LAUGHLIN Fellowship

Nomination Form – August 2017

Nominee Information:

Name: Degrees:

PGY: ____ Date Residency Began:




City: State/Prov:

Zip/Postal Code: Country:

Work Phone: Fax:

E-mail Address:

Home Address:

City: State/Prov:

Zip/Postal Code: Country:

Home Phone: Fax:

Cell Phone: ______

Nominator Information:

Name: Degrees:


Work Phone: ______Fax:

E-mail Address:

(please see page two)

Each separately accredited training program may submit only one nomination.

The nominee must be a current PGY-3, PGY-4 or PGY-5 resident in general psychiatry or a resident in child, addiction, forensic, geriatric, or psychosomatic psychiatry as of

August 15, 2017. Sleep medicine and hospice and palliative care are also included.

This form along with one full set of the following materials must be received by August 15, 2017. Applications received after this date will not be considered, regardless of postmark. *Please note: This fellowship is only for one year*
Candidates may be nominated for either the PRITE or Laughlin Fellowship, not both.

Please arrange materials in the following order (no staples please):

  Nomination form

  Personal statement of no more than 750 words, double-spaced, which discusses the candidate’s interests, long-range career goals in psychiatry and most important achievements to date. Candidates will be judged on all of the following:

o  outstanding research and scholarly attainment

o  clinical proficiency

o  dedication to teaching

o  community service

o  potential leadership and unique qualities

  Nominee’s C.V.

  Letter of nomination—no more than two pages single-spaced from the current training director or the current department chair (only one letter of nomination will be considered by the selection committee).

Mail or e-mail (in pdf format only) completed nomination packet to:

Be sure to indicate “LAUGHLIN FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION” in the e-mail subject line.

Chair, Laughlin Fellowship Selection Committee

The American College of Psychiatrists

111 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 1440

Chicago, IL 60601

Phone: 312.938.8840