Study Guide for Chapter 13 of Fox

1.  Be able to describe the various components of the Circulatory System.

2.  Be able to describe the various components of blood including the cell types, their normal numbers and functions,

3.  Fill in the blanks with the average normal values for the following. Be sure to use the proper units, if any.

a.  RBC Count: ______

b.  Blood Volume: ______

c.  WBC Count: ______

d.  Hematocrit: ______

e.  % of blood that is plasma: ______

4  What are the “Formed Elements”?

5  What are the 3 types of plasma proteins? ______, ______, ______.

6  What are platelets and where are they formed?

7  Leukocytes can be classified into 2 major groups which are: ______& ______.

8  What features does a Neutrophil have that you would look for to identify it from other WBC?

9  What features does a monocyte have “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ?

10  What hormone stimulates erythropoiesis? Where does this hormone come from?

11  What are antigens and what do they cause to happen if they should get into our body?

12  What are the various blood types? What makes type A or type B that type?

13  What are antibodies? What things can they do? What antibodies do the various blood types have?

14  What is agglutination? What causes it?

15  What is Rh factor? What does Rh+ mean? Rh-?

16  Be able to draw and explain the diagram on blood clotting I put on the board.

17  How does aspirin work as a anticoagulant?

18  What agents are used to dissolve blood clots?

19  Be able to draw and label the structure of the heart. Be sure to show all of the valves, chambers and major vessels.

20  Define these terms: systole, diastole, ischemia.

21  Study and be able to describe the “cardiac cycle”.

22  What does “isovolumetric contraction” and “isovolumetric relaxation” mean?

23  What happens at the start of and the end of the “isovolumetric contraction” phase?

a.  Start of: ______

b.  End of: ______

24.  Describe what causes the 1st and 2nd heart sounds.

a.  1st: ______

b.  2nd: ______

25.  What are “heart murmurs”?

26.  What does “automaticity” mean? What is the “pacemaker” structurally and what does it do?

27.  Be able to describe the action potentials produced by the pacemaker. What is a “pacemaker potential”?

28.  What is an HCN channel?

29.  How does the action potential from the pacemaker spread through the atria?

30.  Be able to describe the action potential generated by a myocardial cell.

31.  Be able to describe the spread of the action potential from the atria to the ventricles.

32.  Know the 2 different ways Ca++ can enter the sarcoplasm of the myocardial cell.

33.  What are the 2 ways Ca++ is removed from the sarcoplasm?

34.  Be able to draw an EKG wave form for standard lead II. Label each part of the wave and the mention the cardiac event associated with it.

35.  Be able to describe the differences in the structure of arteries, arterioles, capillaries and veins.

36.  What are “pre-capillary sphincters”? What is their significance?

37.  What are the 3 types of capillaries?

38.  What is the “skeletal muscle pump”?

39.  Just read through the last few pages of this chapter. Do not “study” them.