
Title: / Services for tax practitioners
Issue date: / 25 October 2017 /
Venue: / Robert Ewing Corporate Centre
Australian Taxation Office – 26 Narellan Street, Canberra /
Event date: / 26 October 2017 / Start:9:30am AEDT / Finish:4:00pm
Chair: / Martin Mane / Facilitator: / Sharna Maltman /
Contacts: / Joe Maxymenko
Sharna Maltman / Contact phone: / 0412 517 210
(07) 3149 5913 /
names/section / ATO – Andrew Watson, Anne Soe, Anthony Clarke, Blair Lauchlan, Doipayon Halder, Gary Warne, Helen Adamovich, Ian Scensor, Joe Maxymenko, Lloyd Williams, Martin Mane,Mel Oxman, Ross Mikulinsky, Scott Rumford, Shahzad Malik, Sharna Maltman, Timothy Brown, Timothy Vogler, Zonizol Rae.
Industry – Jack Wee (Catsoft), Paul Li (CCH), Kevin Zhang, Mike Denniss (Class Super), Tiana Tran (Impact), Joyce Edmonds, Lex Edmonds (Microtax), Joan Riddoch, Mike Behling, Scott Reid (MYOB), Kevin Johnson, Steven Ivanopoulos (Reckon), Darin Carter, Michael Wright (Sage), Paul Siriwardana, Richard Puffe (Thomson Reuters), Andrew Sprankling, Anthony Migliardi, Kelvin Newton (Xero).
name/section / N/A /
Item / Time / Topic / Presented by
9:30am / Welcome and introduction / Martin Mane
9:50am / Future direction and priorities / Andrew Watson
10:20am / Enterprise tax plan – reducing the company tax rate 2018 (CA2018-034) / Lloyd Williams
10:30am / New treatment of FB for calculation of ATI and rebate income (CA2018-006)
Limit plant and equipment depreciation deductions (CA2018-029)
Temporary budget repair levy (CA2018-007) / Zonizol Rae
10:50am / Morning tea
11:10am / Temporary budget repair levy (TBRL) FBT related changes – FBT rate sunset (CA2018-012)
Tax incentive for start-up (angel) investors (CA2018-015)
New arrangements for venture capital investment (CA2018-016) / Helen Adamovich
11:25am / Common reporting standard (CRS) (CA2018-020) / Timothy Brown
11:40am / Split D10 label – cost of managing tax affairs and split 24Y label – other income (CA2018-037)
Tax deductions for personal superannuation contributions (CA2018-SPR001)
Tax offset for spouse contributions increase in income threshold (CA2018-SPR002) / Anthony Clarke
12:05pm / Strengthen integrity of income streams (CA2018-SPR003)
Removal of anti-detriment rules (CA2018-SPR004)
Innovative retirement income stream products (CA2018-SPR005)
Concessional contributions change (CA2018-SPR006)
5 year carry forward of concessional contribution cap (CA2018-SPR007)
Non-concessional contribution cap (CA2018-SPR008)
Total superannuation balance (CA2018-SPR009)
Division 293 threshold reduction (CA2018-SPR010)
Streamline release authorities (CA2018-SPR011) / Blair Lauchlan
12:35pm / Transfer balance cap (CA2018-SPR012) / Shahzad Malik
12:50pm / Lunch
1:35pm / Country by country reporting phase 2 (CA2018-031) / Ross Mikulinsky
1:50pm / Additional availability, stability and resilience for ATO systems / Ian Scensor
2:30pm / Year in review activity / Joe Maxymenko
3:00pm / Afternoon tea
3:20pm / Year ahead activity / Joe Maxymenko
3:50pm / Wrap up / Martin Mane

Lunch and light refreshments will be provided throughout the day.