It 430 Subjective 2011 Collection

Dear fellows

Today I took my first final term paper of IT430 in morning session at 07:30 AM.

Subjective portion was lengthy but I tried to attempt all questions. Time allowed to

attempt paper was 90 minutes.

Paper pattern was as follows;

Total Marks = 70

Total No. of Questions = 44

No. of MCQs = 30

No. of 2 marks Questions = 6*2 = 12

No. of 3 marks Questions = 6*3 = 18

No. of 5 marks Questions = 2*5 = 10

I remember few of subjective questions which are as follows; please study thoroughly

these questions before attempting your IT430 paper.

Q 31: Define electronic signature? (Marks 2)

Q 32: Which currency is used in e-cash banking system? (Marks 2)

Q 33: What do you know about interactive advertisement? Briefly explain. (Marks 3)

Q 34: What are uses of submit and reset button? (Marks 2)

Q 35: What do you know about coupon? (Marks 2)

Q 36: On what basis, generally the protection under “fair use” may be

sought? Doesn't need to explain. (Marks 3)

Q 37: What is relational database? (Marks 3)

Q 38: Fill the following table with appropriate information; (Marks 3)

Minting stage

Serial no. ?

Client ?

Deposit stage

Serial no. ?

Client ?

Q 39: What type of issues civil and criminal laws deals with? (Marks 3)

Q 40: What is Meta information? Why do search engines use Meta information?

(Marks 5)

Q 41: How do cultural issues affect International e-commerce? (Marks 5)

E-Commerce (IT430)
Exam subjective paper 13-2-2011 (7:30Am)
Q1: What are the barriers of internet E-commerce? Just name.
Q2: What is the key difference between B2C and B2B.
Q3: How E-bank ensures that payment coin should not be spent more
than one time.
Q4: What protocol used at “network layer” of OSI Model.
Q5: How a developer who releases software updates of his software can reduce price and increase sales in E-commerce environment.
Q6: What is the role and responsibility of “application layer” in OSI model?
Q7: Describe “perceived value” in context of branding.
Q8: In Virtual pin payment system, merchant is less secure and buyer is secure. Do you agree? Please justify your answer. (1+2)
Q9: Is any copy right Idea exists? Explain.
Q10: Factors of Industrial and competitive analysis, find factors according to strategic planning.
Q11: What do you know about private legislation?
Q12: Disadvantages of E-business? With examples. 5
Q13: According to Section 25, Explain CPS? 5
Q14: How do you know that a product needs how much amount of E-commerce to make it successful? 5

total 45 questions thay
objective questions 30 that
subjective questions 15 thay
subjective questions 45 marks k thay
3 questions 5,5,5,marks k thay
question1 (2 marks)
how certification authority issues the certificate?
Q 2: (3 mrks)
define relevence elament in branding
q 3: (3 marks)
name the portals used for e-mail mesaging
q 4: (3marks)
what is cyber wallet?what is the use of cyeber wallet?
q 5: (3marks)
What is meant by “1973 is the supreme law of the country”?
q 6: (5 marks)
What do you perceive by Value Added Network? Explain its advantages too with reference to EDI.
q 7: (2 marks)
what do we mean by the anonymity in E-Cash Payment system?
q 8: (2 marks)
Under Section 21 of the ETO, the funds of the Certification Council shall comprise of:?

11 feb to 14 feb it430 subjective questions are

31 to 36 subjective question was 2marks\

37 to 42 question was 3 marks

43 to 45 question was 5 marks

total subjective question 45marks

and mcqs portion was 30 marks

total paper 75 marks

some new mcqs like this

1 marquee k bary mai kch tha

2. how many stage of strategic planning cycle

a 2

b 3

c 4

d 5

acha huwa maine c he kra tha

3. how can we add a comment on javascript

a ,it is a comment

b // it is a comment

c < it is a comment?>

d none of above

4. in which of the following of included in product and supplies

a technology

b human resource

c administration

d design

31: What is the key difference between B2C and B2B.
32: According to Section 25, Explain CPS? 5
33.What is meant by “1973 is the supreme law of the country”?
34. advandtages of e-business

35.section 3

36. what do u knw about product and supplies activties and also define strenght and weakness analysis 5marks

37circuit level firewall 5marks

38. section 15 of eto

39. islamic republic constituion

40 write a intergrate key formula

41. define electronic payment system

42.detail process of data mining

43. identify 3 essential feature of web designed

44. micheal proter acitivity

45.What do you know about private legislation?

