Graduate Council Minutes
PRESENT: Durham (Chair), Beach, Bonnell, Conaway, DeCoster, Frank, Hall, Hostetler, Rhim, Rodgers, Rowser, Valadares, Williams, and Zehr.
The meeting was called to order at 10:07 AM.
A. Approval of Minutes
Dr. DeCoster moved that the minutes be approved as distributed. Dr. Rowser seconded. Motion passed.
B. Graduate Course Petitions
a. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Bonnell seconded that EDUC 654, EDUC 655, EDUC 656, and EDUC 657 be vetted at the Pott College level Council. Motion passed.
b. Dr. Conaway moved and Dr. Zehr seconded that LBST 615, Topics and or Units of Study Revolutions (3) be approved for spring 2014 implementation. Motion passed
C. Graduate Faculty Applications
a. Dr. Beach moved and Dr. Zehr seconded that Christine Hayden be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2014. Motion passed.
b. Dr. Zehr moved and Dr. Rhim seconded that Kathleen Hunt be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2014. Motion passed.
c. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Beach seconded that Eric Sprouls be approved as Regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2019. Three opposed, one abstained, motion passed.
D. Formal Application for Graduation for Graduate Programs
a. Dr. DeCoster moved and Dr. Valadares seconded that the Formal Application for Graduation for Graduate Programs form be approved for use. Motion passed. The Formal Application for Graduation for Graduate Programs form will be housed on the Graduate Studies website under the Graduate Faculty Forms tab.
E. USI Graduate Studies Student Scholarship Program
a. Dr. Durham announced the Scholarship Program. The availability of awards in each program is based on enrollment, and, for spring 2013, each program will have until March 15, 2013 to identify recipients for the allotted number of awards assigned to the program. The criteria and application for the Scholarship program will be posted to the Graduate Studies website under “Financing Graduate School”.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM