7:00 P.M. October 17, 2016

Present: Scott M. Johnson

Carlene Perfetto Dustin Goutermont – excused

Richard DeRosier

Shane Hoff

Lana Fralich, City Administrator

Pete Morris, City Attorney

Kitty Mayo, North Shore Journal

Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Agenda – Resolution 2016-46 was added to administrator. Motion by DeRosier, second Perfetto to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED.

Consent Agenda – Motion by Hoff, second DeRosier to approve the minutes of the October 3 regular Council meeting. MOTION CARRIED.

Petitions, Requests and Communications – No communications were presented.

City Administrator

Prairie Fire Theatre Contact – The Parks and Recreation Board recommends approval of this contract, and there was discussion about grant funds for this project. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to approve the contract with Prairie Fire Theatre, for $2,450, for a production of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, on August 6-12, 2017. MOTION CARRIED.

Fiber Optic Project Update – Fralich updated the Council on the project for new phone and internet services to all City buildings. It was noted that the project is going well, that the new system will be a great improvement from the old system, and that there will be additional expenses for a network computer switch ($258.32) an additional wireless access point at City Hall ($358.44) and an additional battery backup mount ($470.76).

City Hall Closing – Fralich reported that the Administrative staff is requesting that City Hall be closed on November 25, the day after Thanksgiving. It was noted that staff members will be required to use floating holiday, comp. time and/or vacation time on this day, and that no overtime will be used. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to approve for City Hall to be closed on Friday, November 25, 2016. MOTION CARRIED.

Closed Meeting – Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to hold closed meetings at City Hall on November 7 and November 21 at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing labor negotiations. MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution 2016-46 – The Council reviewed this grant application, and noted that the 25% matching funds would come from the property owners. Motion by Hoff, second DeRosier to adopt Resolution 2016-46, submitting application to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Contamination Cleanup and Investigation Grant program, for the site formerly known as the Spur gas station ( corner of Outer Drive and Highway 61 ).

Member Perfetto – aye Member Hoff – aye

Member DeRosier – aye Member Goutermont – absent

Mayor Johnson – aye

RESOLUTION 2016-46 WAS ADOPTED 4 aye, 0 nay, 1 absent

City Attorney – No other business was presented by the attorney.

OLD BUSINESS – No old business was presented.

NEW BUSINESS – No new business was presented.

Claims – Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to approve payment of $95,288.09 paid claims, and $182,909.38 in unpaid claims. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to adjourn at 7:09 p.m. MOTION CARRIED.

Minutes taken by Lance K Beachem


Scott M Johnson, Mayor Lana Fralich, City Administrator