Spectr’Atom 2017 - 61st ICASS
Monday-Friday,June 19-23,2017
Item / Includes / CostExhibitor Booth /
- Covered table + 2 chairs + [electrical outlets (per request)]
- 2full registrations
- Complete list of attendees
- Half a page for publicity in the program
- Company URL on the conference website
- Access to sessions
- Lunch + coffee breaks
Banquet / Nbr of persons 1 2 / 90 $/pers.
Additional exhibitor registration /
- Access to sessions
- Access tobooths
- Lunch + coffee breaks
- Banquet
1 page publicityin the program / 1 page publicityin the program(non exhibitors) / 1 200 $Banquet sponsors / Acknowledgment in the program, with visible company information in the registration hall, during the banquet andon the conference website / 5 500 $
Sponsoring“platinum level” / Acknowledgment in the program in the beginning of the session and on the conference website
Company name and logo in all printed advertisement and publicity material
Copy of the program and book of abstracts
2 complimentary registrations / 2 000$
“gold level” / Acknowledgment in the program in the beginning of the session and on the conference website
Company name and logo in all printed advertisement and publicity material
Copy of the program and book of abstracts
1 complimentary registration / 1 000 $
Coffee breaks / Acknowledgment with visible company information as well as in the program. / 250 $
Information on the person registered to the conference:
Surname: / Last name:
Province: / Postal code: / Country:
E-mail address:
Phone: / Fax:
If you have selected the banquet (June 22), please selected one of the followingoptions:
Chicken breast stuffed with OKA cheeseVegetarian
Strawberry and passion fruit glazed Atlantic salmon
Information on the person registered to the conference:
Surname: / Last name:
Province: / Postal code: / Country:
E-mail address:
Phone: / Fax:
If you have selected the banquet (June 22), please selected one of the followingoptions:
Chicken breast stuffed with OKA cheese Vegetarian
Strawberry and passion fruit glazed Atlantic salmon
Information on the person registered to the conference:
Surname: / Last name:
Province: / Postal code: / Country:
E-mail address:
Phone: / Fax:
If you have selected the banquet (June 22), please selected one of the followingoptions:
Chicken breast stuffed with OKA cheese Vegetarian
Strawberry and passion fruit glazed Atlantic salmon
Payment by cheque (toSpectr’Atom 2017/61st ICASS) or by credit card
(Visa/Mastercard accepted).
Payment by credit card: Mastercard Visa
Name on the card:Address of card holder:
Card number: / Expiry date:
Security code (on back): / Amount:
Phone: / Signature:
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