SCT Banner YES Implementation Team
Meeting Notes
Item / DescriptionDate / March 18, 2009
Time / 8:30 a.m.
/ MESHEL HALL – Computer Center Conference RoomATTENDEES
Facilitator(s) / Eileen Greaf and Rick MarsicoNote Taker / Cheryl Beil
Participants / Mary Bodnovich, Catherine Cala, Mary Lou Castner, Troy Cross, Sue Davis, Bob Forchione, Jeanne Herman, Tim Kovaleski, Dona Madacsi, Liz Nelson, James Stanger, Bob Tupaj,
Donna Wainio and Beth Yeatts
Not Present
/ Becky Geltz and Betty Jo LicataAGENDA ITEMS
CORRECTIONS / NotesImpl Mtg – 2/18/09
/ Email any corrections to Cheryl Beil.REVIEW PRIOR
ACTION ITEMS/ See updates on items #2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9a-b.
1. Studenta. Regis/Records / Tim K. reported that he finished loading 127,000+ student records converted from M-204 into Banner ranging back to Fall 1984. There are still unverified records that are live only in M204. These records require a manual review, and some decision needs to be made before we can set a date to turn off M204. Transfer holds have been applied which require a review of some records. Only ~1,500 records remain which did not pass 1 or more audits. Tim continues to work with Mary B. on some miscellaneous issues, including how to handle hard copy students who don’t have electronic records. Tim plans to meet with staff next week. Will load remaining records when cleaned up; this will not require a shutdown of the system. Jeanne reported that staff continues to work on data cleanup and records review holds. The 4th consecutive Banner registration is underway (Fall 2009). Regular registration for Summer opens 4/6/09; Fall regis opens 4/13/09. Consultant Rob Woodyard reviewed Banner 8 student changes. His re-scheduled visit was advantageous; Rob’s security access has been deactivated. The Higher Education Act requires an institution to disclose the cost of textbooks so students can access prior to registration –this requirement may require team involvement. Resolution of the Promise-to-Pay issue has been completed. Issues regarding advisor overrides and pre-reqs have improved significantly.
b. Admissions / Sue D. reported that there is a meeting 3/20 with EMAS to resolve one final glitch with the bridge before loading in Banner. Must fix a problem with 2009 enrollment history overwriting old data. Changing residency codes for Spring 2010 term will also impact fees for Fall ‘09. There is concern that prior terms will show an incorrect residency code for reporting; Beth Yeatts has informed Gene Grilli but has not received a response yet. Dr. Anderson and Tom Maraffa do not recommend that we go back to correct codes and bill for past terms. OBOR reporting for Summer and Fall 2008 is not done; can correct codes if needed, but will create other issues. A discrepancy report will be sent to Dona M. going forward; Bob Forchione will review it. Bi-directional synch has been discontinued, so data may not be correct. Changes from Code 2 to the new Code 4 are now being entered, but fees will change starting with Fall 2009 registration.
c. Student Accts / Beth Y. reported there are still a few open implementation items. Electronic submission of the 1098-T file is due before end of March. Liz continues to work on collection issues. E-billing will be live soon; this will reduce postage costs and paper billing (~6,000 fewer printed rebillings).
2. Financial Aid / Liz N. reported that the 2009-2010 academic budget has been assigned; Pell grants, etc. are being awarded. Changes to residency code groups 2 & 4 were done. Changes are being made to the way Ohio processes grants.
3. General Person / Bob Forchione (new team leader) has scheduled a meeting on 4/2 to review pertinent GP issues; Impl Team should email topics for discussion. Need to develop a process to notify responsible staff when data is determined to be incorrect. Currently is working on applying a patch that requires testing; notify Bob of any questions. After all responses are received and testing is complete, will move the patch into PROD. Suggested that team leaders closely track any new patch releases for the most timely application. To address the issue of permanent addresses, student employee appointment forms processed during May will require departments to verify a student’s current address (rather than use previous data) and will require the supervisor’s Banner ID on the form as certification.
