LCBP Program
The LEGO Community Build Projects Program
The LCBP Program exists to support the AFOL community/LUG’s requests to create big projects involving LEGO bricks which have a certain value for the LUG and The LEGO Group and have a focus on the AFOL community.
Those projects are either carried out by the requesting AFOL/LUG alone or in cooperation with third parties (e.g. non commercial entities) in relation to public activities.
LCBP projects can never be commercial projects and used as a direct advertising for commercial entities.
Examples for LCBPs are e.g. large scale mosaics, a regional landmark where the event is held or event kits (special process regarding use and design is required) for a specific event. The focus is always on improving the experience for the event visitors and participants.
The LCBP program is not intended for individual AFOLs who plan personal MOCs or dioramas for events. This is supported through the LEGO LUGBULK program.
To start the process the applicant need to request the LCBP application form via the LEGO CEE team, fill it out and return it to the LEGO CEE team for approval.
Once the project is approved the organizer gets access to an online brick order program and can place the order.
After finishing the LCBP project the organizer is responsible to send a project overview to the CEE team for their files.
General rules for the LCBP program.
· No Q-elements and licensed elements only on request based on clear need
· Minimum order of 25.000 elements
· Elements are ordered in minimum quantities of 50 and then in steps of +10 elements. Excluded from this rule are base plates, special limitations on PF/Mindstorms elements.
· Elements bought through the LCBP Program cannot be resold.
· Prices are similar to LUGBULK prices
Contact persons at the CEE team:
Americas - Kevin Hinkle ()
Western Europe – Kim Thomsen ()
Rest of world – Jan Beyer ()