Applicant(s)(name of all partners if business is a partnership)
Address that you will trade from
Business Telephone Number and e mail:
Trading As (Name of Business):
Head Office address
if applicable
Name of all Directors if Limited Company
Do you also trade from other
premises / Yes □ No □
If yes – please provide details :
Are you disqualified from any of the following?
Keeping a Pet Shop –Under the Pet Animals Act 1951 / Yes □ No □
Disqualification under Animal Welfare Act 2006 / Yes □ No □
Keeping a Breeding Establishment –
Under the Breeding of Dogs Act 1973 / Yes □ No □
The Boarding of Animals –
Under the Animal Boarding Establishment Act 1963 / Yes □ No □
Keeping a Dog – under the Protection of Animals (Cruelty to Dogs) Act 1933 / Yes □ No □
Keeping a Dog – under the Protection of Animals (Cruelty to Dogs (Scotland) Act 1934 / Yes □ No □
Having custody of animals – under the Protection of Animals (Amendments) Act 1954 / Yes □ No □
If you answered Yes to any to the above, please give details:
General Conditions
1. Barnsley MBC has revised its payment policy and you are requested to pay by credit/debit card. On receipt of this application form you can telephone 01226 773743 to make the payment. You will receive a receipt number which must be recorded on this application form before it is submitted to us. Please note that licence visits cannot be carried out until the licence fee has been paid in full.
2. On receipt of this application and payment of the relevant fee you will be contacted by an an Officer from BMBC Regulatory Services. The officer will arrange to visit your premises. You must be present at the time of this visit.
3. A licence will be granted if the inspecting Officer is satisfied that you meet the licence conditions which can be found at the back of this application form. It is important that you make sure you are familiar with these conditions prior to the inspection.
4. Subsequent visits may also be made to your premises. Any person who wilfully obstructs or delays an officer in the exercise of his/her powers of entry or inspection will be guilty of an offence.
5. Any change of ownership must be reported to Barnsley MBC Regulatory Services immediately. All licences issued are issued to the applicant and not to the premises and are therefore not transferable.
6. Your application will be considered on animal health & welfare grounds.The terms of your licence may also need to be varied if complaints are upheld in relation to noise, pollution or animal health & welfare arising from the animals kept under this licence.
7. The granting of a licence under this Act does not imply the Council has waived the requirement for the applicant to obtain any other permissions required to carry out the activity, lawfully at the premises.
I declare that the information given in this application is true and understand that any information found to be false will render the application invalid.
Signed ______Date ______
Incomplete or incorrect applications will not be accepted.
Date fee Paid: ______Receipt no.: ______
Amount Paid: ______/ Officer’s remarks: ______
R:\Fileplan Regulatory Services\Legal Services\Licensing\Animal Health\Dog Day Care\Dog day care commercial 1 app Mar2015.doc