4. HR/Payroll / Donna Wainio is presently the Impl Team reporting contact for Banner HR. Staff are testing new tax tables for April 1. The seniority date, which was previously used for longevity calculations, will be updated to show the first full-time date of employment at YSU. This will be beneficial for determining years of service awards. Currently is developing a process to automate the termination of student employees and extended teaching service staff. A new pay type was generated last year for Summer school teaching staff . The pay type had tax implications for faculty that selected the deferred pay option. Submitted GMRs for reports and data extractions. In process of creating reports for Annual Awards dinner. There will be 27 bi-weekly pay periods in FY 2010 due to the way the holiday falls; will determine if the extra pay runs in 2009 or 2010 – will need to test tax withholding.
5. MyYSU / Bob T. reported that the portal work team met 3/17 to plan for Luminis 4 upgrade late summer or early fall. Propose a new look for the portal (including new page banner) for Lum4. The link to view the Lum4 test portal is Portal work group is in the process of reviewing student, faculty/staff, and My Tab tabs, along with developing a survey, in order to get feedback on channel usage. Jeanne H. cautioned that any changes should be coordinated with FinAid, Student Accts and Registration so that all documentation, etc. can be modified to match actual screens students see; Student e-Services section should remain the same. The eLearning component of Banner Student must be updated, including Course Studio which offers the option of targeting students in a particular course from rosters generated by eLearning. Work team is also discussing whether to use Lum4 or SunOne for email application. Portal team is checking Announcements channel as it relates to majors and academic depts; need guidelines to prevent overuse. Review of the guest role is underway; will develop a policy/procedure.
6. Finance / Mary Lou C. reported on the SciQuest project (see Update item #12 below). Eileen reported that IUC schools are finalizing an IUC contract with JP Morgan Chase for credit card programs. YSU’s change from National City to Chase will require modification of the interface.
7. Advancement / Catherine C. reported that they are working with IT staff on a process to streamline downloading data into the Banner system; APPCUPD is a delivered report. In addition to a postage increase in May 2009, USPS is making many other changes to its operating procedures. In order to provide non-profit mailing rates, it now requires non-profits to run their address lists through NCOA every 95 days. USPS has also regionalized its services – with a Mail Design Specialist in Akron, electronic ACS (Address Change Service) in Memphis, and content review at Youngstown Main Post Office. They are closely scrutinizing non-profit mailings to insure compliance.
8. Communication / No report given.
9. Reporting / Becky G. emailed her update since the HEI student enrollment reporting workgroup would be meeting at the same time. Core workgroup members include Jayne Caputo, Debbie Garchar, Cameron Hughes, Mary Noble, Steve Taraszewski, Brian Godsen and Becky. They are meeting weekly and communicating by phone/email as needed. Becky is of the understanding that only the Student Entrance file has been submitted for Summer 2008. When Summer reporting is completed, they will begin work on Fall reporting. She expressed her appreciation for the additional resources from IT to assist with their reporting needs.
10. Training / RickM.reportedthatadecentralizedtrainingstrategyisunder review. A formal task force is being established to determine the most efficient means for addressing University technology training needs. Donna W. and Jeanne H. stressedtheneedforcontinuedBannertrainingon various systems and encouraged an interim approach to meet staff training needs until the new plan is in place.
11. Technical / Troy reported that IT staff is concentrating on upgrades/patches required for Banner 8, including AIX, TSM (our backup solution), Oracle CPUs (patches), getting to current version/releases of Appworx, IntelleCheck (version 1.3 to version 3.0 which is web based, not client/server), ODS 8.1 (required before Banner 8), and Luminis 4 (required by Banner 8). Performing preliminary research on Document Imaging Solutions (formerly Xtender). Donna W. requested that Banner 8 documentation be posted on YES website; Troy agreed to research and post. OBUG is scheduled for April 24, 2009 near Columbus. SETA is planned for Oct. 4-6, 2009 in Orlando, FL.
