TO:All AAA DirectorsNOTICE#: 121902-1-I-CFM

FROM:Terry White


DATE:December 16, 2002

SUBJECT:Notice of Instruction: New Monitoring Plan (Phase III)

Attached is the Department’s new Monitoring Plan (Phase III), which we will be using for the upcoming monitoring visits. This document was developed by the DOEA management team as part of the Management Improvement Plan, to address issues raised by the Office of Program Policy and Governmental Accountability and the Auditor General.

The new approach to monitoring features the following key elements:

  • The monitoring team will include representation from the Divisions of Statewide Community-Based Services, Volunteer & Community Services, Administration and Management Information Systems. This unified team will coordinate monitoring activities utilizing a single instrument.
  • In an effort to ensure objective measurement and reporting of results, the DOEA Evaluation and Planning Unit has validated and approved the monitoring standard indicators. The standards are based on established federal and state guidelines. In addition, before each AAA monitoring visit, the Evaluation and Planning Unit will provide the monitoring team with data and information on consumer surveys and other outcome measures for the PSA.
  • Each monitoring team will have one team leader through whom all communication will flow. This should enhance communication between the team and AAA staff. It will also eliminate the potential for duplicate requests for information and help increase efficiency of all involved.
  • The new process includes a tight timetable culminating with a response by the AAA to be included in the formal monitoring report. This step assures that AAA’s have an opportunity to be a formal part of the process.
  • All monitoring results and recommendations will be reviewed and tracked by the Department’s management review team and senior staff as stipulated under the Management Improvement Plan.

New Monitoring Plan (Phase III)

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  • The Department is utilizing a best practices approach to the monitoring. As the monitoring teams make their visit they will identify best practices that can be shared with others in the aging network.

We want to thank Dottie Peoples and the Northwest Florida Area Agency on Aging for allowing us to test a draft of this document at the PSA 1 monitoring conducted in November.

We look forward to working with you in partnership and to implement this enhanced monitoring plan. If you require additional information regarding this notice, please contact your contract manager.
