Subject: / First Responder Supervisors
We are looking at creating a full time position to be the head of our first responder team. ADOT has 8 ALERT Team members that respond to incidents after hours for closing highways and providing traffic control. This program continues to expand and it is time we go to a full time position. We are looking into other states that might have a full time person over their DOT incident response.
Do any of you have a contact person that we could talk with?
From: / Woody Hood <>Subject: / Re: First Responder Supervisors
Hi Tim, You can try Alvin Marquess from our Statewide Operations Center (CHART). You may have met him during the tour. His number is 410-582-5650, and his email address is . Woody
From: / "Philip J. Tarnoff" <>Subject: / Re: First Responder Supervisors
Hi Tim and everyone,
My suggestion from Maryland would be Alvin Marquess email But now I see that Woody beat me to it. I'll bet that there are several others in the class who could directly provide you with this type of information.
On another subject, we still have some space in the fall class, so if any of you know of people who should attend, please send them our way.
From: / "Nazar, Scott T." <>Subject: / Re: First Responder Supervisors
Hi Phil,
The Mid Atlantic chapter of ITE has asked me to be there guest speaker at their annual dinner this year, May 16th 2007. I am planning on talking about the Operations Academy experience. Would it be alright to use some of the slides from the program?
From: / "Philip J. Tarnoff" <>Organization: / University of Maryland
Subject: / Re: First Responder Supervisors
Hi Scott and Everyone, Scott's email reminded me to review the presentation on the website, which is now out of date in a number of respects. Kathy will be replacing it with the attached.
Scott - we would appreciate it if you would use the attached presentation rather than the one on the website. This is particularly important since we've changed a few things in response to everyone's comments (shorter prestudy, more management information, giving the courses over the weekend, and a slight increase in rates).
Thanks for the reminder, and hope this helps.
From: / Alvin Marquess <>Subject: / Re: First Responder Supervisors
Tim, Hope all is good. I just got the same request from Maysa and I am filling that request I believe you were cc'd on the correspondence. Alvin
From: / "Legg, Bill" <>Subject: / Re: First Responder Supervisors
Tim, due to the size and statewide nature of our incident response (IR) program we have regional managers in each of our 6 regions that manage the day-to-day activities of the program, these people typically have additional responsibilities. We also have a program administrator in HQ which oversees the coordination of the program and the budget and deals with political issues, coordination with other agencies, training, etc. Two contacts I would recommend are Tony Leingang in our Olympic region (Tacoma, Olympia, and the Olympic Peninsula) who's program size is close to yours, and Rick Phillips the administrator. Contacts: Tony Leingang 253 536 6020 Rick Phillips 360 705 7287 I have also forwarded your email to each of them. Let me know if I can be of further assistance. Bill Legg WSDOT 360 705 7994