Elm Road Primary School – Governors Meeting

Date: 01/03/16
Membership: Graham Lockwood, Chris Venables, Stephen Malkin, Richard Edwards, Gavin Plume, Mark Godfrey, Susie Moore, Adrian Burton, Alan Hanrahan, Asta Siskiene & Jane Laws (Clerk)
Apologies: None
Main points discussed / Action
Question / Stephen welcomed Asta and Alan, new parent governors, and hopes they find being a governor at Elm Road School a good experience and help governors move the school forward.
Following a meeting GL had attended with Caroline Whalley, founder of Elliot Foundation, he wanted to share with governors her passion for the Foundation. GL showed a short film to governors about the vision behind the Elliot Foundation so far. We are proud to be part of The Elliot Foundation, a successful multi academy trust specialising in the primary sector.
Declaration of Interests: None
SM apologised for cancelling the previous meeting.
Minutes of previous meeting 11th January and matters arising.
JL has created the governor badges and visiting governors have worn them during their visits.
SM circulated the Code of Practice for Academy Governors and asked all governors to sign and return to JL.
Academy Improvement Committee
RE & SM had met with GL and inspected the pupil premium data and noted the gap is narrowing.
AH asked about pupil premium and GL explained pupil premium is additional funding to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.
SM explained the school receives a lot of Pupil Premium funding annually and we need to continue to measure the impact of the children on academic data. RE & SM will continue to monitor and review Pupil Premium expense.
MG asked if we would get penalised if Pupil Premium was spent on ‘swimming, breakfast club’ etc,
A lot of discussion followed about the need to measure the impact.
SM outlined all the intervention groups that take place, TAs providing before and after school clubs, regular pupil progress meetings take place and half termly reports are produced.
The progress partners from Elliot are also closely monitoring Pupil Premium progress.
RE & SM had met with Lynn McGhee (SENCO) and discussed the links with Pupil Premium children and she explained initiatives she is using.
MG asked about the breakfast club children but data is not available as breakfast club has been running for a number of years.
Development & Assessment Levels - Since the removal of levels, new tests have been introduced. Elm Road is to trial the Maths test this year. AB & SM will arrange a meeting before the end of term. Once a system is fully embedded we will put on an evening for governors later in the year.
Middle Leadership – MG & GP to arrange a meeting with GL as soon as possible.
CV updated the governing body on middle leadership in school. Following a meeting with Claire Stimpson, progress partner, pupil progress meetings have been redesigned and data analysis is being produced and scrutinised for each area of development. Data is being used extensively in school and it is imperative to turn actions into progress. A meeting had taken place with Rachel Jones who was pleased the leadership team have lots of experience. Leadership meetings are being held weekly and work is in progress to develop a format to present to staff before the input of checkpoint 4 of the assertive mentoring.
CV has started a qualification course on leadership.
SM reported that the transfer to the Elliot has already benefitted the school with the support it receives which is challenging but helpful.
Resource Committee
The committee had met in December. SM reported to governors that although the support for curriculum etc had been good following our conversion the same could not be said for the finance. The budget is on the system but full training has not been delivered to JL.
The carry forward from Cambridgeshire County Council has been finalised and £102,000 will be transferredthis week.
SM will be looking at suitable reports within the PSF system that can be circulated to governors before the next meeting.
We have received an indicative 2016/17 budget and the July governors meeting will be a budget setting meeting.
MG asked if the governors review the spending on services etc. SM reported that the resource committee review everything.
SM reported on Orovia, a budgeting toolkit, which is helpful with reviewing staffing scenarios. The toolkit has been installed on our system and JL has spent quite some time entering employee’s details.
JL will attend a school business manager’s conference in Birmingham on 10th March and the Orovia package is an agenda item.
Governor Training and Visits
SM and RE had met with GL.
MG had spent the morning in school with Melanie Martin and completed a health and safety walk of the school. MG to send a report and will visit again soon.
GP, MG and SM had attended a year 4 assembly.
SM had spoken with Bob Anderson about the training available for new governors.
RE informed governors that in Norfolk courses are held in Kings Lynn and would be ideal to try and join these governor courses. JL to investigate.
The Governors annual conference will be put on again later this year.
Principals Report
GL reiterated the problems occurred due to our conversion at a busy time for The Elliot Foundation. GL is keen to start to use the Orovia package. Suthan, financial director, will be visiting GL and JL in a couple of weeks and the visit will hopefully sort out a couple of issues.
GL reported he will be looking at staffing for September. Mrs Goose will be retiring at the end of the year and will be a big loss.
Miss Yardy and Mrs Taylor, 2 teachers through Engage have been working very well.
The buildings are in a good condition. A full asbestos survey has been carried out by the Elliot Foundation.
Quotes are being sought for a new cover for the reception gazebo.
MG asked if the issues over the caretaker’s house had been sorted. GL reported that after much deliberation the Cambridgeshire County Council had decided to keep the house.
GL informed governors of contracts held with the County that will be coming to an end in April. A quotation had been received from SchoolsUK for an excellent staff absence insurance package. It was decided to proceed with the quotation for 6 months (£1,169) to get it in line with our academy finance year.
GL will investigate ICT packages and had met with RM to discuss the schools requirements.
Any Other Business
Date and time of next meeting
Full Governors - 18th April at 7.00pm
11th July at 7.00pm
After Easter a meeting will be arranged for the middle leadership team to attend.
Resource Committee - 16th March at 7.00pm
SM thanks governors for attending.
Meeting closed at 8.30pm. / Agreed and signed as a true record.
Future points to be discussed / when / who with

Signature of Chair ...... Date ...... Page