Paper 1 subjective questions are
Q1: What are the barriers of internet E-commerce? Just name.
Q2: What is the key difference between B2C and B2B.
Q3: How E-bank ensures that payment coin should not be spent more
than one time.
Q4: What protocol used at “network layer” of OSI Model.
Q5: How a developer who releases software updates of his software can reduce price and increase sales in E-commerce environment.
Q6: What is the role and responsibility of “application layer” in OSI model?
Q7: Describe “perceived value” in context of branding.
Q8: In Virtual pin payment system, merchant is less secure and buyer is secure. Do you agree? Please justify your answer. (1+2)
Q9: Is any copy right Idea exists? Explain.
Q10: Factors of Industrial and competitive analysis, find factors according to strategic planning.
Q11: What do you know about private legislation?
Q12: Disadvantages of E-business? With examples. 5
Q13: According to Section 25, Explain CPS? 5
Q14: How do you know that a product needs how much amount of E-commerce to make it successful? 5

Paper 2

Q 31: Define electronic signature? (Marks 2)
Q 32: Which currency is used in e-cash banking system? (Marks 2)
Q 33: What do you know about interactive advertisement? Briefly explain. (Marks 3)
Q 34: What are uses of submit and reset button? (Marks 2)
Q 35: What do you know about coupon? (Marks 2)
Q 36: On what basis, generally the protection under “fair use” may be
sought? Doesn't need to explain. (Marks 3)
Q 37: What is relational database? (Marks 3)
Q 38: Fill the following table with appropriate information; (Marks 3
Minting stage Serial no. ?
Client ?
Deposit stage
Serial no. ?
Client ?
Q 39: What type of issues civil and criminal laws deals with? (Marks 3)
Q 40: What is Meta information? Why do search engines use Meta information?
(Marks 5)
Q 41: How do cultural issues affect International e-commerce? (Marks 5)

paper 3
how certification authority issues the certificate?
Q 2: (3 mrks)
define relevence elament in branding
q 3: (3 marks)
name the portals used for e-mail mesaging
q 4: (3marks)
what is cyber wallet?what is the use of cyeber wallet?
q 5: (3marks)
What is meant by “1973 is the supreme law of the country”?
q 6: (5 marks)
What do you perceive by Value Added Network? Explain its advantages too with reference to EDI.
q 7: (2 marks)
what do we mean by the anonymity in E-Cash Payment system?
q 8: (2 marks)
Under Section 21 of the ETO, the funds of the Certification Council shall comprise of:?

Paper 4


Q.1.What are uses of submit and reset button? (Marks 2)

The Submit Button is a major part of all forms. It is the button that when clicked, will

send all of the information to the CGI script to be processed.

RESET button just cleared all the form field data you just entered. But that's not the case.

You actually reset the form to its original state — one that contained only blank fields.

Q.2 On what basis, generally the protection under “fair use” may be

sought? Doesn't need to explain. (Marks 3)

Nature of use:- the work has been used for educational and/or non-profit purposes only;

Nature of work:- if the copied work contains factual information then it may be more

effectively covered under the fair use clause as opposed to some creative work;

Extent of the work copied:- if the amount of work copied is insignificantly small then

the courts might take a view favorable to the accused;

Effect on the market value of the work:- A person alleged with the copyright violation

may escape any liability arguing that the work has not been circulated to many people

and there has not been any negative impact on the value of actual work due to the


Q 3: What is relational database? (Marks 3)

A Relational Database or simply database is a collection of information stored in

tables. A database contains one or more tables. Each table has a name and consists of

columns and rows. Each column has a name. Most ecommerce sites consist of a front end

and a back end.

Front end consists of that information which is visible to the user and he can

interact with the same through some interface. The back end comprises that information

which resides on the server side and is used to create certain dynamic results for the user.

It would include different programs or scripts that may be developed in different

languages/tools. For an effective e-commerce site there must be a real integration or

compatibility between the front end and the back end.

Q 4: Fill the following table with appropriate information; (Marks 3)

Minting Stage

Serial number (unknown) Client (known)

Deposit Stage

Serial no. (known) Client (unknown)

Q 5: What type of issues civil and criminal laws deals with? (Marks 3)

Civil law deals with the private rights of the parties, whereas the object of Criminal Law

is to punish the wrong-doer.

Civil wrongs such as breach of contract are deemed to violate only the rights of

individuals and not the society in general. On the other hand, a criminal wrong (crime) is

an act deemed by law to be harmful to the society in general such as theft or murder etc.

and the state itself is a party in such matters.

Q 6: What is Meta information? Why do search engines use Meta information?

(Marks 5)

‘‘Meta Information’’ is the information about the web page content, and is

located in the <HEAD> of your HTML documents. It helps make documents easier to

locate through search engines. Meta tag is used within the head tag for this purpose.

Meta information is used by a search engine to locate and rank the web site. You

provide your Meta information to a search engine, pay its prescribed registration fee and

get your site registered with the search engine. Search engine puts this Meta information

in its database.

When a searcher types key words in the search engine text box, these key words are

matched with the Meta information recorded in the database of the search engine

Different search engines have different ranking criteria. Some search engines search the

entire internet each time. Many search engines rank the site by using a program called

‘spider’ which inspects the site before ranking.

