Application Form for Organisations/Networks
Name of Organisation/Network:Requested Membership (annual fee):
Full Member (120€)(see page 2)
Associate Member (100€)(see page 2)
Supporting Organisation (see page 2)
Telephone Number/ Fax Number:
Research Area(s) Covered:
Is the organisation a member of any other network(s)?
Name, position and e-mail address of authorised representatives:
How many members do you represent?
I accept Terms and Conditions of EPWS (please readpage 4)
Name ______Signature : ______
Date ______Place: ______
Your personal data are for EPWS internal use only and will not be transmitted to third parties.
Requested additional documents and data
Declaration (for ALL applicants)
We accept the purpose and aims of the European Platform of Women Scientists AISBL, its key policy statements, joint declarations and rules and procedures as decided by the General Assembly.
Position/ Function
Please return completed form to:
European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS (c/o Dr Dora GROO)
Association of Hungarian Women in Science
1255 Budapest, P.O.B. 206, Hungary UngaryHhhE-mail: URL:
Declaration (for the applicants for Full Membership only)
We herewith declare that our association, according to the statutes which we are enclosing, is a legally registered non-governmental non-profit organisation acting independently of any political party or religious authority, and that its aims, goals and interests do not oppose the aims, goals and interests of the European Platform of Women Scientists AISBL.
Position/ Function
Please return completed form to:
European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS (c/o Dr Dora GROO)
Association of Hungarian Women in Science
1255 Budapest, P.O.B. 206, Hungary UngaryHhhE-mail: URL:
Terms and Conditions
The application for admission as a member of EPWS will be addressed to the Executive Committee by means of written communication. The applicants must specify in their application which type of membership they are applying for. They must also demonstrate their compliance with all the relevant membership criteria. The application must be accompanied by the documents and data requested for each type of membership.
The Executive Committee is entitled to ask the applicant any additional information it deems necessary in order to issue its advice to the Board of Administration.
If these bodies ask for any such additional information, the application procedure will be suspended until this additional information is communicated by the applicant.
The Executive Committee will make recommendations to the Board of Administration concerning all applications for membership.
The Board of Administration will vote to accept or reject each membership application on the basis of a simple majority.
The applicant, whose application for membership is being accepted, will confirm its acceptance of the Statutes, the Internal Rules and the key policy statements and joint declarations of the Association by returning the Statement of Admission to the Association, completed and duly signed by its legal/official representative.
Brussels, November 2006