consultation room for the registrar.
  • The registrar needs adequate technology to contact the supervisor as needed. This can include phone, internet access and suitable communication software.
  • For ACRRM posts - while at work either in the post or working remotely (for example at a clinic or undertaking home visits), the registrar must have telephone coverage. Where there is no mobile coverage a satellite phone must be provided.
  • Access to up-to-date educational references and patient information material as an adjunct to registrar learning. This may be online or in hard copy.
  • A private space for teaching purposes with systems in place to protect teaching time from interruptions.

Does your practice meet the above requirements? / YES NO / YESNO


It is essential that all supervisors provide excellent professional and clinical role modelling. This is demonstrated by:
  • Full and unrestricted registration as a specialist general practitioner under Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA). This is compulsory for GP supervisors.
  • Professional involvement in the broader general practice profession.
Please see the following examples:
  • Active involvement in a Primary Health Network or similar organisation
  • Teaching medical students
  • Involvement in the general practice arm of the AMA
  • Working within the Department of General Practice at a University
  • Involvement in RACGP or ACRRM professional development activities, for example as an examiner on a college board
  • Working as a Medical Educator or conducting ECTVs for RTOs
  • Membership of boards or committees involved with general practice or general practice training
  • Involvement in GP liaison activities, for example with hospitals
  • Fellowship of the RACGP for RACGP posts. This is highly recommended for RACGP posts.
  • Fellowship of the ACRRM for ACRRM posts OR experience and qualifications which are assessed by ACRRM to be equivalent.
  • Where the supervisor is not an ACRRM Fellow, the supervisor has not less than five years’ full-time experience in rural or remote general practice, or other rural or remote specialist practice. The supervisor will need to complete the Non FACRRM supervisor self-assessment form. (ACRRM PRRT Standards – Indicator 7.1.2).
  • Participation in continuing professional development, in particular, aimed at improving performance as a general practice educator.
Currently all supervisors are required to complete a minimum of six hours MCCC professional development per calendar year.
  • Provision of two referees, one of whom is from outside your practice

Do the doctors applying meet the above criteria? / YES NO / YESNO

In Practice Teaching Requirements

The leadsupervisor is entrusted with the education of registrars, our future GPs. This task can be performed alone or in conjunction with other members of your practice team. However it is the role of theleadsupervisor to coordinate and have responsibility for this.
Teaching forms part of the registrar’s ‘ordinary hours’1 and is part of their paid employment.

1National Terms and Conditions for Employment of Registrars

Minimum requirements for Levels of Training per week:

Category 1 / Category 2 / Category 3 / Total Hours
GPT 1/PRRT 1 (pro rata) / 1 hour / 1 hour / 1 hour / 3 hours
GPT 2/PRRT 2 (pro rata) / 1 hour / 30 minutes / 1.5 hours
GPT 3/ NON (pro rata)
(ACRRM PRR ¾ according to needs) / 45 minutes / 45 minutes

Training Post and Supervisor Details

Practice Name:
Primary contact person (if not PM):
Practice manager:
Practice manager email:
Days/Hours PM is available:
Practice Address:
Practice Phone:
Practice Fax:
Accreditation post type (tick relevant) / □ RACGP / □ ACRRM
RA Classification (if applicable)
ACRRM-restricted or unrestricted post:
Number of doctors applying for accreditation:
Name of lead Supervisor:
Mobile Number:
Number of years (FTE) Australian GP Experience including training:
ACRRM – 5 years (FTE) experience in rural and remote medicine2:
Name(s) of additional supervisors:
Mobile Number:
Number of years (FTE) Australian GP Experience in rural and remote medicine3:

2Or rural specialist practice. Can include training time.

3Or rural specialist practice. Can include training time.

Practice and Supervisors Hours

Days / Hours / Days / Hours
Practice Hours: / Lead Supervisor Name:
Mon / Mon
Tue / Tue
Wed / Wed
Thurs / Thurs
Fri / Fri
Sat / Sat
Sun / Sun
Additional Supervisor Name 1: / Additional Supervisor Name 2:
Mon / Mon
Tue / Tue
Wed / Wed
Thurs / Thurs
Fri / Fri
Sat / Sat
Sun / Sun
Additional Supervisor Name 3: / Additional Supervisor Name 4:
Mon / Mon
Tue / Tue
Wed / Wed
Thurs / Thurs
Fri / Fri
Sat / Sat
Sun / Sun
Proposed Registrar 1: / Proposed Registrar 2 :
Mon / Mon
Tue / Tue
Wed / Wed
Thurs / Thurs
Fri / Fri
Sat / Sat
Sun / Sun
Proposed Registrar 3: / Proposed Registrar 4:
Mon / Mon
Tue / Tue
Wed / Wed
Thurs / Thurs
Fri / Fri
Sat / Sat
Sun / Sun
Why does your practice wish to become a training practice with the MCCC?
What experience do you have in teaching (please include experience of teaching in a clinical environment)?
Describe your patient profile (i.e. age of patients, disease profiles and other relevant information?
Does your practice/do your doctors have any areas of special interest?
Please attach a copy of your practice profile and include the following information:
  • Background to the practice
  • Appointment system
  • Home visits/ aged care visits.
  • Staff details - details of GPs, practice staff, practice manager, practice nurses including availability and special interests


Please use the following checklist to ensure you have completed the reaccreditation document:

Please attach as applicable:

Attach current AGPAL or GPA accreditation certificate (if applicable) / ☐ /
RACGP membership-all supervisors where applicable / ☐ /
RACGP fellowship ((if not previously supplied)) / ☐ /
Current APRHA registration-all supervisors / ☐ /
ACRRM membership-all supervisors where applicable / ☐ /
ACRRM fellowship ((if not previously supplied)) / ☐ /
Current AHPRA registration / ☐ /
Non-ACRRM Supervisor self-assessment form (if applicable) / ☐ /
Curriculum Vitae / ☐ /

Please email completed form to your region below:

Metro West: North West:

North East: South West:

"Z:\Medical Education\Accreditation\4. Current Versions\Form - Expression of Interest New Training Practice Accreditation Application v1.0 28.04.2017.docx"

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