Q 7: How do cultural issues affect International e-commerce? (Marks 5)

Different Cultural Issues Surrounding International E-Commerce.

Firstly, there is the issue of choice of name.

For example, a famous car manufacturing company had chosen the name ‘nova’ for one

of its car models, which could be understood by the people in Latin America in the sense

that ‘it will not go’.

Similarly, a company selling baby foods in jars should not place the picture of a

baby on the jar while doing business in certain parts of Africa, since in such parts it is

customary (or part of the culture/tradition) to put on the jar the picture of contents

contained in it.

Web designers must be careful about the choice of icons because they can have

different meanings in different cultures.

In Muslim countries people can be offended by human pictures that violate the limit of

Islamic parda.

Use of colors in the web design can also be troublesome.

For example, white color denotes purity in Europe and America but is associated with

death and mourning in china and some Asian countries.

Paper 5

1 What is web server? 2
2 How bank verifies the validity of the coins?
3 What is E-business? 2
4 Do u agree that improved logistic supply chain is one of the roles of e-commerce?
5 define the two terms plaintiff and defendant?
6 In how many classes the law is divided, give their name?
7 What are the global issues of internet taxation briefly discuss?
8 What does RAS and RAC stands for in the context of virtual private network?
9 What is business promotion? Give two names?
10 Which type of signatures is more reliable and convenient?
11 discuss the 4th stage of strategic planning cycle?
12 identify different area of study involve e-commerce?
13 What is cyber squatting? Explain with example
14 How we can obtain MD1 and MD2, DSMD?
15 Explain the term support and confidence in the context of association?

My Paper was easy… All mcqs were from past papers as usual..

Subjective portion is as under

What isConcurrent useissue in E-commerce? 2

Define certificate in ETO Context? 2

Give the general format (syntax) of If-else statement used n Java Scripting. 2

Write the stages of e-cash payment system.2

What is difference in e-business and e-commerce business?2

Name any two tools used for data mining and OLAP? 2

How the coin is minted by E-Cash bank? 3

What is concept of “fair use” in copyright law? 3

What are the three methods for using style sheets with a web page? 3

What is e-business storefront model? 3

Is there any copy right on idea? Comment on it 3

What factors Industry and competitive analysis finds out regarding to the strategic planning. 5

What are the four guiding principles to form the basis of any privacy legislation? 5

What is marketing research? Write the names of different methods available for conducting marketing research. 5

List down three supporting activities with examples as discussed by Michael Porter in a strategic business unit. 5

MCQs = 30

Subjective = 15

Time = 120 Minutes

1)Identify the XML Document. (2 M)

2)Customer Level of Loyalty at Exploration Level (2 M)

3)What is UNCITRAL (2 M)

4)What is Analytical Attack (2 M)

5)Finance and Administration activities according to Michal Porter (2 M)

6)In ETO what is Usual Place of Residence (2 M)

7)Function of FRAMESPACING, HSPACE, VSPACE, CELLPADDING in Web Page Development (3 M)

8)Digital Signatures are more reliable than Paper Signatures. Why ? (3 M)

9)SSL is better than SET. Why ? (3 M)

10)What is EDI ? How it is substitute to VAN. (3 M)

11)Different Areas involved E-Commerce. (3 M)

12)Protection under Fair use may be sought. (3 M)

13)Email marketing helps or not in E-Commerce (5 M)

14)What right is granted by law to sell, use an invention (5 M)

15)Supporting activities discussed in Michal Porter (5 M)

Suppose there is an appellate “ demo class. Write the code to include this appellate in web page.(2 Marks)

Write Stages of E-Cash Payment System.(2 Marks)

In SSL handshaking what is mean by Cipher Suit? (2 Marks)

Write down the Hierarchy Courts with Reference to the Global Legal Issue of

E-commerce.(2 Marks)

Name any Two Tools used for Data Mining and OLAP?(2 Marks)

What are the Barriers to International E-Commerce Just Name them. (2 Marks)

What is E-Business? Differentiate it with E-Commerce with the help of real life Examples.(3 Marks)

What is Concept of “Fair Use” in Copyright Law?(3 Marks)

Digital Signature are Considered more reliable than Paper Signatures. Do you agree with this statement? Briefly justify your answer?(3 Marks)

Why we need to know that what kind of Business we are doing? Justify your

Answer.(3 Marks)

What is ERP? Briefly explain its use in an Organization?(3 Marks)

With the Reference Section 20 of the ETO the Funds of the Certification shall comprise of?(3 Marks)

How Trade Mark is distinguished from Domain Name? Explain it briefly.(5 Marks)

How SET Proceeds on? Give Explanation with the help of Diagram (5 Marks)

What do u think that it can be predicted that when and how much of certain product would need to be produces in an E-commerce Environment? Discuss Briefly.