12. SciQuest / Mary Lou Castner reported that the SciQuest project has begun and implementation software has been received. This product primarily impacts the purchasing process in Banner. SQ was here to meet with project mgr Ron Williams and various staff regarding functionality. Goal is to train dept staff who are doing requisitions in Banner – will post more information on the YES website. Troy indicated that IFEP servers were configured, so SQ is ready from a technical perspective for functional testing by areas.
13. PeopleAdmin / No report given.
New Action Items / Issues /Owner
/Due Date
1. ePrint /Troy Cross
/Housed on separate server as a repository for reports; accessibility is determined by Banner security. Troy to define each report in ePrint; team leaders should forward a list of reports for their area. Troy will demo to Impl Team.
Prior Items / Issues
/Due Date
/Current Status
1. Processing requests for reporting /Rick Marsico
/ ASAP /Met with IT staff and Institutional Research to develop a reporting strategy. Jim Hanek has scheduled a follow-up mtg with this group and some power users to formalize a strategy. Will address issues of inconsistency among areas interpreting the data and the need to communicate new data elements promptly.
2. Assistance for accessing TouchNet inthe portal /
Rick Marsico
/ ASAP /Beth Y. will check with Bob DeFrances to see if the FAQ link was added to the Stud Accts homepage. Tech Desk phone # is posted on portal homepage for users having problems logging in; a blurb regarding pop-up blockers was added. A redirect link has been added to the Stud Accts homepage.
3. Retiring CICS/Advantage subsystems /Rick Marsico
/ ASAP /Grants Acctg needs to access M-204 history and records to close some old grants. Mary Lou will contact Dave Edwards to decide best approach. A price increase is effective 7/1/09 for all current mainframe components.
4. Review of portal usage policies /Bob Tupaj
/ ASAP / Cabinet accepted new policy re: MyYSU campus emails/announcements and Classified Ads. Ron Cole will address Impl Team at the March mtg regarding ways to communicate the new policy before implem. Troy indicated that mass mailings of MyYSU emails are not being sent 9AM-3PM to eliminate a sluggish portal. Goal is to NOT use portal email as the primary means of communication, but to use portal Announcements instead.5. Decision document re: MyYSU email
addresses for alumni and current
graduates /
Catherine Cala
/ ASAP / Need to develop a process to deactivate alumni Banner email addresses after 1 year free membership. When student record loads are completed, will activate the disabling function; must develop a method to notify when deactivated. Email addresses are currently assigned when student applications are accepted and a notification letter is sent. Return students and staff are not notified of prior email address. Jeanne updates email addresses for current students; need to formalize a procedure for Registration staff to correct personal info. John Dalbec currently batch processes changes, but significantly slows processing of ID cards, etc.6. Classroom/Events Management
Scheduling – Ad Astra /
Jeanne Herman
/ In process / Jason T. loaded Astra into STFA test instance. ASTRA team will meet to best determine what needs completed & provide realistic timeline when ASTRA will be functional. Team still needs to manually build room preferences, which is labor intensive and time consuming.7. XML Transcript /
Sue Davis
/ In process / Continue to make good progress but need to resolve some technical issues. Capability for one school to create a transcript and transmit to the State site; another school can then download as an XML file. Testing to see if output matches info on the State site. DARS piece is being developed but is currently in litigation regarding ownership rights.8. Evaluate if WYSU should use Banner
Advancement for pledges /
Advancement Team
/In process
/Catherine C. to meet with Kami Greene in Gen Acctg; will add finance component to decision document and resend to Impl team.
9. Requests for Labelsa. Policy for department information
requests for data lists & labels for
Alumni/YSU donors
(centralize or decentralize)
b. Create workgroup to determine
responsibility for handling other
departmental information requests /
Catherine Cala