Statement of Intent

A Forgotten Landscape (AFL) Partnership project recognises the importance of volunteers in conserving, restoring, exploring, and valuing what’s important about their local natural and cultural heritage. With this in mind, we seek to:

  • Promote volunteering
  • Promote good practice in working with volunteers
  • Advocate rights and responsibilities of volunteers
  • Develop, where possible, volunteer action in response to local needs
  • Liase and work in partnership with local voluntary and statutory


  • Offer, where possible,our voluntary opportunities to all sections of the


  • Provide information and advice on our volunteering



The following principles apply:

  • AFL will ensure that volunteers are properly integrated into the partnership


  • AFL does not aim to recruit volunteers to replace paid staff
  • AFL expects staff and partners to work positively with volunteers


All prospective volunteers will be interviewed to find out what they would like

to do, their skills, suitability and how best their potential might be realised.

Volunteer Agreements and Role Description

Each volunteer will agree to a Volunteer Agreement establishing what AFL undertakes to provide him or her. In addition they will agree a written Role Description of the specific work they will be undertaking.


All volunteers will have their travel expenses reimbursed.

Induction and training

All volunteers will receive an induction that will introduce AFL, its wider aims and objectives, and explain how their own role fits within the whole. Training will be offered/provided as appropriate; it is important that volunteers MUST take the training offered for their role.


All volunteers will have a named person as their main contact. They will be provided with regular supervision to discuss progress and future development and air any problems.

The Volunteer’s Voice

Volunteers are encouraged to express their views about matters concerning the organisation.


All volunteers are covered by either South Gloucestershire Council’s or one of our partner’s insurance policy whilst on the premises or engaged in work on the organisation’s behalf. The coverage will fall to South Glos is one of the AFL team is leading on the volunteer’s particular project, or to the appropriate partner if they are leading on the project. Volunteers will be advised on who will providing the cover prior to their starting their task.

Health and Safety

Volunteers’ health and safety is a prime concern for AFL. It will be covered during the interview, induction and training, both generally and with specific reference to a volunteer’s particular project. Volunteers will be trained in how to do their task safely, and will be expected to follow their training when carrying out their role.


AFL expects volunteers to abide by the equalities statement in the volunteer information pack.


AFL expects volunteers to abide by the confidentiality statement in the volunteer information pack.

Problem Solving

We aim to identify and solve problems at the earliest stage. We have a procedure in place for dealing with complaints either by or about volunteers and staff. Volunteers will be given a copy during their induction.

01454 863043/3886

@alandforgotten facebook.com/aforgottenlandscape