
Physical Education Rules

Teacher: Mr. Barron email: phone 419 947-6065 ext. 1419

Here are some helpful hints to make your year in Physical Education Classes fun!

  • Be courteous of others
  • Always give your best effort in class
  • Be patient with others
  • Be respectful
  • Come to class with a positive attitude
  • Obey the class rules
  • Have fun in class - but not at the expense of others
  • Leave valuables in a locked locker
  • Don't "fool around" or “horse play”
  • Bathroom / Inhaler before class
  • Be willing to try new games and challenges

Dress Requirements:

  1. Solid white T-shirt with last name written on the back across the shoulder area.
  2. Shorts that hang to the bottom of the finger tips
  3. Clean gym shoes that DO NOT MARK FLOOR
  4. Showers are NOT required but recommended (according to activity level)

Daily Routine and Information

  1. Students go to the locker room and get dressed.
  2. After you are dressed lock up gear and go sit in squads
  3. Do not touch equipment until told to do use
  4. Attendance taken
  5. Warm up and stretch, Fitness Activity, Sports Activity, Dress out
  6. After class students should get cleaned up and report to the health room.
  7. No BAGS taken to or from PE class
  8. Only Medical Excuses from a doctor MD will be accepted.
  9. No student will be permitted to sit out of class with a note from their parent. If you are at school you are expected to participate in class.
  10. If you forget your clothes you will participate in the clothes you came to school in and receive a 5 pt deduction for that day.


Students can earn 5 pts per day. However, Friday’s worth 10 for a total of 30 per week.

1 point-dressing out in correct PT gear

2 points-Doing Warm up and Fitness Activity correctly

2 points-Behavior

Friday marathons and Appalachian trail are 10 points based on effort and only walking in designated areas and following all rules.


  1. No “fooling around” or “horse play” ever.
  2. Treat other as you wish to be treated.
  3. Never bring valuables to class/Secure Gear!
  4. No drinks, gum or food in class or in the gym.
  5. If injured during class you should report this to the teacher ASAP.
  6. Using manners is “cool” and it’s the right thing to do so please be kind and considerate to other people. Yes “Sir” is not a dirty word !

I have been given the opportunity to ask any questions. I understand fully all of the rules, guidelines, and expectation, and I will abide by them. By signing this form indicates that you.
